How Old Are All The Wii Owners in Here

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Im a mature gamer and believe me most of you will game into your late 20s early thirtys and beyond.
I am 33 and video games still kick ass!

Did you ever own a commadore 64 or a spectum?

Yep. When I was a kid I had a Commadore 64 & an Atari 2600. I also remember playing Pong at my uncle's house.
i had 2600 as well but it was C64 games like Hawkeye,cybernator,hunters moon,last ninja 1,2,3,Robocop,Renegade,the list goes on.
pong was left to be desired.

I'm half way to 50. :( (25)
dont wish it next thing youll know your'll be dying your hair,and slapping anti aging creams and a tummy yuck.;)

I am 59 but my wife is 32 don't ask
I know cause she dont need KY gel.
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