How's School....?


WiiChat Member
Jul 3, 2006
Well I know some of you guys just started school and some of you are going to start next week. But for you guys who already in school i just wanted to ask how is it. what subjects you took, did you like them, do you like your teachers..etc:) :)
I think its a good way to learn more about our fellow wiimates:) :)
school sucks, i try to avoid people becuase i just want to get the day over with, im trying to get good grades for money towards the wii, people are annoying at my school..its drama central. yah im in 8th grade, my teachers are mostly cool and my agelbra teacher is awesome becuase she keeps me interested into doing it by being so funny.

EX: Three over X times the quanity of 3 more than X!
my Teacher: Oh no help me out! three over x times th quanity of 3 more than x? I dont know!! I give up!!!!! i quit agelbra! oh it looks like shera knows the awnser!
School starts in a week for me, and I have a ton of hard classes. My schedule:

1st: AP Biology (AP meaning college level)
2nd: AP US Modern History
3rd: Spanish 5-6
4th: English Honors 5-6
5th: AP Psycology
6th: Intermediate Algebra (I suck at math :( )

Next year I am screwed with a captial S, but oh well, i'll try my best.
cool skin, what grade you in? and is inter. agelbra like a more advanced pre agelbra?

i got cluster science (the highest science they have in our school)
and cluster social studies (the highest SS they have in school)
no other special classes
Senior year for me:
1st: Study of different Religions
2nd: Spanish 2 (I wanted to take Japanese but my dad won't let me:()
3rd: College Writing
4th: Sociology (Auditting)
5th: Wind Ensemble
6thA: P.E.
6thB: Advanced Math

I'm not too happy about my schedual, but that will change next semester.
Mr_Stoukaph said:
Senior year for me:
1st: Study of different Religions
2nd: Spanish 2 (I wanted to take Japanese but my dad won't let me:()
3rd: College Writing
4th: Sociology (Auditting)
5th: Wind Ensemble
6thA: P.E.
6thB: Advanced Math

I'm not too happy about my schedual, but that will change next semester.

Your a senior and you have PE? At my school it's 2 years and your done, but even then I had wrestling so PE was never in my schedule. That sucks man.

cool skin, what grade you in? and is inter. agelbra like a more advanced pre agelbra?

I'm going to be a Junior, and no, Intermediate Algebra is Algebra 2, or the final year of Algebra before Pre-Calculus. I take it your in Algebra 1, correct?
yes im in agelbra 1, obviously you are good in math, i took agelbra last year but couldnt stand the teacher + all the homework, but this year i guess im more "matured" and use to the homework (we stayed in elementary till 6th grade so it was allll easy) i plan to take gemoetry next year, then keep going up!
Sovieto said:
yes im in agelbra 1, obviously you are good in math, i took agelbra last year but couldnt stand the teacher + all the homework, but this year i guess im more "matured" and use to the homework (we stayed in elementary till 6th grade so it was allll easy) i plan to take gemoetry next year, then keep going up!

Eh, i'm okay at math. I kicked ass in Geometry and aced the whole year, but last year I slacked off and got two C's in both semesters of Algebra 2. Now I have to retake it because my counselor doesn't believe my grades last year were "college worthy". Eh :tard:

What grade are you in now Sovieto?

Edit: Post numero ciento (100)!

Wheres the beer truck!?
im 8th grade, bah can someone help me? (1) Lisa walked 8 km more than Tim. (2) Lisa walked twice as far as Tim.
How far did each walk?
Sovieto said:
im 8th grade, bah can someone help me? (1) Lisa walked 8 km more than Tim. (2) Lisa walked twice as far as Tim.
How far did each walk?

Hmm... Lisa = 16 KM while Tim = 8 KM... I think lol, it sounds like a trick question and my brains rusty -_-
oh wow lol that was easier than i thought! i guess the trickness of the trick question worked on me, but besides that i need the work:(

*nevermind* once i had the awnsers it was easy to do the work thank you!!
Sovieto said:
oh wow lol that was easier than i thought! i guess the trickness of the trick question worked on me, but besides that i need the work:(

*nevermind* once i had the awnsers it was easy to do the work thank you!!

lol yeah, usually the goals of Algebra questions are to trick you. Was I right?
Sovieto said:
yes you were correct :)

Haha yes, I feel Smart :)

And a word of advice. Alegbra is usually ALOT easier than it looks. If you have time just look at the question in and out and THEN attack it. Most of the questions you'll get wrong on tests will be from stupid mistakes.

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