Just imagine...


Nintendo loyalist
May 18, 2006
With all the next-gen consoles able to go online, is it possible to create a game in which allowed players on different consoles to play agenst each other? I mean, it has an extreemly slim chance of happening in the all but distane future, but i think it would be brillant. Imagine playing a FPS on the Wii and after owning some poor guy on a 360 with the Wii's controller, he replies "yeah, well at least i've got better graphics". Then you reply "and after all the money you paied for it, you still diddn't see that coming". I know, im a little childish. Im just wondering what others think about the idea. I know I like it.
from a programming standpoint (and i would know, being a programmer) this would actually be fairly simple to accomplish. its just a matter of setting up a data structure that all three machines can use to communicate specifics about movement etc (which is prolly standard on cross platform games anyway ie. not something that would need to be changed in the port so why bother) then the data passed back and forth can be interpreted on the receiving hardware

now we just need an ambitious 3rd party developer and the right game....
yami_riku said:
With all the next-gen consoles able to go online, is it possible to create a game in which allowed players on different consoles to play agenst each other? I mean, it has an extreemly slim chance of happening in the all but distane future, but i think it would be brillant. Imagine playing a FPS on the Wii and after owning some poor guy on a 360 with the Wii's controller, he replies "yeah, well at least i've got better graphics". Then you reply "and after all the money you paied for it, you still diddn't see that coming". I know, im a little childish. Im just wondering what others think about the idea. I know I like it.

Rofl, awesome idea.
Sounds like an awesome idea.

Im thinking console clans or guilds on a Nintendo vs Sony war ahaha
ooh that would be kool
me: ha u loose
xbox 360 player: yeah, yeah, well least my consoles better.
me: *says sarcastickly* clearly because u won didnt you *no more sarcasm* well ur console may b a little better but it didnt stop u from loosin HA! sucker
I hate the fact that all consoles are going online, Online content, extra stuff, etc... I have been told by the cable and Phone companies that Broadband is just not happening in my area, even though they have DSL 6 miles up the road. And until Directway brings its initial cost way down I am screwed. I was glad Nintendo went the route of No online with the GC and I hope I can figure out a way to rig up a network on my Dial-up to use the Virtual Console or a way to DL from Computer and upload to Wii via disc like the 360.
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Imagine the audience for an mmorpg across all the consoles, the money involved there has got to make any developer drool. Though first we need an mmorpg on a console i guess.
And how would they go about connecting the 3 online networks together? I guess that would be for nintendo, sony and microsoft to decide. Though the rivalry between them might be a huge issue. Microsoft said something about siding with nintendo to bring sony down, and if they did, sony would have to join so it doesn't lose all its players. But then nintendo said they Wii wouldn't be compteing agenst the others, and if microsoft thinks that it will lose out in a joint effort because they think xbox live it better then all the other online networks, and sharing it would reduce the appeal of their console. These are some of the reasons that i can't see it happening, but if they can work out their differences then it will be a sight to behold.
I have enver thought about that but it would be awsome say like to play Halo with a firend who is on his xbox. It would become just like the internet and Pc's and Mac's
This has actually already taken place. You heard of this great title Final Fantasy XI. This is played on PS2, PC, and now Xbox.
Well FFXI on 360 can play with PS2 and PC, am I wrong?

I beleive PSU will be playable with people on PC/PS2/360.

The rumored WOW 360 may be playable with people on PC

Warhammer: Age of Reckoning has been proven to be playable with 360/PC together

That is something good and simple.
Simple because it is not much work for programmers and people can play with different consoles..
Good because it saves money on different servers for each console.

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