
Noooooooooooo Syntax why your one of my favourite Members anyways hope everything goes good for you.
Bye Sryntax. I always did like reading your posts.

Edit: I think I might use the bowser for my sig. Cause I think my current little thing has killed too many stick guys.
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  • #18
For those who it may concern I may start posting again around in the summer or
atleast sometime in September depending on College and other stuff.

Also thanks guys.
^^ he lied!!!!



well, watever you do, do it with pride.
you should at least go out in style, when ever you do.
Syntax said:
For those who it may concern I may start posting again around in the summer or
atleast sometime in September depending on College and other stuff.

Also thanks guys.
He's alive!!!!!!!!!! Well Bye.
not to ruin a thread or anything....but I looked at syntax's post count as well as Major Tom's... I was like....crap. They have high posts... Then mine actually registered.
Brawny said:
not to ruin a thread or anything....but I looked at syntax's post count as well as Major Tom's... I was like....crap. They have high posts... Then mine actually registered.
.....You have more than 1000 more posts than I do.....
Syntax said:
For those who it may concern I may start posting again around in the summer or
atleast sometime in September depending on College and other stuff.

Also thanks guys.

Once you've joined, you can never truly leave. *Laughs maniacally* :lol:

Seriously though, goodbye and good luck.

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