Literature Discussion

Try the Fellowship of the Ring
or Children of Hürin
or the Hobbit if you have not read it yet
all three are great Tolkien books
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Got upset at the guy that said he only read in school. I went to high school with a guy like that... He dropped out and does nothing now. I went on a cruise recently and brought Lovecraft's collected works. It was very good as I expected. At home my girl wanted me to get her 50 Shades of Gray, now I'm curious on how the twilight with sex series goes so I'm gonna pick it up too. I was in the middle of reading a book some guys were handing out on my campus a few months back called "Too Far". Honestly it's good but slow in some parts, it came with a music CD so I was like "Oh man what is this hipster giving away **** for it probably has some deep meaning to being yourself with music to play into it." I was mostly right. Also at the store I bought The Fear (Charlie Higson) and The Future of Us (Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler). Future of Us is good so far, it goes for an adult audience (swears, some adult situations, etc.) but each chapter is about 2-6 pages long... The Fear I've been waiting for though, it'll be a dessert for the other books when I'm done.
I'm reading Catching Fire right now, but I haven't read it for like a week. I enjoy it a lot, at least compared to other books.
I read an Artemis Fowl book a long time ago. I don't remember anything that stands out about it. Pretty sure it had fantasy elements, maybe futuristic ones.
I recently finished reading "The Big Miss" by Hank Haney, the tell-all book about Tiger Woods written by one of his most recent swing coaches. Very interesting and personal perspective of one of golf's (and all of sport's) biggest figures...