We Chat - Discussion


Super Ninjarator
Apr 4, 2007
Wii Online Code

As you may already know the interviews have been revived as We Chat and basically they are as simple as they sound. Member Interviews. They take place every two weeks. Every now and again we may take a prolonged break.

So, we need some discussion surrounding them! Do we want me to continue being the interviewer or do we want another member to permanently take the helm? Guest hosts maybe?

How should the members be selected? Nomination? I choose?

Lets get some discussion following and I'll get some set rules up!

Cpt.McCloud says:

Cpt.McCloud says:
we're on air

Cpt.McCloud says:
So, Brandon, how did you come across Wiichat?

Brandon [1] says:
Well, as the username suggests I was unable to get a Wii, so I searched google for some answers and came across the forum.

Cpt.McCloud says:
Did the forum help you find a Wii?

Brandon [1] says:
Not exactly, people really couldn't answer my questions because of where I lived, they didn't really know
Cpt.McCloud says:
Aww, shame. but you found your wii eventually, right?

Brandon [1] says:
Yeah haha, in April of 2007, I guess I should have changed my username after that then (made a thread for that awhile ago as well), but it suits me, and I can't think of a better one so ill keep it : )

Cpt.McCloud says:
Don't you thick Cpt.McCloud2 is a good user name?

Cpt.McCloud says:
Haha, so. What is your favourite site section?

Brandon [1] says:
it just wouldn't be the same as Cpt.McCloud though lol.

Brandon [1] says:
my favourite sections would have to be WiiChat or WiiGaming, a lot of good and hepful information is there, and thats where I really enjoy posting

Cpt.McCloud says:
So it was no surprise you were made moderator of those forums or were you shocked at being chosen?

Brandon [1] says:
Well I didn't think I would have been Mod this early on no, but I assumed if I did that I would get powers in those sections because thats where I mainly post

Brandon [1] says:
Moderators are tight lipped about changes, so I really had no idea ; )

Cpt.McCloud says:
Hehe, Brandon to become a mute or will you still be the same old active brandon?

Brandon [1] says:
Haha, what would be the same old active Brandon exactly?

Cpt.McCloud says:
The member Brandon, you know the one. I think he's called Cantgetawii

Brandon [1] says:
oh him right haha, well everything will be the same, I won't change

Cpt.McCloud says:

Cpt.McCloud says:
If you could change one thing about the site what would it be?

Brandon [1] says:
Bring back the News section for sure, if it was done right we could have volunteers to contribute written material themselves or Mods could appoint them (I would love to write), also maybe get a Review section of some kind in working order

Cpt.McCloud says:
I said one. *glare*

Brandon [1] says:
Well they're sort of similar, I figured I would include more than one, Haha.

Cpt.McCloud says:
Haha, now I'm going to assume you have a real life too. In your spare time what do you do?

Brandon [1] says:
Well, I enjoy playing and watching several sports (hockey, soccer, basketball, tennis), hanging out with friends, playing the guitar, writing lyrics/poems in my free time and I try to squeeze in some time with the Wii as well.

Cpt.McCloud says:
And yet you manage to fit in some time on wiichat, fandabulas.

Brandon [1] says:
Yeah, I am often on the computer, and WiiChat is the main site I go to when I am on it

Cpt.McCloud says:
X or Y?

Brandon [1] says:
Whats that? lol

Cpt.McCloud says:
Answer and find out

Brandon [1] says:
Oooh, um Y

Cpt.McCloud says:
So it begins *Evil Smile*

Cpt.McCloud says:
As a child, did you have an imaginary friend?

Brandon [1] says:
Nope, I had a really close friend I would often play with though

Cpt.McCloud says:
But he wasn't imaginary...for shame..for shame. Real friends are over rated.

Cpt.McCloud says:
Would you consider a career in stripping?

Brandon [1] says:
Lets just say I don't think I would have the fanbase or following I would need in that career xD.

Cpt.McCloud says:
No nude Brandon over the net just yet

Cpt.McCloud says:
That's all we have time for

Cpt.McCloud says:
We'll catch you on the [strike]flip[/strike] Cantgetawii side WiiChatters!

Cpt.McCloud says:

Cpt.McCloud says:
We're on Air

Cpt.McCloud says:
So, welcome to We Chat and our very special guest this week is Celeste!

Celeeeeesteeee says:
*Fixes her hair and applies extra Beauty Rush lipgloss*

Celeeeeesteeee says:
Hi bbz!!!

Cpt.McCloud says:
So, Celeste, how did you come across WiiChat?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
Honestly I don't remember, I was probably typing in random stuff on Google related to helping n00bs.

Cpt.McCloud says:
Nothing wii related then?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
Well yeah, helping Wii n00bs. I had just got the console and didn't have a clue what games I should even attempt.

Cpt.McCloud says:
Ah, I See. This was way back in december

Cpt.McCloud says:
Now, you came then after a while...you left?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
This was actually in June! I registered, started one topic and left.

Cpt.McCloud says:
Got your answer then ran D=

Cpt.McCloud says:
What made you return?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
I had never seen the off topic section before. Once I saw that Wiichat had one, I was like yayyyy, fun times!

Cpt.McCloud says:
Fun Times In Off Topia!

Celeeeeesteeee says:
I think the first thread I posted in was about Halloween pictures. What better a way to introduce yourself than posting typical convenient slutty teenage girl Halloween pictures!

Cpt.McCloud says:
That police costume is probably the picture we'll remember you most for

Cpt.McCloud says:
Of cause, since you returned you become a strong member of the community and made many friends

Cpt.McCloud says:
Did you ever plan for that to happen?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
Never! I thought people would hate me because I wasn't a hardcore gamer.

Cpt.McCloud says:
That is where the Wii fits in! Which brings me onto my next point

Cpt.McCloud says:
What made you choose the Wii over the other consoles?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
It looked like so much fun. I liked how innovative it was, and I've always had a Nintendo system throughout my life. I stopped when Gamecube came out. I actually bought a used one about a week before I decided to buy a Wii.

Celeeeeesteeee says:
I was craving a videogame console since I had none, so I bought the Gamecumbe but then I was like uhhh, Nintendo has released a new one, why didn't I just get that.

Celeeeeesteeee says:
Plus it looked really cool from all the Wii sports commercials.

Cpt.McCloud says:
Innovation, follower of the developer and cool commercials!

Cpt.McCloud says:
What are your favourite games for the system?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
Oh god. People are going to laugh or shake their heads in shame.

Cpt.McCloud says:
If you say a movie license I'll glare

Cpt.McCloud says:
Celeeeeesteeee says:
My favorite games are MySims, EA Playground, Carnival Games, Guitar Hero, American Idol: Encores, Bee Movie, Ratatouille, and..here's where I redeem myself bbz, B-R-A-W-L.

Cpt.McCloud says:
Quite a mixed list there
Cpt.McCloud says:
What is your favoured genre?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
I'll have to say music-related games. I just bought the American Idol game and I'm addicted, I got a DIAMOND record on My Heart Will Go On xD.

Cpt.McCloud says:
We should hook up some time and sing:ihih:

Celeeeeesteeee says:
For sure.

Cpt.McCloud says:
So, shall we take a look into what the fellow members would like to ask you?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
Yay, of course.

Cpt.McCloud says:
Foosoo raised a good point in my view, 'Who is your favorite celebrity?'

Cpt.McCloud says:
Now you've had lots of celebrity themed avatars and such and I know you are into this sort of thing so please, enlighten us

Celeeeeesteeee says:
I love Britney Spears. I think everyone knows this by now. I also love Hilary Duff, I met her at a tea party she had in Toronto for charity, she's so sweet. Lucy Lawless (Xena) is another one. Met her heaps of times, so down to earth. Loving my boo Barack Obama too even though he essentially screwed himself now.

Cpt.McCloud says:
Partly linked is Mario13's question

Cpt.McCloud says:
Who is your favourite member of girls aloud is and why?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
Nicola. She's moody, sexy and the underdog. She's the best dancer and second best vocalist. And I hate how the UK media treat her, calling her things like "the ginger minger". She's lush.

Cpt.McCloud says:
Nicola Roberts?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
Yup =)

Cpt.McCloud says:
Our media seem obsessed with Miss Tweedy

Cpt.McCloud says:
Especially since the Cole affair

Cpt.McCloud says:
How do you feel about her and the current situation?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
First of all, she's looking so deliciously hot and thin lately. About her situation, she's handling it with CLASS. I couldn't be that calm and collected in the media if I'd been cheated on by a famous footballer. I'd snip off his penis with those decorative zig-zag scissors.

Cpt.McCloud says:
I recently read about what she is doing as punishment, she is requesting things such as a new house, new bed sheets, no sex for 6 months. She has him on the ropes.

Cpt.McCloud says:
So, onto the next question

Cpt.McCloud says:
A familiar face to you I believe

Cpt.McCloud says:
LevesqueIsKing asked;
who do you look up to the most?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
Tyler <33333
That's easy, Paris Hilton. Famous for a sextape she wasn't even GOOD in. Someone get that girl some skillz.
Okay, seriously, this is hard. I'm going to have to take the typical route and say my mom. She grew up poor, had a rough life, married young and dealt with overwhelming prejudice from my father's Muslim family...and became a lawyer/professor. She is the strongest person ever.

Celeeeeesteeee says:
SO much has happened. Her father and her husband died 16 days apart. And she stayed strong for us.

Celeeeeesteeee says:
So yeah.

Cpt.McCloud says:

Cpt.McCloud says:
Arav989 asked;
How does your attitude/personality change from being online and when with people outside of web? If it does in the first place, of course.

Celeeeeesteeee says:
My personality is much different online. I'm pretty outgoing, open and outspoken. In person, I'm shy. I have very few friends and struggle with meeting new people. I have trust issues and self esteem issues lyk woaaaah >.<
Cpt.McCloud says:
I would of never of guessed.

Cpt.McCloud says:
You seem a confident person

Celeeeeesteeee says:
It's easier online.
Cpt.McCloud says:

So, Idjust asked why is it you never seem interested in Canadian politics?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
It's all...functional, predictable, mundane. *Yawn*, amirite cannuck bbz?

Cpt.McCloud says:
But American politics offer a lot more towards yourself?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
Definitely. It's actually INTERESTING. Inspiring. Infuriating.

Cpt.McCloud says:
Do you think Brandon (CantGetAWii) has a future as a stripper?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
I'll keep it short and sweet. I'm pretty certain he'd have a hugely successful career. There are tons of clubs in Toronto probably aching for his sexiness on their stage. I would be at his "performances" all the time with ma girlz. Yummy.

Cpt.McCloud says:
Ah. so in response to his response you think he would have the following:p

Cpt.McCloud says:
So, to draw to a close

Cpt.McCloud says:
Who would you like to see interviewed by myself or a guest host and why?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
I'd love to see Tyler (LevesqueIsKing) or Tomas (Axtlar) interviewed. Those are two incredible guys who've been around for a LONG time, and the two people (well, along with Brandon) who made me feel comfortable here first. So I'm a bit biased =P

Cpt.McCloud says:
In future interviews would you like to see me or some guest hosts taking the lead?

Celeeeeesteeee says:
It would be awesome to see a guest host every once in a while, but you do an excellent job so you should maintain control over the interviews most of the time =)

Cpt.McCloud says:
Well that's all we have time for

Cpt.McCloud says:
Catch Celeste over on the forums

Celeeeeesteeee says:
Kisses bbz <333

Cpt.McCloud says:
We'll see you all on the flip side WiiChatters!
Maybe you should record a voice interview between you and the member and release it as a podcast.

That would be nice. :yesnod:
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FRuMMaGe said:
Maybe you should record a voice interview between you and the member and release it as a podcast.

That would be nice. :yesnod:

I have the voice of a school girl. It's really really not pleasant.
Cpt.McCloud said:
I have the voice of a school girl. It's really really not pleasant.
It would be good to hear the members of WiiChat.

Just use a voice changer on yourself :lol:

"Hello Celeste. I want to play a game..."
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FRuMMaGe said:
It would be good to hear the members of WiiChat.

Just use a voice changer on yourself :lol:

"Hello Celeste. I want to play a game..."

Dark disturbing voice...or voice of robert de niro....
robert de niro
robert de niro
robert de niro!!!

BUT, if we're talking celebrities then Sean Connery/Alan Rickman/JOHNNY DEPP please ^_^

A voice interview would be rather cool =]
surfinrach90 said:
robert de niro
robert de niro
robert de niro!!!

BUT, if we're talking celebrities then Sean Connery/Alan Rickman/JOHNNY DEPP please ^_^

A voice interview would be rather cool =]
Agreed. Perhaps Cpt.McCloud could have a guest(member)-based podcast, specifically for the lounge section.
You could start it with mine or daviduk200's interview.

Just put up a transcript of it as well as a podcast.
You seem to be doing a good job as it is, James.

My only complaint is constant multiple threading.


To go into more detail, this could easily be a single thread. Get a mod to sticky it and you can keep updating the first page.

I like the idea of user-based questions. They are more personal and hold more depth than wii/foruming questions.
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[slightly off topic]

Only now I realised the 'Member' and 'Interview' parts on the logo :lol:

[/slightly off topic]
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Ignore this. Some one report it.
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I don't see a voice interview happening any time soon but it is a possibility!

Any more ideas?

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