WiiChat's MSN Chat


Aug 6, 2006
Want to chat with other WiiChat members? Of course you do!

So, with some discussions in the Cool Members of WiiChat Association (CMWA) panel, we've decided to make MSN the official unofficial messenger for WiiChat.

Don't have MSN?
>>download it here<<

Got it now? Fannnnnnnntastic.

So now, use one of your emails to create an account, and log on in.

Then post your email on here.

Add your fellow WiiChatters and get chatting. At most times there should be an open chat room, if there isn't create one and invite others.

List notes: >if we get enough, I will start further alphabetizing the list
>WiiChat account name > MSN email
>if you wish, you can put: "PM" for your email if you wish to keep your email private (losers way out)

The List
Sovieto >
Brawny > [email protected]
bubb-ga-nush > [email protected]
Frogger > [email protected]
wario2ooo > [email protected]
Prez > [email protected]
CantGetAWii > [email protected]
zapasant93 > [email protected]
kiraownsurmom > [email protected]
minto(!!!!!!!!!) > [email protected]
Tylarrr > [email protected]
Syntax > [email protected]
Celeste > [email protected]
dorkfish > [email protected]
Axtlar > [email protected]
Eagles > [email protected]
Arav989 > [email protected]
owlsgo > [email protected]
liger_zero9999 > PM
Xenithion > [email protected]
surfinrach90 > [email protected]
chach > [email protected]
DRMARIO > [email protected]
Wiired > PM
Lewi T > [email protected]
mushroomedmario > [email protected]
Cpt.McCloud > [pm before adding]
Napalmbrain > [email protected]
+M=M+ > [email protected]
frummage > [email protected]
14luke14 > [email protected]
nxcmp/steve > [email protected]
southpaw26 > [email protected]
Last edited:
im sorry, but did people make seperate accounts for this, i gave my personal one aha, oh well

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