Lord Hakus Dark Past

Lord Haku

I have returned
Jul 3, 2006
Village Hidden in the Mist
Wii Online Code
Though it may sound starnge to you I have never owned a nintedno consle. Besides Gamecube anyway. My ps1 was broken and I was forced to wait some years for another console. A 1oo dollars later I found my change in the gamecube this thrust me into the world of nintendo but sadly it could not last I still yearned for the ps2 so I sold my gamecube and all of its games having the ps2 I then began checking updates on the ps3/ I was very content at staying the course with sony until they broke the new about the price finally I looked to nintendo I read more and more into the wii and fell in love hopefully I shall not be tembeted again.

Let the flaming begin:lol:
I too wandered off the righteous path and and purchased an Xbox...

In my defence though i did modchip it and use it to play Nes/SNES roms :)

I had it a few months then sold it to an Irish guy on ebay.
This sort of happened to me, i bought a Xbox but to get it i had to sell my
gamecube and i was stupid enought to do it now i don't play my Xbox.
But i going to sell my Xbox to get the Wii, so it doesn't really matter i just have to hang in abit longer.
i sold a bunch of snes/nes/n64/game cube games that i never play to buy a ps2

it was worth it. i softmodded my ps2 so i can have games on the hard drive.

i also softmodded my gamecube so i can stream game through the broadband adapter. it works alright

my brother traded an electric scooter for an xbox. that was kinda stupid. the only thing i use the xbox for is xbconnect to play halo 2. but that got boring pretty quick.

all in all...the ps2 is an essential, along with the gamecube and supersmash bros, n64 and mario kart/star fox/zelda, and gameboy with pokemon

you just cant live without them.
i never turned my back against nintendo once though....kinda i think

i do plan on getting a wii by the way.
What you all need to remember is that "The Dark Side" sometimes shadows over you. But keep on your path and you will always find your way.

LOL, my path is Nintendo. I have nothing against the other systems, it's cool to me if you have them.

But Nintendo has not let me down, they have the legends from way back that others dont, and they have the insider mag, and forum. Who has the strength to turn their back on Link?? Not me.
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Microsoft doesnt but ps2 in fact I will tell you guys a little story

Back in the day Sony and nintedno wanted to merge but OUr favorite was cartridges and Sony was CD imagine if they combined? The legend of Crash: the twilight Cortex :lol:
comandosmom said:
What you all need to remember is that "The Dark Side" sometimes shadows over you. But keep on your path and you will always find your way.

LOL, my path is Nintendo. I have nothing against the other systems, it's cool to me if you have them.

But Nintendo has not let me down, they have the legends from way back that others dont, and they have the insider mag, and forum. Who has the strength to turn their back on Link?? Not me.
no one does. ive always have, am, and always will play The Legend of Zelda games. thats why ive never thrown away my N64 or my MM and OoT. im sure other ppl here also havent.
Lord Haku said:
Microsoft doesnt but ps2 in fact I will tell you guys a little story

Back in the day Sony and nintedno wanted to merge but OUr favorite was cartridges and Sony was CD imagine if they combined? The legend of Crash: the twilight Cortex :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Please everyone dont hurt me I am not a big fan of Zelda I will give you a Naruto metaphor

To stray far from path oyung way follow the way of the shinobi follow your dreams

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