medal of honor heroes 2


Let There Be Rock
Oct 24, 2007
Wii Online Code
so theres a new medal of honor game coming out for wii on november 13.(hopefully u all know this). it will have an exclusive on rails arcade mode and 32 player online (yeaaaaaaaaaa!!!!) along with normal campaign. I just wanted to know if u guys are getting it and if yes, are u going to be playing online. coment on anything about this game.
everyone seems to be complaining about the wii zapper and campaign mode but i think after a few minutes you'll get used to it pretty quick... and ill just piss all over the arcade mode! =]
SO YEAH, ill be picking this up, probably for christmas though, need to save my own funds to buy people stuff, DARN!
but yeah, ill pick this up no doubt... cant wait for the IGN reviews
ILL be getting it for sure , an ign review has said that it kicks mp3 ass as a fps in everyway !
they aint done a proper review yet have they? thats just their first impressions after playing the near final version... right?
matt said that mohh2 has set a new standard for wii fps controls , not that it is a better fps than mp3. here is one of the sources (not the official ign source just because i found this one first). i doubt it will get a higher review than metroid for the wii, i think it will be lucky to get a 9/10. thats my opinion though, maybe it will own, its just that for me the game seems a little bit rushed, and they havent said anything about the actual gameplay so far. ime still getting this game though. i really want it for the multiplayer, hopefully it will work out well with online.
some of the gestures are really cool. like pumping the nunchuck like the slide on a shotgun or putting the wii mote on your shoulder when you aim with the bazooka and the sound comes out of the speaker.

each weapon will have its own unique thing like that. obvously, the wii zapper controls will eliminate those (gay) but the zapper is mainly for the on rails mode.

cant wait, i think it will score at least an 8 with the campaign, 32 multi, and arcade mode all in one package.
I'm honestly waiting to see how popular the online mode is with the Wii gamers. I have a bunch of online games for the PC atm, so I'll definitely be waiting a month or so to see how popular this type of thing is on this system. I've bought games before on the PC that I liked for the online aspect, but then only having 10 servers up at a given time really killed them.

If there are enough people playing this online after a month, then I'll be buying it for sure. If it dies after a month or so, I'll probably just pass.
el-zilcho said:
ILL be getting it for sure , an ign review has said that it kicks mp3 ass as a fps in everyway !

Not in "every way". Just in controls.

MP3C still has a depth of story, environment, and story genre that's going to beat what is ultimately, a very conventional WWII shooter.

I'd love to see EA Canada put their skills to something in the Sci-Fi category. Nintendo should farm out a true Metroid FPS (a "Hunters" sub-brand) to them.
oh yea, this game is gonna rock. As soon as I get it, I'm jumping online right away and just figure out the controls there. ah yes... clans
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mrguitar92 said:
they aint done a proper review yet have they? thats just their first impressions after playing the near final version... right?
yeah thats right

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