New Clan on the block! SSM now looking for members! Goldeneye

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WiiChat Member
Aug 8, 2011
U.S.A, East Side
Hey im gpred better known as PHANTOM in goldeneye, and I am the commander of the Sharp Shooter Masters, also known as the SSM clan. We are now looking for reruites on any level we dont are. If you get in you should no that when ever we have clan meetings or we talk about the clan we do it hear. So far we have to members me and Jovthegame. When ever i am not here for a clan chat or practice, or war he will be in charge. If you would like to join please post your username, level, abilities, and favorite gun or loadout to use online, and ur time zone. But before you would like to join you might wanna read the rule. Lets do this!

List of Rule
Jovthegame and i have the highest rank in the clan so we have final say.
2. Ranks dont go by ur level but by how long you have been in this clan but if i dont think ur tring to ontribute to the clan I can knock ur rank down. Beware
3. when we do clan meetings no 1 is to talk badly of others because we are a family
4. If u r just trying to be in this clan for the tag this is not the clan for u so dont bother.
5. To be in this clan u must at least be online in Golden eye and on wii chat at least once a week.
7. If their is a hacker immediate leave the game and tell the others or u will be imedately exspelled
8. Dont leave a game unless it is important and win u do tells us y u left on the clan Forum.
9. Dont quit the game if ur havin an off day just explain y u were doing bad on the thread we all have bad days.
10. No curses for usernames wer a clean clan.
11. We do not start any clan wars until all members are at least over Lvl.10 or on Lvl ten.
12. Will have days were we are suppose to pratice together
All members are suppose to attend it's manditory unless u had something important to do
No one is to be late u have only a 7 minute time to get in the party
if not there will be consequences.
if u miss more than 7 u r out of the clan.
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there are so many clans out there that you should just join an existing one, instead of making a new one. If you want you and your friend there could join the clan I am currently in, E4. Its great, we have high and low lvl people, so anyone can join, if you want to talk some more, pm me or my skype name is nytron_flash
alright, good luck with your clan :)

also, im walkin' on sunshine, oh-oh.~

Your favorite Karp Mod was here.
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Yo there was no need to talk or say somethin like that, dont u no people get reported for that stuff.
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I would like to join my name is hot ice loudout custom,level 22 almost 23 pacific time for me i will add friend code 368263462467
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i would like to be in ur clan username al3, lvl. 40, i really dont have i favorite gun, central time -6

fc: 133321712019
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Ok this is good ill let u guys no by friday if ur in and u probably will be and ill tell u when our first team pratice is. Also, make sure u guys add SSM to ur usernames so that i no ur in the clan.
TONY74 reporting for duty;
zone: GMT+8
level: 30
loadout: usually depends on match type and scenario but usually: Vargen[silenced] and hawksman.
very capable sniper.
very accurate snapshots.
great with a shotgun.
vhigh accuracy and elim to death ratios.
fc: 1562-8289-6374

side note: never knew we could change usernames? how exactly do you do that??
ID: OrdinaryFob
Zone: GMT+10
Level: 13
Loadout: SMG Default
Abilities: Nothing special. Some games are good, some games aren't. I'm still new to the game.
Friend Code: 166461518902
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Sorry i didnt tell u guys whos in yet im still waiting to talk to jovthe game about the people iv choosen if u dont get picked dont fell bad we're just starten off with a few members so we can get the hang of working as a clan. the people who dont get picked we will contact u first before any1 eles once we want new members. For the people who do get pick u re to put the letter SSM in ur username for our first pratice. I will tell u win that is if u dont put the letters u will no gettin in to the party.if any of the people who are hoosen choose to change there online name please pm me emidatly. And i no i spelt some words wrong i did on purpose.
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Welcome future members of the SSM I'm jovthegame the second in command and it is good to finally have some potential new blood in our clan!!! I am free to play on Saturdays and my FC is 0636-4522-5755, I look forward to our first set of games, GAME ON!!:wiiconsole:
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