New SSBB Dojos Wii'd Like To See.


Pondering Member
Jun 30, 2006
A basement on the hill.
Wii Online Code
Does anyone think we are going to see a lot of new dojos in Super Smash Brothers Brawl?

If so, what?

Will there be completly new dojos based on the originals? More player-themed dojos, or major improvents to current stages, such as more distructable objects, or perhaps physics will come into play?

Or, dare I suggest it, a dojo editor/creator?

What you say?
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the Twilight Zone from TP. sort of an ultra hued kind of place. im not too good at making levels so it would be hard for me if there was a level creator
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Mr_Stoukaph said:
the Twilight Zone from TP. sort of an ultra hued kind of place. im not too good at making levels so it would be hard for me if there was a level creator

That's a good start, though.

I personally can't imagine how strange Wario's level will be if he gets one, but perhaps there will be little minigames with-in the stage.:cool:
They'd deffinatly need to include a stage for pit like a heavenly place
I think they need more ice levels from ay character cuz ice stages are fun slipping everywere trying to stay on the stage haha but as for the stage editor/creator wouldn't be in it unless its a 3d game cuz the images are in the backround unless its like a u map out tunnels but other than that u can't really make one sorry 8/
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ninjade said:
I think they need more ice levels from ay character cuz ice stages are fun slipping everywere trying to stay on the stage haha but as for the stage editor/creator wouldn't be in it unless its a 3d game cuz the images are in the backround unless its like a u map out tunnels but other than that u can't really make one sorry 8/

Just because you can't create the 3D background images, doesn't mean you couldn't create parts of the stages.

Look at Mr.Game&Watch's stage. The other stages could have the parts that you actually fight on rearranged or rebuilt by the player.

Don't give up that quickly, ninjade.
yeah that's true but what happens if it goes online everyones map will be different meaning millions of maps and putting it on random could cuz extreme lag to occur but you're right I shouldn't shot down ideathat fast but it is a good idea having it be kinda like building a "warehouse" looking stage were u build walls, caves, and tunnels.
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ninjade said:
yeah that's true but what happens if it goes online everyones map will be different meaning millions of maps and putting it on random could cuz extreme lag to occur but you're right I shouldn't shot down ideathat fast but it is a good idea having it be kinda like building a "warehouse" looking stage were u build walls, caves, and tunnels.

Exactly! And wasn't there a map editor for Far Cry; people played on user-created maps online and I don't believe there was serious lag and that was on the original Xbox.

As for more ice levels, I think that would be nice, or atleast levels like it, where you have to keep jumping to the next level to survive.

Oh, holly crap! I just got an idea: What if they made a level like that themed like Joust for the SNES, but with lava rising and maybe a power-up could be one of those joust ostriches, if that's what they were!!!

You know what I'm talking about??

The background is black in that game, so if there was a dojo-editor/creator, you wouldn't have to worry about making a 3D background.:cool:
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dude thatd be the funnyiest ever holy crap thatd be funny or and I do believe they were ostriches but what if one map they had were it was side scolling in the fact that u walk from one end and end up on the other like in joust were u die only by star death haha
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ninjade said:
dude thatd be the funnyiest ever holy crap thatd be funny or and I do believe they were ostriches but what if one map they had were it was side scolling in the fact that u walk from one end and end up on the other like in joust were u die only by star death haha

Whoh, I never thought of that!! Ha! They could totally have a Mario level like that, where there could be those turtles running around and you'd have to jump on them to use their shell as a weapon.

Good idea! Now I really want some kind of map editor!:D
ninjade said:
I think they need more ice levels from ay character cuz ice stages are fun slipping everywere trying to stay on the stage haha but as for the stage editor/creator wouldn't be in it unless its a 3d game cuz the images are in the backround unless its like a u map out tunnels but other than that u can't really make one sorry 8/
it could have a pre-made background but just have different platforms in different places. maybe the background of Final Destination
that's true but imagine like shooting an arrow and have it wrap around or like samus' ball of energy going until it hits something
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ninjade said:
having the samus shot her ball of energy and having it just keep going around the screen
I think that would make it that much more fun.:lol:

Mr_Stoukaph, ninjade was responding to my idea about a SNES-Joust-themed level; in Joust, if you went off screen, you came back on the other side, like in the game Asteroids, just to let you know.:)

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