Nintendo news INFLUX!!


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Two bits of news

It was rumored that they where planning a new machine and they have officially announced it today.
So far all we know is the following
Project name is The NX, this will change as we have seen
More news next year
This means a probable 2017 release

In my eyes the WiiU never really took off, it was under powered when put next to the PS3/4 and Xboxone and due to lack of third party support (and it not being sold in all retailers in the UK) they should have a hard think about what they are doing with the new machine, they need another Wii (sales wise), they need something that isnt one of these all in one devices.
They have said that the NX is "New hardware with a brand new concept"

Next up is they are now going to be making mobile games, what does this bode for the 3DS? I dont know so DONT ASK ME!!!
They have teamed up with DeNA to do this,
The alliance is intended to complement Nintendo's dedicated video game systems business and extend Nintendo's reach into the vast market of smart device users worldwide. Under the alliance, DeNA will also be able to strengthen its gaming business at a global scale by leveraging Nintendo's IP. To ensure the quality of game experience that consumers expect from this alliance of Nintendo and DeNA, only new original games optimized for smart device functionality will be created, rather than porting games created specifically for the Wii U home console or the Nintendo 3DS portable system

Does this mean Wii (derp) will see Super Mario officially on a handheld with touch controls? As we all know on screen controls are evil and lazy (Looking at you Sega) but then again when a game is made with touch screen in mind it can end up being good (Looking at you Sega)
at least they are not going multi platform because as we have seen this is usually a bad thing (Looking at you Sega).
they have said that they will not be focusing entirely on mobile.

This means the WiiU is likely to be abandoned, but in saying that look at whats coming out for it this year.

Those Amibos took off didnt they?

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hmm, well if a zelda game is being released this year, it might boost sales a bit before wiiu goes bye-bye

nintendo better get a wwe network channel deal like the other consoles

nintendo went in with a wrong strategy, they pulled a dreamcast blunder

never go in 1st in your generation, don't release hi-lo versions of your console & never launch without your flagship franchises.

2012 launch without mario cart, smash bros or zelda, what a blunder!
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hmm, well if a zelda game is being released this year, it might boost sales a bit before wiiu goes bye-bye

nintendo better get a wwe network channel deal like the other consoles

nintendo went in with a wrong strategy, they pulled a dreamcast blunder

never go in 1st in your generation, don't release hi-lo versions of your console & never launch without your flagship franchises.

2012 launch without mario cart, smash bros or zelda, what a blunder!

Not really, I think all that cared have one already (apart from me)

No point, the WWE network is cack anyway

No the Dreamcast was not a blunder, the blunder in the DC was making it so easy to play copys on, they released games for it and it sold well, but the games didnt

It launched with a Mario, truth be said a lot of people where confused with the WiiU, a few probably thought it was just a Wii upgrade, if a machine is launched with all the comanpys major IPs there would be nothing to look forward to.

Games take time to make, see above
This means the WiiU is likely to be abandoned, but in saying that look at whats coming out for it this year.

its gamecube all over again

hmm, well if a zelda game is being released this year, it might boost sales a bit before wiiu goes bye-bye

I sincerely hope the game isn't thrown ont' the new system willy-nilly like how Twilight Princess was ported t' the Wii. Assumin' numerous delays... which Zelda has seen plenty of.
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It is the rage again

First time I played it after about half an hour my game ended (apparently most people last about ten) I took the helmet off and THE WORLD WAS PIXELY!!
****. The system is still a baby. A preteen. 3rd parties don't wanna touch it. Not enough memorable games yet. Can't end so soon like this.

I mean, good, Nintendo has been playing catch up for over a decade, technologically speaking. Titles are lacking, but replayability is always there. Backwards compatibility please.

Collecting the rest of the library is gonna start to be a pain. Did you know Pikmin 3 is no longer be produced / out of print?

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