Official "Which Game Should I Buy Or Rent"

I recommend Super smash brothers brawl if you have alot of friends that play it and have wi-fi(So you can play each other atleast once a day where as offline that might not happen), if your looking at playing with anyone and friends then I recommend Mario Kart wii but everyone on my Mario Kart wii friend list is never on so I don't play it anymore(*cough*hackers*cough*) and i've never played madden so I can't comment on that.
my vote also goes to Super Smash Bros.
games you shoulld buy

house of the dead wii- perfect score 10 out fo 10, you can't go wrong there at all, unless you got kids, then i would say super paper mario.
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I own RE4 on Wii and it is a really good game from the first 5 seconds of gameplay I cannot get past. The game looks and controls great, I just have not been able to get into any RE game, I will probably just unload it.

No More Heroes - I love this game personally. I really enjoy the gameplay and style of the game and so far I am enjoying myself immensely. I can see myself replaying it just to hack guys up for 30 minutes.

Mario Kart - Great online game, and I enjoy the Grand Prix play. Hey, it's Mario Kart, what is there to say?

Guitar Hero 3 - Good game but I have not picked it up much. Just is more of a party game and is best with other people.

Metroid Prime 3 - I just bought this, but I havn't played it yet, I am psyched.

Madworld - Bought it last Thursday and sold it on Ebay. I would rent before buying this. The style is awesome, the gameplay is good, the story is surprisingly engaging. There is a lot of violence, but that didn't really bother me (See NMH above), I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about it didn't settle well with me. It is fun though.
Hi, i've two guns for the wii. any recommendations of games which i can make use of the gun?
How are the LEGO titles? The Star Wars Complete Saga, in particular?

Also, Call of Duty 3. How is it as far as shooters? Yes, I know there's a COD4, but I'm just looking for something relatively inexpensive right now, and saving the $30 instead of getting 4.

Resident Evil 4 Granted, I haven't played an R.E. title in several years...I just remember it being a fun game in college.

Any feedback on any of the titles listed would be greatly appreciated :D Thanks :)
How are the LEGO titles? The Star Wars Complete Saga, in particular?

I liked One and Two on NGC/Xbox, so a combo on Wii should be fun!

Resident Evil 4 Granted, I haven't played an R.E. title in several years...I just remember it being a fun game in college. /QUOTE]

So fun! Had it on NGC, loved! I hear its even better on Wii

Also, Call of Duty 3. How is it as far as shooters? Yes, I know there's a COD4, but I'm just looking for something relatively inexpensive right now, and saving the $30 instead of getting 4.

Ehhh, its ok. Doesn't look great, plays alright...nothing to write home about. I'd look to Medal of Honor Heroes 2, COD5(COD4 actually wasn't made for Wii) or wait for The Conduit. I think for the extra 30(Metal of Honor actually might be cheaper now) it would be worth it
I liked One and Two on NGC/Xbox, so a combo on Wii should be fun!

Resident Evil 4 Granted, I haven't played an R.E. title in several years...I just remember it being a fun game in college. /QUOTE]

So fun! Had it on NGC, loved! I hear its even better on Wii

Ehhh, its ok. Doesn't look great, plays alright...nothing to write home about. I'd look to Medal of Honor Heroes 2, COD5(COD4 actually wasn't made for Wii) or wait for The Conduit. I think for the extra 30(Metal of Honor actually might be cheaper now) it would be worth it

Awesome! Thanks for the input; I really appreciate it and I'll definitely take it into account :thumbsup: . I just looked into The Conduit, so I think I might hold out for that.
hey, I need some help in choosing games. In august I'll be rooming with a good friend. We play Brawl pretty much everyday, and sometimes we also play Mario Kart: Double Dash (we both think the Wii version wasn't that great). However, since next year we'll actually live together I was hoping to get more multiplayer games.

So I was wondering what you guys think are good multiplayer games, similar to brawl in addictiveness. Online would be nice, but it's not necessary. I'm also including wiiware and VC games. Thanks.