Online kind of stinks...

well ive been trying "anyone" since i havent gotten anyone to give me their FC yet and either it isnt connecting half the time or isnt finding anyone. i mean i know it just came out but you gotta figure theres enough people for a random 4 man.
i think random match should have 2 options. time and stock.

both should be predifined to make it easier. time 2:00 and stock um 3.
It's alright for me, nothing to brag about. I've experienced minimal lag, but it's obviously slower than playing a typical 'Brawl' match. I'm mostly looking forward to the 'With Friends' feature.
i'm having a hard time just trying to get on. it says its waiting to register other opponents but after 5 or so min of beating up the sand bag... nothing happens. i got one guy to register once, then i got kicked off. What's going on?
THey do need more options, and some way of communicating, at least my cell has a keyboard and I can use aim over my unlimited data plan to make it fun to chat with my friends.

Just played 4 hours with my friends online. First issue was one of them was streaming a Netflix for his parents and that killed him lol. Once we sorted that out we picked characters and map and everyone joined up and we played.

I feel they should make some larger maps and allow more players on these maps, the basic "Brawl" online is fun, but would be fun to have some more options and things to do with my friends.
Ripskin said:
I feel they should make some larger maps and allow more players on these maps, the basic "Brawl" online is fun, but would be fun to have some more options and things to do with my friends.
That's where customer maps come in :wink:
Well i am having problems online, but it is with actually playing a game. I was able to play about 3 games, and they were pretty fun. I knew what i was getting for the wifi, so im not dissapointed, but i just wish i can at least play a match...
FloYdian said:
i think random match should have 2 options. time and stock.

both should be predifined to make it easier. time 2:00 and stock um 3.

That's better than just timed, because I hate those matches. :/