Playstation movie looks so amazing.


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
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I saw this today Playstation Move on the GDC Press Event. I gotta say this is like AMAZING, bravo Sony, bravo. :bacon:
Even though i don't own a PS3 but now really considering on buying one just for this. But I'll still keep my wii for the new Zelda game coming out and for Metroid other M

In the subject line i meant to say "Move" not "movie" sorry people.
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It looks like a dildo

Even more so than the Wiimote
It looks like a dildo

Even more so than the Wiimote

^LMAO. That made my day.

Anyway, I personally think this may kill the Wii. It's almost the exact same thing with improved sensitivity with a wider and more accurate aim. It's wireless, it's rechargeable.

Whats not to like about it? On top of that the PS3's hardware far surpasses the Wii, to be honest the only thing I really see backing the Wii up are it's few games that attract a huge fan base! (Zelda, Mario, Metroid, etc)

Here's a new video that is demonstrating it:
Dildo appearance-aside: the truth is, the thing offers loads of potential for the console. Nintendo should be concerned about this.
Dildo appearance-aside: the truth is, the thing offers loads of potential for the console. Nintendo should be concerned about this.

Its getting a few Wii ports
Oh the irony
I still don't think this will stop wii, why? because first of all, Nintendo already has his audiance build up, same for xbox with the Project Anal and Nintendo maybe have bad third party support for hardcore games but how good do party games sell of ps3 or xbox? for instance not talking about xbox but ps3 only supports up to 2 players offline, wii does 4, and besides, xbox and ps3 are most times bought by people who are addicted to shooters, as for xbox, they will work with pure camera motion for the project anal, no controller, how is that gonna feel to play a shooter? we still got a wii zapper or a wiimote to hold, I'd feel obligated to take my wii zapper to actually shoot + most people who have always played xbox or ps3 are used to lying in a couch or sitting in a chair, they're not used to exercise, I'm seeing it now as we speak, my little brother is here playing the xbox, he's very pro xbox and he doesn't seem to care about project anal and what's gotten through to me is how amazing the balance board actually is, I don't own one but that is one feature they still don't have, neither one of the competition

sorry for calling it project anal, I think xbox is also good but they're just doing what Nintendo did but in another way, so is PS3, too bad they couldn't be creative enough to come up with it for thereselves
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WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps3. can play 4 player offline just plug them in the lil chargers sorry had to point that out
sorry for calling it project anal, I think xbox is also good but they're just doing what Nintendo did but in another way, so is PS3, too bad they couldn't be creative enough to come up with it for thereselves

I think you well find that Sony did something like Project Natal before
Eyetoy anyone?
Then there was the Power glove (when it worked)
Everybody knows that there are a lot of borrowed designs in the games industry.
From the games them selfs, to the pad your holding while you play
There is nothing new anymore. Games can try to be new, but in essence they are just doing what has been done before.
Even the Wiimote has been done before.
ow, didn't know, who did something like the wiimote before? (just a question, not a statement) and about the eyetoy, what was the purpose for eyetoy anyway?
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Wasn't SONY working on a different version of there 'move remote' back when the PS2 first came out? I recall hearing something about it, even a tech video. So, in a way you could say Nintendo copied the idea, not the other way around.

Who really cares if there copying stuff though? I mean, you could say they all copied the idea of making controllers! Isn't the new Classic controller pro identical to the PS3/PS2 controller? All the buttons are in the same spot! So who really gives?

Pretty soon it's only gonna narrow down to what system you prefer and what exclusive games it has to offer you.
ow, didn't know, who did something like the wiimote before? (just a question, not a statement)
I cant remember the name of it as it kinda flopped.
and about the eyetoy, what was the purpose for eyetoy anyway?

What was the purpose of the Wii?
What is the purpose of all games?
Who really cares if there copying stuff though? I mean, you could say they all copied the idea of making controllers! Isn't the new Classic controller pro identical to the PS3/PS2 controller? All the buttons are in the same spot! So who really gives?
Consider this
Sonys controller was modelled off a SNES one as the PS1 was going to be a SNES add on till Nintendo got greedy. So the PS1 pad is just like the SNES one
Very true, but the point I was trying to make was all systems are relatively the same.
Okay, then I give my salute to the very first company that started with the original idea of videogames and I'm so scared for the replies that I won't tell who I think it was :p
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Okay, then I give my salute to the very first company that started with the original idea of videogames and I'm so scared for the replies that I won't tell who I think it was :p

It wasn't a company.
It was two nerds.
Two nerds and a crappy little screen looking at dots

You get people that complain when the Wii gets a shoddy looking port of something.
These guys where looking AT DOTS!!!

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