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I'm just going to assume that that's for Southern Pride and nothing more.

Btw, when are you guys planning on rising again? ;)
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I'm just going to assume that that's for Southern Pride and nothing more.
What else would it be for? I don't view that flag as anything dealing with racism, it's just a representation of southern culture (to me anyways. other people may see it differently...:frown2:)

Btw, when are you guys planning on rising again? ;)
We're working on it. xD
What else would it be for? I don't view that flag as anything dealing with racism, it's just a representation of southern culture (to me anyways. other people may see it differently...:frown2:)
Southern culture at that time revolved around racism. You guys should get a new flag that represents contemporary southern culture or something. That wouldn't be so bad.

I went to Gatlinburg last summer, which was my first experience in the south, and it was very interesting. I ended up buying a shirt with a Confederate flag on it that read 'Never Apologize For Being Right' on it for $5. I thought it was funny. I've never worn it, it just gives me a good laugh whenever I see it in my closet, haha.
Southern culture at that time revolved around racism. You guys should get a new flag that represents contemporary southern culture or something. That wouldn't be so bad.

I went to Gatlinburg last summer, which was my first experience in the south, and it was very interesting. I ended up buying a shirt with a Confederate flag on it that read 'Never Apologize For Being Right' on it for $5. I thought it was funny. I've never worn it, it just gives me a good laugh whenever I see it in my closet, haha.

All men should have a shirt like this but instead of a confederate flag, a penis.
I'm assed to turn on my computer. It was a feat. In the time it took to put it on I dolled up the side of my stupid ugly boiler that I never freaking wanted. ;D

My room is a tip, but I really don't care. I need something to do this early in the morning.

Those dolls were bought for me by my sister for Christmas, off a Chinese guy in a stall who liked her hat. He gave her one for free.
The Mario Kart things are like £1 and they were gifts from her too. That means I've done three nice things for her in my life.
The manga is a horribly expensive and useless thing. Don't judge me.
But Ouran is not mine.

I wish she'd make up her mind about whether she spells properly or not.
They're all over the house, one in the living room says "It doesn't kill to use your legs to put things in the bin."

Now these are all my letters from Adam, a note from myself saying I'd never spell centre like that again and the train ticket from when he left.
I keep bullplop like that because I'm a girl.
Eventually he'll fill up the other side. But he should really send more.

That hat is from when I went to a theme park, it's magnificent. Various people have stolen it for football matches.
The shelf on the left is full of crap, shells, Ayumi cards, CD's, Elvis pig. The usual.
To the right are my games, manga and Ayumi DVD's. Oh, and some of the cuddlies on top are made by my friend Liz for my birthday and Christmas. Hooray internet friends.

I like having my life on the wall. I'm a creeper like that.
...But Adam's worse for buying me that duck.

That um, needs tidying up.

For some reason unknown to me my bed has putrid green covers at the moment, and is just a bare mattress.
There's one in the kitchen?

Indeed there is. When I'm in the kitchen, I use it. But when I'm in my room, I use the one in my room! Isn't that a hell of a lot easier?