PS3 Controller Question


King K.Rool
Aug 8, 2006
Perth, Australia
Wii Online Code
Ok after seeing this post by NateTheGreat ( and his attached thumbnail of a mock-up of the new PS3 controller I have wondered what they have decided on? Cause didnt they scrap the "boomerang" design because to many people complained about it? And if they did what have they gone with now? Or is it still the same old crappy PS2 controller just a couple of neat touches? Answers to the following questions are accepted :)
Yeah they have just remade the controller with motion sensing and it cordless "oh revolutionary" says sony fanboy in the background
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Yeh I heard about the motion sensing. It is going to be as "hardcore" as the Wii's motion sensing though? I cant see a person "flinging" their PS3 controller around... it just doesnt look as cool as Wii.
Bad move on Sony's part. They stuck with the same crappy shape, removed the vibration and stuck in some half-arsed motion sensor which can only do tilting.

But despite all those problems, it's still a lot better than that Boomerang controller.
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To be honest I liked the boomerang, I thought it was pretty slick. But what the hell is tilting?
So you can twist your arms awkwardly to play the 1, yes count it, 1, game that supports the tilt sensor. Boomerang looked ugly anyway.

Also, I hate to be a fanboy, but the PlayStation controllers both suck, and blow. I don't like them anywhere near as much as the GameCube controllers, which are just perfect.
Icetrash said:
To be honest I liked the boomerang, I thought it was pretty slick. But what the hell is tilting?
lean forward and lean back, and turn it left and right. basicly, thats all u can do with a ps3 controller as far a motion sensing comes.
not sure if it means anything or not but on one of the pictures for the controller it had a 5pin cord hole on the top maybe to charge the controller if it is indeed rechargable, maybe itll work much liek the wirless mice that can be recharged by plugging it into the usb slot
komio said:
not sure if it means anything or not but on one of the pictures for the controller it had a 5pin cord hole on the top maybe to charge the controller if it is indeed rechargable, maybe itll work much liek the wirless mice that can be recharged by plugging it into the usb slot
That's exactly what it's used for. But.. what does that have to do with anything ?
Flip said:
That's exactly what it's used for. But.. what does that have to do with anything ?

Well, it's an aspect of the controller, isn't it? :arf:

By the way...

100th post! =D
what are you talking about, the ps2 controller was probably the most easy to use controller of the 3 previouse generation consoles and it fit nicely. The new tilt thing is just meh, and who cares about the vibration, i use a wave bird for my gamecube and there is no vibration with that so it's not such a greate loss.
a lot of people care about vibration. i dont all that much, but its still cool to have. the PS2 and GC controllers were basically the same design except for the left thumbstick was up, and the buttons were different sizes.
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If a controller doesnt have vibration, I would not buy it! Vibration is hell good and adds alot of effect when you are playing!

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