Purty up the site


Novocain Stain'd
Jul 2, 2006
Wii Online Code
I know this site is the greatest Wii site on earth, i'm not doubting that, but it's not exactly the best visually if u get guys get my drift ^_^'.

The grey and red everywhere around the site is rather dull and some other little features would make the site more appealing;)

Sry if like 1,000 of these threads have been made i0n, but these r just some of my ideas for the benefit of The Site:

  • Where the gallery pictures r on the home page (right now there's sonic pics) a nice touch would be little arrows on either side so that u could check out any other screenshots that you've got.
  • ADD MORE COLOR PLZ! Even black would be okay because it'd be something new.
  • Some more smilies would be nice. I think it would be smart to add a crying smiley and maybe a thumbs up smily would be nice, as well as any others you or the other members can think of.
  • Add life to the smilies. This isn't a big deal at all, but it would be nice if they were more interactive like the laughing , drooling, scared and snoozing smilies. Although sometimes this can be disturbing when u'r trying to read a post.
  • Make it more fun. You've done such an amazing job making this site wut it is today, but there should be more contests for us, like "who can make the best picture for the homepage". I know that's a crappy title but u get the idea.
  • Alot of ppl have noticed the wiimote pic at the top being wrong, and the crab, mouse, shyguy and birdo r pretty random too. I like the "Wiichat" logo though, but make the picture that surrounds it different...maybe do a contest as mentioned above?
This does not matter near as much, but here are some thoughts for the benefit of The RPG system:
  • I know that everyone thinks it would make it much more interesting if your weapon and armor appeared when u battled.
  • Maybe, if possible, add some movement when battling.
  • When u kill a monster, it shouldn't be standing up:p That's just wrong in all the senses of the word, either make a different sprite for each monster (i.e. the monster's laying on the ground dead, the monster has "X"'s on his eyes) or at least make him totally black, or something to indicate that he has been defeated.
  • The weapons should look different, some of them are amazingly awsome or the title is really cool, but they look the same as a normal dagger or something. Again this isn't a major priority, this would be more on the lower end of the list.
  • Fix the problem where it says all the monsters are human and female, it's a little strange.
Well that's all I can think of right now, everyone, feel free to add wutever u want to the list. I hope this isn't annoying i0n:D:lol:
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Well, Ion doesn't have anything to do with the RPG, you would have to request these things from the person who made the hack. More stuff could be added to the Hack itself if Ion purchase the full version of the RPG, what we are playing now is the free version which limits acess of some elements of this RPG.
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Mario Famous said:
Well, Ion doesn't have anything to do with the RPG, you would have to request these things from the person who made the hack. More stuff could be added to the Hack itself if Ion purchase the full version of the RPG, what we are playing now is the free version which limits acess of some elements of this RPG.
Thx alot for clearing that up, I didn't know that:D

So if he were to buy the paid version, that would mean we would have to pay for it, wouldn't we? U know, since everything else is free. He doesn't collect any revenue right now...does he?

*EDIT*So do u have anything else to add to the list?
I'm a member of another forum that has a lot more RPG stuff in it. I think that i0n didn't get all of the code or wasn't able to access the code for the other stuff.
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Ahh, wut else does this site have in its RPG system and how come he didn't get all of the code? Do u have to pay for that part of the code or something?
Pretty much, on the Vbulletin mainsite, there is a thread that displays all the codes for this RPG hack but they only show up if you meet these 2 conditions.

1st. You have to be a webmaster of an Vbulletin site
2nd. You have to pay before you view it...which I don't know how thats all set up.

It's like these buttons that says "Show" I click on them then and an error pops up.
you can choose what "type" you are like fire, water, super nova, demi, unholy (im apocalypse). you can increase the stats you want, choose a job like dragoon and "evolve" to dark knight.
maybe a livechat box is cool. I know we have a chatroom but it doesn't work for me and no one goes on the gabbly thing anymore
...What? you can do that on this site? If you can do it on this site it's probably because your a moderater and have special priveledges to the RPG.

I've also seen someone on this site thats able to "cancel" thier fights, I cant do that...explain
Mario Famous said:
...What? you can do that on this site? If you can do it on this site it's probably because your a moderater and have special priveledges to the RPG.

I've also seen someone on this site thats able to "cancel" thier fights, I cant do that...explain
i cant do that on this site. its on a different forum
Agreed the RPG system needs an overhaul. There wasnt that much of a guide to accompany it so it was a little tricky initially.

I'll spend a few hours this weekend and get all the settings sorted out.

As for the forum design, yea i completely agree - it was only meant as a temporary design.

Im currently waiting on a few new mockup logos from a designer then i can send them to another designer to work on the forum skin.

All in all should be upa nd running within 14 days.

Im in the middle of writing the design proposal now so any ideas you guys have are greatly appreciated.

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