Signature Evaluation Thread

A sig I made
But I cant use it on here

Might make the font brighter

One ill be usein
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Darkprinny said:

A sig I made
But I cant use it on here

Might make the font brighter

One ill be usein
Lmao, Prinny...

Lovin the new avvy. Kick ass. You should post in the "The Most Ub3r Pwning Signature/Avvy You've Ever Seen Thread."
Lol, Prinny why do you always use that font. Dark Crystal Outline ?
tarheelsuperman said:
Whoever created it used a bigger canvas with a transparent bg so that the drop shadow would show. Then it Looks like good use of an outer bevel on the credit card numbers. A C4D on the top right. The rest should be fairly straight forward. I may try to create one similar b/c it is a pretty cool idea.

I'll possibly try that out later and see what I come up with. Thanks for the help :)