SSBB Is online and that's final

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andrewguy said:
i bet you $1,000 dollars that he doesn't have the official boxart. if he really did then he would post it to get attention.
i dont need attention from people i dont know. plus, ive gotten all the attention i need with this thread
Marioman said:
Arguements which I guess I regretably started but I don't know how lol :) people need to learn no one can win an online arguement
Lol....thats not actually true, people can actually when arguements online...its just rare:lol:

To bring up one of my enemies, who is now a friend of mine....SHIFTFALLOUT...never seen him in a while...wonder what happened to him:scared:
S.S. said:
I'm not arguing for you, I'm arguing because Levesque doesn't seem to see my point.
Understanding someone and agreeing with someone are two very different things.
S.S. said:
I'm old enough to know that pleasing everyone is indeed a waste of time but there are certain people who are worth your time. Up until recently I somewhat considered you one of those people. I don't know anything about your personal life, but something must have happened because you've changed since I joined the forums. You were always one to contribute to the forums but lately you haven' fact you've been encouraging n00bs in the Brawl Site Discussion thread.
I havent changed, its the thread that has. I've been posting in that thread since the day it was made, and I know how to have a formal debate. Shoko, Wario, Axtlar, Cyan, Prince and a few others (along with myself) once held some of the most engaging conversations I've ever seen on WiiChat. This was done by simply posting your opinions on an update and then commenting on someone else's opinions, eventually striking a debate.
However, a few of you (for lack of a better term) semi-new members have decided to change the rules. Rather than allowing me to post my opinions in peace, you (naisatoh) troll me for not answering your questions. I dont expect to be treated like a king, but I have to admit that the lack of respect for older members has surprised me.

^I dont like stereotypes, but they were essential in this discussion.
S.S. said:
Hm, except for the fact that I've only called you out twice. The other one was in the Site Discussion thread when you were actually arguing AGAINST real discussions with Naisatoh. He was trying to restore actual debates and semi-intelligent conversations and you put him down for it. Come to think of it, he was a big contributer to real discussion in quite a few threads and since that argument I haven't seen him post anything >_<
I suggest that you go back and re-read the discussion before accusing me of anything else. He trolled me.
^I already explained (a few dozen pages back) why there will be no end to this thread. It has nothing to do with Brawl and everything to do with how your brain functions.

There's really no reason to keep this thread open.
Actually....not really, we or should i just LIK and SS were just talking or dare i say arguing like (Jonathan the Coachman said on Raw) about if it'll be online..

LIK said if it wasnt online, that he would seriously "i hope not" sell his wii.....
SS said some things to that comment that had to do with this in my view, N-O-!!! This thread should not be closed, unless IT REALLY GOES OFF-TOPIC...which it really hasnt....
Shoko said:
hey s.s, just wanna thank ya for puttin that *sig made by shoko* on ur sig. shows how honest u are.
Of course! Thanks for makin an awesome sig! ^_^ Can't wait to see your finished Samus/Master Cheif one...looks cool already! =D

Shoko said:
i dont feel like reading the last couple of pages, so can some1 summarize for meh wats been happening
Well it's pretty much the same talk about whether or not it'll be online and I kinda started an argument with Levesque about him stating his opinion as a fact...

LevesqueIsKing said:
Understanding someone and agreeing with someone are two very different things.
Hm...very true. Good point.

LevesqueIsKing said:
I havent changed, its the thread that has. I've been posting in that thread since the day it was made, and I know how to have a formal debate. Shoko, Wario, Axtlar, Cyan, Prince and a few others (along with myself) once held some of the most engaging conversations I've ever seen on WiiChat. This was done by simply posting your opinions on an update and then commenting on someone else's opinions, eventually striking a debate.
Aye, and that is still how you start a debate, unfortunately you're one of the few still remaining (although now Shoko's back ^_^) who actually still DID that. So now the whole thread has kinda gone to the dogs. I won't argue with that. But you've been doing similar stuff in other threads like this one that kinda points to changes in you. You bash people more than you ever did's kinda sad really. Now RedFox is the main contributor but even he hasn't been posting because of school or work or whatever he has going on.

LevesqueIsKing said:
However, a few of you (for lack of a better term) semi-new members have decided to change the rules. Rather than allowing me to post my opinions in peace, you (naisatoh) troll me for not answering your questions. I dont expect to be treated like a king, but I have to admit that the lack of respect for older members has surprised me.
You don't get automatic respect by being an older member, you earn it by making worthwhile posts. And I thought naisatoh WAS an older member...

LevesqueIsKing said:
^I dont like stereotypes, but they were essential in this discussion.
Fair enough.

LevesqueIsKing said:
I suggest that you go back and re-read the discussion before accusing me of anything else. He trolled me.
No, he was commenting on the fact that you didn't respond to HIS opinions like you said is how you start a debate. He gave his thoughts on the new updates and you completely ignored them.
LevesqueIsKing said:
simply epic.

Best update of all time, imo.
This was my original post. It may be simple, but it IS on topic and there is nothing wrong with it whatsoever.
naisatoh said:
Yes, we get the picture.. You really enjoyed today's update.. Do you even read anything that's written above you? Or do you just have this need to be the latest post, even if you can't think of anything new or original to say?

I keep kicking myself for coming back here and trying to start up some sort of meaningful discussion, only to find some users still don't know how to say anything meaningful or how to write a sentence that's longer than 10 words.

I apologize for being rude at times.. but seriously.. come on..
This is a troll.
Shoko said:
i dont need attention from people i dont know. plus, ive gotten all the attention i need with this thread

And he returns:ihih:[Offtopic/]
LevesqueIsKing said:
This was my original post. It may be simple, but it IS on topic and there is nothing wrong with it whatsoever.
No, there's nothing wrong with it. It just gets annoying when people ignore your posts, even when they greatly contribute to the discussion.

LevesqueIsKing said:
This is a troll.
No, a troll is something like this:
s00pa n00b said:
What do you mean you like the update?!? You must be really dumb if you like THAT garbage!!!
In my fake example the poster insulted you for your opinion. Naisatoh's post is asking (albeit a bit rudely) for you to ELABORATE on your opinion by responding to his questions. Merely stating that you liked the update (a couple of different times if I remember correctly) was not contributing to the conversation whatsoever. Nai's INTENTIONS were, as I stated earlier, to get a good convo going. Not to mention he also apologized a few pages later even though he really didn't intentionally do anything wrong, so I'm not entirely sure why this was brought up again.

ANYWAYS, I really have nothing against you and we even agree that Brawl will be online, I just disagree that there is NO chance that it won't be. There IS a chance, no matter how slim. And my OPINION is that selling your Wii if it's not is an overreaction. But ultimately, this argument should never have started, especially when BOTH of us started bringing up past examples from other threads. If there are any mods left (psh, yeah right) this thread is over. As Levesque already stated, because we have no facts this thread will continue to go in circles and there is really no point in it.
S.S. said:
But ultimately, this argument should never have started, especially when BOTH of us started bringing up past examples from other threads. If there are any mods left (psh, yeah right) this thread is over.
Hm yeah, I kinda already said it's over =P

But seriously, ARE there any mods left?