Stadistic *Rumor*


Not Banned
Jun 19, 2006
Wii Online Code
This is just a contrast rumor about the wii and the PS3 but just look

To make a game:


Wii -- $10 million
PS3 -- $40 million


Game Wii = $50 (max)
Game PS3 = $70 (max, this is not for sure, maybe its more the max)

If the game is not very popular:


Game Wii -- 300.000
Game PS3 -- 300.000

Which the company who made the game will be winning

Game Wii -- $14'700.000 = $4'700.000 Wins

And in the PS3 case:
Game PS3 -- $20'700.000 = -$19'300.000 Loses

Thats why companies are prefering to do the games with the wii...

Anyway if the PS3 production cost will be in 30 Million or 20 Million anyway the respective company will lose money.

Hope Its true
yeah well only high-profile games could cost 40$ million. Publishers would put a lot of stock in a game like this, and chances are it wouldn't be a flop. 300,000 isn't exactly impressive. Also, Xbox 360 games are 70$ max and those are for collector's editions and whatnot. I heard Sony spokesperson imply that it could cost even more. He said that 100$ would be too much of a jump, but say 75$ could be the norm...
Amen to that. Anything above three hundred dollars is way too much for a console. It will be interesting to see how sales for PS3 go.
the wii games are $70 in canada or at least thats what the bestbuy site is listing them at but the ps3 games are listed at $75 o and i dont believe that one bit the ps3 games will probably be cheaper to develope for depending on the developers kit because its traditional technology except the motion censor (which i doubt they will use for anything but racing games) plus with the wii the developer goes through a learning curve which can lead to more time spent developing which leads to more money spent ... but it all goes down to the developers kit and how easy it is to use
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martini178 said:
the wii games are $70 in canada or at least thats what the bestbuy site is listing them at but the ps3 games are listed at $75 o and i dont believe that one bit the ps3 games will probably be cheaper to develope for depending on the developers kit because its traditional technology except the motion censor (which i doubt they will use for anything but racing games) plus with the wii the developer goes through a learning curve which can lead to more time spent developing which leads to more money spent ... but it all goes down to the developers kit and how easy it is to use

I think they are doing this cause they even dont know the price and they have to put it a lil bit highter, and remeber miyamoto or iwata, I dont remember who but they said it will not cost more than $50
Also take into account that the game company only sees 80% or so (just a guess) of the money you pay at the shop. So that will increase the amount of sales needed by both games, but more so for the PS3 game, to make a profit.
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blitzkrieg said:
Also take into account that the game company only sees 80% or so (just a guess) of the money you pay at the shop. So that will increase the amount of sales needed by both games, but more so for the PS3 game, to make a profit.
How do u know its 80%???
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The wii probably will cost $200 so a game $40 probably

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