This Year Just Might Be Another Great Year For It


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Pachter: Wii will be "number one console" in 2008
by Blake Snow | 01/04/2008 | 8:43:48 AM PST print comments [ 40 ] digg this! Share on Facebook Popular analyst Michael Pachter says Nintendo will continue their console dominance through 2008, though Microsoft and Sony will improve their fortunes over last year.
"For 2008, I have both the 360 and PS3 selling 5.0 million units in the U.S.," Pachter said in an email to GamePro. "If I'm right (always a big "if"), that means that PS3 sales will probably start the year behind 360 sales on a monthly basis, then start to pass them some time very late in the year."

The investment analyst expects Xbox 360 to sell slightly better this year over the 4.5 million units shifted in 2007. By comparison, the PS3 will double its U.S. sales, he believes, once a mid-year price cut happens.

Regarding the Wii, Pachter says, "I was way too low on Wii [in 2007], with a forecast of 6.4 million this year. That will end up being the number, but only because Nintendo was so supply constrained. Had they shipped enough units, the number may have been as high as 9 or 10 million.

"My estimate for 2008 is 8 million, so sequentially the Wii will show growth and will be the number one console. Had the Wii been in ample supply in 2007, the numbers would likely have shown a decline in 2008, but alas, that was not the case, so we'll never know."

What do you guys think is going to happen THIS 2008 With All THe Consoles:scared:
Well, he has the same opinion as me. Once God of War for PS3, Killzone2, and Metal Gear Solid 4 come out, 360 will be in tough waters. I only picked a 360 over PS3 because of Live.
hmmm sounds accurate, if nintendo boosts up production it might be as high as 9 mil, the wii has a great year software-wise ahead so i'll be expecting good sales from it

as for the ps3, i think he may be a bit wrong.....I don't see much reason for the ps3 to gain THAT big of a boost of sales,
Think Wii will just carry on selling... maybe better with the games that are coming out:
Mario Kart Wii
Super Smash Bros. Brawl

PS3 will have their best games out:
Killzone 2
Metal Gear Solid 4
Final Fantasy XIII
Gran Turismo 5
Tekken 6
Socom: Confrontation

Can't wait for that!

Not so sure about 360... They'll have some big games coming out:
Halo Wars
Lost Odyssey
Ninja Gaiden 2

Not so sure what if it'll do much better than it's doing now, might even go down.

(Only put the games that I like or think are popular)
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Nice idea and he was right about numbers declining next year if supply was ample but that's one thing driving the wii and its success, the lack of console
Yeah given the projected lineup for PS3 I amabout to start saving for it instead of 360.
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Yea....something is making me worry about the wii this year....I guess its just the games that are coming out for it!!

I know SSBB and Mario Kart Wii are coming out for it....those are huge franchises but when ppl get done and tired out of those games....what other triple A titles are we going to get from the wii?
That's what I've been thinking... I only really want Brawl and Mario Kart... they will last a long time though... But I want so many games for PS3, so I'm not worried about PS3. As for the 360, I dunno what I want apart from Ninja Gaiden 2 and Gears of War 2.
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Celestial said:
That's what I've been thinking... I only really want Brawl and Mario Kart... they will last a long time though... But I want so many games for PS3, so I'm not worried about PS3. As for the 360, I dunno what I want apart from Ninja Gaiden 2 and Gears of War 2.
You know....:lol:

PS3 i has many games comming out this year....360 has games to, dont feel like naming...

The Wii, well.....its..kind of limited right now...Developers dont know how to use the wii-mote and nunchuck for anything...the only people that i know that have got it right for fps so EA for the Medal Of Honor: Heroes 2
2008 wii games

big two mario kart and ssbb
mario baseball
no more heroes
tales of symphonia: knight of ratatosk
ninja reflex
worms: a space oddity
sonic riders: zero gravity
endless ocean
nitro bike
rygar the battle of argus(i think this is a port as well, but more enhanced?)
wii music and wii fit(looking forward to wii music)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers(date is tba, but i'm guessing it'll be in 2008)
animal crossing(again, hopefully it'll come out in 2008)
monster hunter 3(same as above two games)

and don't forget there are a lot of other titles that are goign to be released in 2008 but aren't announced yet,
CyanRussel said:
You know....:lol:

PS3 i has many games comming out this year....360 has games to, dont feel like naming...

The Wii, well.....its..kind of limited right now...Developers dont know how to use the wii-mote and nunchuck for anything...the only people that i know that have got it right for fps so EA for the Medal Of Honor: Heroes 2

Yeaa, the Wii-mote and Nunchuck haven't impressed me much lately... got kinda boring. Hopefully they'll do something new with it eventually.
As for the PS3, games still only use about 30% of it's power, so I wanna see a game using like... most of it's power. Will be amazing! :)
I believe Rygar has had previous games but battle of argus is its own game^^

I'm hoping for starfox with dominant flying rather than walking, would like some foot parts however.
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mushroomedmario said:
2008 wii games

big two mario kart and ssbbmario baseball
no more heroestales of symphonia: knight of ratatosk
ninja reflex
worms: a space oddity
sonic riders: zero gravity
endless ocean
nitro bikerygar the battle of argus(i think this is a port as well, but more enhanced?)
wii music and wii fit(looking forward to wii music)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers(date is tba, but i'm guessing it'll be in 2008)animal crossing(again, hopefully it'll come out in 2008)
monster hunter 3(same as above two games)

and don't forget there are a lot of other titles that are goign to be released in 2008 but aren't announced yet,
THose ones in bold...are the ones that appeal to me!!!:lol:

Project hammer....isnt canned hopefully]\

And we havent heard much about Disasters Crisis

Celestial said:
Yeaa, the Wii-mote and Nunchuck haven't impressed me much lately... got kinda boring. Hopefully they'll do something new with it eventually.
As for the PS3, games still only use about 30% of it's power, so I wanna see a game using like... most of it's power. Will be amazing! :)
The Wii-mote and Nunchuck impressed me a bit with MOD: Heroes2...if they do more games like that....thats enough to make me and anyone else thats a fps fan happy...other than that, i agree that it does get boring after awhile...

PS3 games...once developers know what to do with the capabilities for the PS3...the graphics and gameplay WILL BE BETTER THAN 360....the reason why the graphics look worse on PS3 compared to 360 is b/cuz they dont spend their time...put that much effort into the PS3!!

Besides its a fact, standing by the Feature-ts/Specs...of PS3 compared to 360....The PS3 is more better overall than if only....the developers can get what theyre doing right!
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