The Conduit Hackers

King of Pop

Platinum Lord
Mar 27, 2009
Chicago, Illinois
Wii Online Code
get this. yesterday July 2nd i was playing Conduit online. i was nice until i noticed something fishy like a Magikarp. this guy named J'Puff was a hacker..... how do i know well heres evidence.

He jumped inside the wall
He wouldn't die much
Everytime I respawned i started getting hurt when NOT A SOUL was shooting me.....

people like that guy make me sick
43 threads for this one game
U can Get in to walls by Glitching ppl do it in CoD5 all the time you get in the wall you cant Die but u cant get out
mario kart ssbb and AC:CF are the only game that have been hacked by homebrew man there such loosers
so what? why are you counting?

i think the point trying to be made here, is that everyone is going around creating thread after thread after thread after thread for this game, rather than just keeping all the conversation about this game limited to one or two threads.

it's as though no one is even attempting to see if there are already threads on this game and just taking it upon themselves to create one. it's just unneeded clutter and a waste of forum space.
Are these hackers really abundant, because I don't want to have to deal with yet another hack-fest...hopefully its just an "every-now-and-then" kinda thing.
Are these hackers really abundant, because I don't want to have to deal with yet another hack-fest...hopefully its just an "every-now-and-then" kinda thing.

It's not. I was just playing today, and I couldn't go 3 minutes without that happening. I tried changing rooms multiple times, but it didn't work. There must have been at least 4 hackers on at one time for one of the games I played.
theres this guy named travis on the conduit who is a hacker. he dies 0 times every match and me and 3 others were shooting him for more than 30secs with rocket launchers.

i dont mind bcuz i always win anyways. im proud of myself on this game...this might be my calling.

pm me if yu add and send yur code

the conduit:4554-7895-0318
wii/wii speak:3334-6685-9102-5740
this is an illegal hack/channel. anyone caught using it will get the 20120 ban from the internet. nintendo is not happy about the people using this to hack, nor the illegal roms being used. still a cool channel, but definitely not legal and i don't think it's worth it to be banned. i talked to nintendo and they said if you write down the user names of the hackers, even on the 3rd party published games, they will ban them. i am writing down these names and if i play against you and you are cheating, you will be banned.
Are these hackers really abundant, because I don't want to have to deal with yet another hack-fest...hopefully its just an "every-now-and-then" kinda thing.

its only glitches, people will not stop abusing glitches, doesnt make it right though

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