The Many Holidays of Every Day

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  • #548
None of my sources cared to mention Video Game Day... Such an injustice. =/

I'll write an article on it next year.
I'll write an article on it next year.
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  • #550
Oh look, I'm a few weeks late. No one was surprised, no ****s were given, yeah? Absolutely none. No one had any complaints. Yep. Grand. What a fantastic start this is!

March 26th

Gettin' back to the daily grind, we've got seven holidays.

Magikarp Day
Spinach Day
Earth Hour
Legal Assistants Day
National Cherry Blossom Festival
Prince Kūhiō Day
Independence Day (Bangladesh)

"GEE, I WONDER WHAT DIRGE'S HOLIDAY PICK OF THE DAY WILL BE?", thought everyone! Magikarp Day celebrates the Master Splasher! The Maven of the Mediterranean! The Foremost of Fin! The Aquarian Ace! The Tyrant of Tides! Everyone's favorite fish has his very own day of celebration; that's Magikarp for y'all infidel retards (EVERYONE reading this thread =/). Legend has it that long ago, when the pyramids were still young, a sole fisherman was sat upon the Nile's edge. For days he lay on the banks with rod in hand (giggity), line cast in the silt-laden waters. In this time of drought, no man caught but a single fish. After many days; weeks; months; the fisherman threw his rod to the ground, snapping it in half. He cried out to the sun-baked heavens in some dumb-ol' ancient language, "Hāwit-Maḥūyat, how you have forsaken me! My nets lie barren, my line slacked! You are the divinity of falsehoods!!"

Waves parting before him, a gigantic Magikarp rose from the waters. Without a word, the carp swallowed the fisherman whole. It seemed as though in an instant that the fisherman had appeared in Ryūgū-jō. Then he lived happily ever after... or somethin' like that. I believe the story also had t' do with Magikarp creatin' the universe with his 1,000 fins, but hell if I remember all the details. Look, all ya need t' know is that the only thing which matters in life is glory to the 'Karp. Just celebrate, yeah?

... If ya don't catch my meanin' March 26th is "Make Your Own Holiday Day." :trollface:

Spinach Day (rather obviously) celebrates that not-so-popular vegetable countless children can't even stand t' be in the same room as. This immeasurably healthy green was originally grown and harvested in ancient Persia, likely a few thousand years ago... how many, I couldn't unearth from the oh-so vast internets. Like most edible plants, trade introduced it to quite a few corners of the world, be it anywhere from China to France. And speakin' of France, Queen Catherine de' Medici (y'all Assassin's Creed fans are gonna Google this name) bloody loved this plant. Her advocacy over everyone needin' to eat it led to the reason why spinach-containing meals are oft named as "florentine"; it's a reference to her birthplace of Florence, Italy.

Y'all might not know this, but most consumers' biased disdain for spinach comes from them eating it while it's bein' improperly served as an uncooked green in various low-class dishes. When cooked and served properly, spinach definitely ain't disgusting. Well, unless ya dislike it even more than I do, as I ain't really a fan either way. That said, if all you've ever had was uncooked spinach leaves in a ****-tastic salad or somethin', give them there proper spinach dishes a try some time.

I was desperately tryin' to find a link to this Holiday's date and ol' Popeye the Sailor, yet quite unexpectedly, nothin' came up... and on that note, here's a fun fact for ya: back in the days of the Great Depression, when Popeye first hit the comic strips; he originally starred on paper rather than screen; spinach consumption rocketed up by roughly 30% over the coming years. Good thing that crusty ol' sea-faring hero's strength didn't come from booze.

Earth Hour is... ... ... well, I don't rightly get how someone wouldn't know what it is, but whatever. Earth Hour originally began in Australia as a method to try 'n bring climate change to the minds of Australians. The WWF (World Wildlife Fund, better know today as the World Wide Fund for Nature [where the hell's the N?!]) were originally behind the idea back in '06. Come '07, the idea manifested as "the Big Flick", promoted by both politicians and even media, for Australians to flip their light switches off for an hour. It was mighty successful, leadin' to San Francisco mimicking the event a year later in '08. After that, the whole thing's gone international and many countries have began to officially participate in Earth Hour, more every year.

In lieu of how serious climate change is, particularly global warming, this holiday is my pick of the day. Didn't actually expect that one after the first holiday, now did ya? :lol:

Legal Assistants Day celebrates the people who support lawyers from behind the scenes. We all love lawyers, so it only makes sense we also praise those who help those people who help us, right? ... ... ... Fuck this Holiday. My apologies t' Maya Fey.

The National Cherry Blossom Festival, held every Spring in Washington D.C., celebrates the cherry blossom trees the city received from Tokyo City's Mayor, Yukio Ozaki, in 1912. Ozaki aimed to further improve Japan's foreign relations. He certainly did so with the U.S. by transporting a gift of 3,020 cherry blossom saplings t' D.C. This festival commemorates Ozaki's generous tribute during Spring, when the cherry blossoms bloom. As one might expect, after Pearl Harbor occurred, a tree or two was actually cut down in retaliation... but considerin' Ozaki wasn't one for militarization or war, little if not nothing else happened to the trees.

Personally, I haven't had the pleasure of visiting D.C., none the less in Spring time. Not that I wouldn't outright prefer a trip to Japan.

Prince Kūhiō Day, full holiday name bein' Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole Day, celebrates the Kalākauan Prince of Hawaii whom bears the same name (click that link, or forever be disturbed by not knowin' how to pronounce said name). He was born in 1871 straight into Royal heritage, instantly recognized by the world as more successful than you'll ever be. The public holds 'em in high regard as a man who fought for the common Hawaiin's well-being 'n rights. Considerin' he took part in a rebellion against the Republican government in power during 1895, he at least has more merit t' his fame than most snobby monarchs who've never held a weapon. Also, considerin' he reorganized a body known as the Kamehameha Order, disrespectin' this Holiday like it's any other celebration of royalty may lead to an angry mob of Dragonball fans surrounding your home within minutes. Ya've been warned.

Bangladesh's Independence Day celebrates the day... ... ... uh, ya know what, **** it. I ain't readin' all this. Probably just the generic, patriotic bullshit every country celebrates for it's Independence Day anyways... ¬_¬


... Ahem. So, what would y'all's custom Holiday for today be, had I not delivered this post so late? >_>;
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  • #552
Ya shouldn't of waited, 'cause that backlog of retroposts from a year ago is now even larger... ;_; Curse my memory.

Assasin, your holiday?