The Many Holidays of Every Day

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  • #61
DarthVader said:
Come to the dark side...


DarthVader said:
We have cookies!

Deal. :D

Wow were you alive when star wars came to the big screen that was amazing i mean original trio

... I'm only 19 bro. :lol: Definitely not. I was born and old enough to have the attention span to watch all the movies after the first three (episodes 1, 2 and 3), though.
Wow were you alive when star wars came to the big screen that was amazing i mean original trio
My age is irrelevant in this thread. I will mention I grew up on the snes and N64.

SSBfreakCK said:
... Give nerds a reason to dress up as something besides comic book heroes, you mean?
I'll have you know Bioware's releasing a Star Wars MMO. It's GOTY material with the only competition being Skyrim.
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  • #65
My age is irrelevant in this thread. I will mention I grew up on the snes and N64.

I still can't figure out why you're deliberately so enigmatic...

I'll have you know Bioware's releasing a Star Wars MMO. It's GOTY material with the only competition being Skyrim.

I'll be praising the developer's efforts in making an epic game, rather than the universe it borrows; not that I like MMOs regardless.
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  • #67
Most likely because it robbed the Earth of it's economy...

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  • #72
October 22nd

Today, we've got a good five holidays today.

International Stuttering Awareness Day
Make A Difference Day
World's End Day
Caps Lock Day
Timothy Leary's Birthday

International Stuttering Awareness Day is obvious in meaning, we all know what an awareness day is by now. But, not everyone knows exactly what stuttering is; I doubt the majority of people do. Stuttering has nothing to do with one's intelligence or even mental retardation, and supposedly comes from neurophysiology problems; which is to say one's nervous system. More importantly, those who severely stutter are gonna get all degrees of bullying because of, indeed, how stupid stuttering can sound. Emotional stress caused by stutterers being insulted for their speech disorder can actually compound the problem of stuttering and make it worse. And we all know what monsters bullying can create, so this day of awareness is definitely worth reciprocation to those who know little about stuttering, and especially those who get a kick out of insulting a speech disorder.

Make A Difference Day is widely known and "celebrated" through, indeed, making a difference. Millions of people around the world donate money, join food drives, help on community-related projects, etc. etc. on this day. Many holidays that have to do with making a difference aren't all-that popular, but MAD Day (lolacronymfail) sure as hell is. Even if the holly-jolly and generosity in all of us can be miniscule, or we don't have much to give period, being a good person once a year shouldn't kill any of us. Since the principle behind this day is obviously great, and it's a widely participated day, this gets my holiday pick of the day.

World's End Day "celebrates" the date October 22nd, 1844 as the day some religious nutjob predicted the end of the world via the Second Coming. It's also known as The Millerites' (the name of those following his religion, the narcissistic asshat...) Great Disappointment, because, as you all can tell, the world is still here today. Oh, funfact; another batshit-crazy religiontard claimed the day before yesterday was the end of the world. If these idiots are so damn set on seeing rapture, they better give up their current stupidity and just play Bioshock. Which I recommend all of you do if you haven't already. =D This would get my GTFO holiday pick of the day if it weren't for the fact I can rub it in religion extremists' face, and because of... .... ...


Timothy Leary is one of the most controversial psychologists America has seen, no doubt. He advocated and promoted certain hard drugs for various psychiatry-related reason. Some of his claims are actually legitimate, particularly with LSD. But of course, they were too controversial for the generic white collar congress man and typical housewife that controlled the US back in those days, back when we advocated freedom with a big helping of hypocrisy. Some regard him as a druggie who's words are nothing more than an addicted fool who knows scientific terminology, some think him as revolutionary for his time and even still so today.

I'm happy I'm posting so late Caps Lock Day won't destroy my beloved wiichat for a day, but disappointed Make a Difference Day didn't get a bit extra publication... =/ Did anyone do anything for Make a Difference Day/what would you of done if I weren't a late jackass?

EDIT: With posts back on time, I wouldn't recommend reading these posts back to back; especially any of you who don't like a wall of text on top of a wall of text. :p
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  • #73
October 23th​

Today, we've got a solid five holidays.

iPod Day
Mother-in-Law Day
National Mole Day
Swallows Leave San Juan Capistrano
TV Talk Show Host Day

iPod Day can kiss my ass. Apple doesn't need any extra ****ing profits from a day of celebration, nor does it need any sort of extra awareness. Not to mention I personally don't buy iPods, they're just expensive MP3 players. -_- GTFO!

Mother-in-Law Day is the exact same as Mother's Day, but of course, is for your Mother-in-law. Not everyone is very close with their Mother-in-law, but if you are, you should certainly take the time to make her know you love 'er. And no, for those of you unmarried and youngin' folk, this isn't the same as Grandparents Day.

National Mole Day is about... Moles... Yeah. Not the most interesting creature, not something the public fears or hates (except maybe gardeners), not really an important animal-related day. Meh.

Swallows Leave San Juan Capistrano refers to the day Cliff Swallows (a species of swallow, obviously) leave a Spanish mission they inhabit in California called San Juan Capistrano; although, I hear modern industrialization has severely lowered the amount of swallows living in California. A day parallel, the Return of the Swallows (sounds like a terrible sequel to The Birds), is also celebrated. Another... boring holiday. Today ain't too exciting, is it?

TV Talk Show Host Day is not only in honor of said talk show hosts, but also pays homage to Johnny Carson, easily one of the most well-known American talk show hosts. Considering I'd love to drop most of today's modern talk show hosts, I have no love for the day itself. But in homage to Carson and The Tonight Show, it's at least worth a mention.

... For five holidays to choose from today, they all sucked. None of them get my holiday pick of the day. :lol:
iPod Day can kiss my ass. Apple doesn't need any extra ****ing profits from a day of celebration, nor does it need any sort of extra awareness. Not to mention I personally don't buy iPods, they're just expensive MP3 players. -_- GTFO!

YES! Finally!!! You know OK. Jobs died a very tragic death... But come on. Why isn't there a holiday for IDK Jonas Salk, whom BTW a lot of us can thank for just BEING ALIVE and upright. :sick: I digress... Capitalist heroes, of course, far outrank any dirty socialist scum for their "contributions" to society... </rant>

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