the official confession booth... deep dark secrets

Alright , * taking a deep breath *
-I'm not gay or Bi or anything but I've done some 'inappropriate' things with a girl before, but not while drunk. Heat of the moment? No love nothing, just ugh yeah. I wouldn't want to get into detail of the events.
Their i confessed , put me to shame : $
- Heres another confession, I'm a virgin(is this allowed on wiichat) and will continue to be so until marriage unless the whole thing with the girl counts?

That's nothing to be ashamed. Things happen when you are in "heat".
I'm slightly scared of my older brother. I don't know why, we never fight he's just bipolar and gets pissed off easily.
I hate making decisions. I mean in anything.
Even if it's something stupid like what game to play or where to go out tonight, if I'm basically just as happy with either, I'll find it so difficult to choose.
It takes me a long time to commit to doing something, but once I do, I can't think about anything else until it's done.
Haha, Family Guy...
"Boat, or mystery box?"

"Now, hold on a minute. A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat! You know how much we wanted one of those."
I am pedo........NOT :lol:
But honestly, I once watched a horse & a girl. :sick: