The "Official" Fire Emblem Thread

Fire Emblem if?
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It's secretly the SMTXFE game in disguise. Shows how YHVH and Lucy end up causing an ethno-conflict while the protagonist struggles to find where his allegiances lie. It'd be best he avoids any social bonds during the time unless those friends are expendable supernatural entities. Huh. No, really, that could totally happen if the title is referencing SMT: If...

So we're looking for a release date some time this year, but I don't think we'll see it as soon as the others.
I think I read somewhere it's planned to be released in Summer 2015 in Japan, so my bets are around Winter 2015 for US.
I wonder if guns will be a thing
The ages which the game seems to parellel are at the stage of technology were guns are plausable

Though I don't see a need because there are still Tome Users
So maybe guns were never invented because they have spell casters
I am satisfied with bows and arrows. Tomes are a different topic, although I do want the Magic Triangle back.
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I don't think so, but I can't really remember. Haven't you played it yet to know?!

nope lel

I did make progress towards gettin' to Awakenin' though. Played one chapter of FE12 since I last talked to ya.