The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

Yeah, GGs. I thought rust kills off my skill, but it never seems that way. :lol:

I'm sure Fortress Hogging (is that what it's called?) has been changed so it's not an instant edge-hog. Certainly looks more difficult.
And my Marth, no... He died once I've been introduced to Roy. I don't think I can ever play a decent Marth ever again. ;_;
T'was the other way around, ironically. The rust ain't bothered you, but I've actually forgotten how to play characters; been flip-flopping between Marth and Roy too much. My Marth was decent once upon a time, but my Roy was never... and now they're both eugh. And my Mewtwo... is even worse nowadays. ;_; I'd ban myself from Roy, but it hardly matters since Wi-Fi dies in but a few days... ... ...

For successful fortress hogging, ya have to pull left literally the instant you leave the ledge (or maybe even a frame or two early), as the sweetspot's size has been immensely downsized. The smallest bit of latency makes this unnecessarily difficult t' do... ._.; I really am mad 'bout that nerf. It doesn't even serve any sort'a purpose.
For successful fortress hogging, ya have to pull left literally the instant you leave the ledge (or maybe even a frame or two early), as the sweetspot's size has been immensely downsized. The smallest bit of latency makes this unnecessarily difficult t' do... ._.; I really am mad 'bout that nerf. It doesn't even serve any sort'a purpose.
I suppose it makes it a bit more difficult to camp and bait with Bowser's already-amazing ledge attack.

And now I know why MR hates Roy's F-tilt so much. >_>
I suppose it makes it a bit more difficult to camp and bait with Bowser's already-amazing ledge attack.

No, it just makes it likely I'll suicide whenever attempting to fortress hog, robbing my Boozer of one'a his most important tools since he can't wavedash to the ledge like most characters can. Not t' mention I'll no longer be able to (safely) retreat from Up-B outta shield when my back is to the ledge. Which it often is 'cause I'm dumb.

No more CC'ING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... wat
Ah, I see. Guess I'll just abuse Marth's instead.

... Speakin' of, the range on Roy's D-tilt is bullshit. Most broken launcher ever.
Fused a bunch of high-end demons. They're expensive as heck to make, but at least most have good movesets. I solo'd a boss with one of them when the rest of my team was one-shotted on the opening turn.
Going to have to run the same dungeon multiple times just to get all of that glorious battle mage gear. -_-'
Chaos route final boss is actually challenging compared to Law's. The foe focuses on magic and debuff afflictions, usually a combination of both, which is more threatening than the physical attacks and status effects of Law's ultimate foe.

Xenoblade's still getting some texture mods. I'm surprised the game's still supported. Can't really notice the difference because PC spoils me, but the blurriness when zooming in on stuff appears to be mitigated.

Also got Terraria. Less than 60 MB installation size, surprisingly.
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Played UT2004 for the first time in several years. My old PC could just barely manage to run it without asploding. Didn't realize that it's been so long since I played an FPS this fast-paced before, really gets the adrenaline running. A shame that most servers are vehicle oriented.
After ten~ hours of huntin' and capturin' in Moga Woods, and but one Zinogre giving me three copies of its singular head, I've finished my Mosgharl armor... and by finished, I mean 24 Tru armor spheres from now it'l be finished. ;_;

Thanks to a surprisingly decent Talisman I had, I was able to gem in Wide-Range +2 (I'll never use the armor in a serious hunt, so hey), and as a side effect of said talisman, easily gem in Destroyer to aid my usual duty of cuttin' tails. So not only does the armor look fantastic, it's beneficial to the entire party. This'l definitely be my go-to set for when triple-carters find their way to me. Or the other way 'round.
I literally did 12 runs on the same dungeon last night and the only piece of battle mage gear that dropped was the coat, which I already had. Ugh...