the wii GAME!!!

I am a 15 year old boy, very much differant from others. I play chess, i read, and yes, i am a ninendo fan. Most other 15 year old boys that live near me have ps2's, spend most of their time trying to make themselves look/ feel older, make jokes about gay tv shows like big brother and generally make a fool of themselves and not realising it.

I not only want a wii, but want everyone else to get one to prove that being differant is good, and can be a success, and that it isnt always best to watch the same tv programmes/ have the same hobbies/ play the same games as everyone else. So their 20- button controllers and 'cool' shooting/fast car/footie games can fail miserably while the freshness and new gameplay of the wii shows them the success of being differant
I want a Wii 'cos someone came from the future and told me that if I don't get a wii future me will get bored, go back in time and kill my Grampa when he was just a kid.
I want the wii because im different from my friends i dont care about graphics i care about the Passion for games and as others say one day i wish to work for Nintendo Japan, also i dont really like Sony and Microsoft that much but they are not bad

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