Uncharted 2: Among Thieves


Sonic expert
Jan 25, 2009
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First let me start off by saying that Uncharted: Drakes Fortune was an amazing game. One of my favorite games of all time. Naughty Dog always delivers when bringing out a new franchise. And cinematicly they are possibly the best when it comes to cutscenes. Uncharted definately proves that. Its cutscenes don't feel like a cutscene, but an actual movie. A damn good movie at that.

Now, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is set for later this year. Naughty Dog was so stoked for this project they actually stopped working on their latest Jak & Daxter game to work on it. (Which I do actually have mixed emotions about seeing that I absolutely LOVE Jak & Daxter) It seems you'll be somewhere... cold this time around seeing that the previews, teasers, and Game Informer cover all show Nate in a snowy area. But the screenshots also show him in what seems to be an old Italian city, like Vinnice(sp?). Also ND wants to incorporate more stealth in the game to make it more belieavable that Nathan Drake is a normal guy, cause one normal guy couldn't survive the shoot-outs in the first Uncharted. Also if you're a fan of miss Elena from Drakes Fortune you might be dissapointed to find out that Drake will have a new love interest in Among Thieves. Its unsure if Elena will show up though. Same can be said for Sully.

So, anybody totally stoked about this? It's obviously going to be great, Naughty Dog usually delivers only the best. I just wonder if there will be any references to Insomniacs game Resistance: Fall of Man since ND and Insomniac always does that with each others franchises. (Crash and Spyro, Jak and Ratchet)

EDIT: More info. Naughty Dog added more to the AI of the enemies this time around to fit the new action/stealth style. They now have periphreal vision in the game, so when they see something from the corner of their eye they'll look that way. If they see you they begin to fire. Also now they are more active enviroment-wise. Climbing ladders, jumping gaps, etc. This is so they can follow you or look for you if you get spotted in those times when you're supposed to use stealth.
Sully has been confirmed to be in the game but Elena is still MIA at the moment. This is probably due to Nate's new love interest, Cloie. Speaking of which she is an Austrailian black market dealer thats said to be the "female Nathan Drake" in a sense. This rose the question of the possibility that shes added in for Co-Op purposes. (Guess you got your wish SensesFail :lol:)
Also in this sequel you wont be stuck to just one place. Instead of being in a jungle the whole time Drake travels to many different places in search for the treasure. (I forget what its called but I remember hearing, "It's the holy grail of buddhist relegious artifacts. Basically a 'wishing stone'." Sounds good to me.)

In my honest opinion, the stealth and AI sound very Metal Gear Solid. But from what I've seen, combat is still the main focus and stealth is an optional way to take on a number of enemies and probably only required on certain parts of the game pertaining to story. Thoughts?
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I'm also really looking forward to this one. Loved the first one and everything about the second one seems to surpass the original. Visuals, AI, gameplay, everything. Not much is known yet so I can't wait to learn more.

'09 is shaping up to be great for the PS3. Killzone 2, God of War 3, Uncharted 2, maybe Gran Turismo 5? Probably not. There are loads more, but I'm short on time right now and I can't list them all.
i can not wait for this game! i really enjoyed Uncharted and i cant wait to see what new things they do with the sequel. im hoping for a multiplayer, i dont think the game needs it and i dont think it would be very good but its a welcome feature in any game.
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Ok, more info on the game. I'll edit it in the OP
For some perturbed reason, I never actually got the first Uncharted. I think it's one of the platinum games though so I might pick it up, because I'm getting rather excited about Uncharted 2! I downloaded the trailer and I saw the teaser from a while ago, and I can say that this game is now on my list. Can't wait, apart from the expense that PS3 '09 is going to cost me!
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ok info has been edited in.

and yes Lewi if you haven't played it yet you should definately look into it. Especially since the price has lowered. Its still worth a full PS3 game price IMO :D
Uncharted was bloody brilliant, picking this up on day one.
I'm also really looking forward to this one. Loved the first one and everything about the second one seems to surpass the original. Visuals, AI, gameplay, everything. Not much is known yet so I can't wait to learn more.

'09 is shaping up to be great for the PS3. Killzone 2, God of War 3, Uncharted 2, maybe Gran Turismo 5? Probably not. There are loads more, but I'm short on time right now and I can't list them all.

yep i feel the same way. god of war 3 is a must for me. and as for uncharted 2 i need that too.
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Set for this fall! :D
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Oh my God :drool:
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After they announced the Cloe' character I expected online co-op, but the fact that they took it a step further and added a full online multiplayer feature totally took me by surprise seeing as this is a first for Naughty Dog. Can't wait to see how that'll turn up.

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