

Novocain Stain'd
Jul 2, 2006
Wii Online Code
Hey Wiichat followers, i'm a very curious person when it comes to usernames, so I finally decided to make a thread on y ppl make their usernames and wut they mean.

Obviously mine is because i'm loving SSBB so far:D I also love the rest of the SSB series.

I'm especially curious of u...Mr_Stoukaph:scared:
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Ha, I thought so:lol: Darn U Stoukaph!!!!!!!!! Anyone else? There's alot of other ppl's usernames i'm curious about...
i like communisum and russia and the soviet union era. but i like to add Os to the end of my words: Conscripto, and Sovieto + i think Sovieto has a nice/weird/new sound to it
when i was like 7 i always went to my dads work because my mom had work and i didnt have a sitter to watch me and while he was working, i was online. i found a website called game castle or something and it was a 3d castle with like 11 diffrent games in it and you play people online and i made my name mitch25. about a year later, we got a new PC (had a DOS before that) and AOL dial-up. my uncle was setting it up for us and asked what i wanted my AOL name to be. i told him mitch25. well about 30 min later he comes and tells me that mitch25 was taken so he changed it to mitch2025 and i just kept it lol
well I like supermario, n my name is mario in real life. the mp3 part is because super mario was already taken on this forum, i also like metroid prime 3 corruption, and I like listening to songs on my mp3 player (well its a psp but I'm disappointed in it so I'll just call it an mp3 player):lol::lol::lol:
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Mitch2025 said:
when i was like 7 i always went to my dads work because my mom had work and i didnt have a sitter to watch me and while he was working, i was online. i found a website called game castle or something and it was a 3d castle with like 11 diffrent games in it and you play people online and i made my name mitch25. about a year later, we got a new PC (had a DOS before that) and AOL dial-up. my uncle was setting it up for us and asked what i wanted my AOL name to be. i told him mitch25. well about 30 min later he comes and tells me that mitch25 was taken so he changed it to mitch2025 and i just kept it lol
Wow, some story:lol:

I guessed ur's was something like that Sovieto...I like ur's too Supermariomp3:D I still want to know Stoukaph's!!!!:tard:
me too

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Where'd u find that sprite?!?!:lol:

He's nvr explained it on any other thread...u think that's his last name?
Everyone thinks my username is Mario_Famous but it's just Mario Famous without the underscore....I guess I see why they would mistake, the first and only name I ever had online was mario_famous...I just mess with the capitalization and inderscore. first name is Yenesis (pronounce Genesis like the bible) and nemesis: (Greek mythology) is the goddess of divine retribution and vengeance
i don't know, i sort of mixed it together with a lil twist of slang and bang flam, there u have it.....
Well, one of my favourite albums is Endtroducing... by DJ Shadow (officially the first album to ever be built entirely from samples) and one of the tracks on it is called Napalm Brain / Scatter Brain. That's where I got my username from.

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