What are you scared of?


WiiChat Member
May 30, 2009
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I'm scared of going to the bathroom at the night.

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I'm also scared when I have a dream falling off from a cliff and hit the floor. Well, I never hit the floor in my dream, but I suggesting that I'd prabably die! FOR REAL! Maybe, I hope not.*shudder*
i'm scared of these stupid kids and how their parents are letting them play with fireworks *that's America for ya*
Im scared of a swarm of bees :scared:
I heard these buzzing noises by suprise, and people saw me running, they thought I was crazy :crazy:
^I thought you were banned.
i'm scared of these stupid kids and how their parents are letting them play with fireworks *that's America for ya*

Hell yes it is. Just shot off the rest of my firecrackers, I need to stock up again.:lol:
Girls.... i'm not gay or anything but girls are witches at times. and i cant talk to one correctly. cant even pick one up with this baby face =/

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