What is your favorite GameCube game?

Lot of you seem to love Metroid, but I really hated the Metroid on GC.
-As a game it was great, but those infernal respawning enemies!
-Go out the room, remember you forgot something, and get back in. And those nasty space pirates you just managed to defeat have returned.
I could only take that for so long, and then I sold my Metroid.

(Mind you, Metroid corruption on Wii seems pretty decent.)
I don't care how dead this thread is.

I love Metroid Prime games and Metroid in general. I mean, I really do. People that had played and didnt really like it is something I understand. It has a lot of back tracking, really frustrating to figure out where to go next, etc. You see, Metroid games is about isolation, critical thinking, and having a robust environment. Metroid has a pretty decent customer and fan base. I dont mind really. What I love about the Metroid Prime series is that it was a huge jump from a 2D side scroller game to a tremendous 1st person Adventure game. During that time it was pretty hard to accomplish that.

The gameplay.
People who loves games to easy pick up and play will not find this game fun to them. Haha It does require really critical thinking due to back tracking but thats how Metroid games are. Play Metroid and Super Metroid and tell me its easy. Im not going to rant off much of the gameplay but if you do play this game for Metroid prime 1, have patience. And if you play metroid prime 2. My goodness youd better have your GC controller insured by AllState.

Anyway, there you have it. Metroid baby!!!
At the moment, Soul Calibur 2. But it all depends on the day.
Haha that game is so fun with friends. I remember it so well.
Top 5:
SSBMelee (it's so obvious)
FF: Crystal Chronicles ("never ending")
Soul Calibur 2 (Link + GFS = OP)
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (idky, I just love it)
Tales of Symphonia (Lloyd "Two-Sword" Irving)
Y'know, i gotta try Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg. I heard a lot of gamers loved it and wanted to see more games of him. I personally never seen the gameplay or actually played it but i have seen the pics of it around the site.
What? C'mon. Never? It's what made up my mind on getting a GC. Definitely one to keep.