What're ya watchin'?

Watched most of the Hunger games last night

It was sooooo boring, why its likened to the awesome Battle royal I dont know.
Battle royal was gritty and bloody, this, you dont see any blood or somebody getting stabbed

total cack

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? I suppose it was only a matter of time.
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  • #321
inb4 asscreed star wars crossover

... Don't think George Lucas would be above that. Good thing Disney is... right?
NJPW G1 Climax 24

12 parts, 3 hours each

Should've guessed that from the title.
I dont know how many times I ve watch. I watch Nolan's Batman moves again. First Rises, than the Dark Knight.. I thought Rises was better han Dark Knight, I was wron.. Dark knight is the best..
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  • #329
If there's any notable reason why Rises might be considered inferior, I reckon it's 'cause the Joker was nowhere t' be found. What's a Batman without his Joker?

There Kagrenac gave him the thrice-secret word:
