Why I'm Glad There's No Voice Chat

CCScandalus said:
anyway... i'm glad i don't have to listen to people make fun of me.

No one sends goons to your house to force you to wear a headset :)
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so i didn't mean to curse everyone that wants voice chat. just stating an opinion. i actually think that voice chat would be cool and i would want to use it. but it's a good thing i can't because i get very pissed off. because i suck, of course, and that's my own fault. oh well. wait til tiger woods goes online... i'll own at that.
CCScandalus said:

so i didn't mean to curse everyone that wants voice chat. just stating an opinion. i actually think that voice chat would be cool and i would want to use it. but it's a good thing i can't because i get very pissed off. because i suck, of course, and that's my own fault. oh well. wait til tiger woods goes online... i'll own at that.

It was an amusing point. I'm an FPS fan, but I'm no expert. I aspire to 'average' and Voice chat does have the potential to bring everyone else's opinion of that much closer to home. Ignoring text is easy since I can't read half of what people type these days. Rarely, when actual words, rather than acronyms come up, it seems they all use non-existent "x0r" endings. Am I getting dissed? Probably. It might even be clever, but ignorance is bliss.
I think its good and bad, good for the fact that you cant go off on people, but bad for the same reason, some little sh*thead was pissing me off the other day and I couldn't say a damn thing to em. Eh I just need to figure out a good combo of players, because this experimenting on each game isn't working out too well.
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yeah usually if i want to make a point that there overdoing the hammer bros special moves or whatever they're doing to piss me off, i just stop playing.. it may not really be a good way to make a point, but it doesn't really matter if i'm playing or not, i'm not gonna score anyway.
haha I made someone watch my one goal cause i won in sudden death by flipping toad over the goalie. I just wanted to rub it in that he let toad get on break away so many times :) I usually skip replay though.

but yeah, Voice chat will be nice once COD's 32 player online gets here.

er wait. was it COD or MOH that's going to be online? damn it, all those war shooters are starting to blend in. As far as i'm concerned they are they same damn thing.

Whatever the game is, voice chat adds that teamwork and tactics element to shooter/war games. Which I think makes them better. And if someone spams the mic....just mute the prick :)
tank said:
but yeah, Voice chat will be nice once COD's 32 player online gets here.

er wait. was it COD or MOH that's going to be online? damn it, all those war shooters are starting to blend in. As far as i'm concerned they are they same damn thing.

MOH. COD is bypassing the Wii entirely this time. One way to tell them apart this time around is that MOH is staying in WWII, COD4 is modern.

And if someone spams the mic....just mute

Some games have systems that let you boot a player with a majority vote. Since MOH Heroes 1 lets people set up their own servers, I imagine it may have some similar solution.
Wiinter said:
MOH. COD is bypassing the Wii entirely this time. One way to tell them apart this time around is that MOH is staying in WWII, COD4 is modern.

Some games have systems that let you boot a player with a majority vote. Since MOH Heroes 1 lets people set up their own servers, I imagine it may have some similar solution.

I just finished reading that article in Game Informer about the new COD. Not too sure what I was thinking just now. Was the original COD WW2 maybe?:wtf:

Right, Socom has the same system of a majority vote to kick a player, but I don't think spamming the mic is ALWAYS a kick worthy offense. So yeah, the majority kick is always good for games like that, but a mute function would be nice.