Wiichat 'Mii Profile' guide MASSIVE INFO


WiiChat Member
Nov 27, 2006
Wii Online Code
Wiichat's Mii Profile

Many might have not noticed, but Wiichat has a new feature called 'Mii Profile'. A new link has appeared in the user information field of user posts. The link being called appropriately Mii profile.

This thread was made to help people take full advantage of this new awesome feature of Wiichat, and to improve my experience here as well as others, I have taken the liberty of creating this massive thread of information so everyone can make use of the Mii Profile.

Now before I start, I'm assuming that the Mii profile is still somewhat under construction as far as I know because I have yet to find an official Wiichat announcement about it from i0n. So things could be subject to change, and should they do so I'll make the appropriate changes in this thread.

To get an idea of what your Mii profile will look like from reading this guide, go ahead and click this Link

Mii Profile

Getting to your Mii Profile

Taking a look around, the first thing is that there is no direct link to your User Mii profile section of Wiichat, so as of today I will tell you of three ways of getting to your Mii Profile.

1. The first way is putting this into your address bar.
http://www.wiichat.com/mii/username/ <- Replace username with your Wiichat username

2. Find a post of your own, and in the user information field of your post, you will see a link that says 'Mii Profile'.

3. Click your Username and choose 'View Public Profile'.

Setting up you Mii Profile

Congrats you made it!

You will first notice many different red blocks, each block has a label in it. Using these labels you can easily find the information you are looking for.

By default there eleven red blocks. The type of blocks they are, are listed below in the index.

1. Username
2. About Me
3. My Interests
4. Contact Info
5. Profile Picture
6. Forum Info
7. Quick comments
8. Recent Blog Entries
9. My Network
10. Social Actions
11. Rate me.

And 12. Advanced (not counted)

From now on in this guide, you will use the number above to jump ahead to a section you are interested in, as the numbers above will be used sort of like a table of content.

Before we start, it's important to let you all know that every block is user editable. Clicking the tool icon in the red block will allow you to do this

1.Username Block

This is the first block. By default this block contains just two things. Your Wiichat Avatar and your Username. Very simple and basic field.

Click the tool icon for this red block.

Upon clicking this you will see a variety of options that you can use. Explore a little and be creative after all your 'Mii Profile' defines who you are.

You'll see these edit options.

Edit Options

Block Title Name.
- Changing the word in the Block title changes the name of that block.

Hide block title checkbox
- Checking this block hides the Block Title name

Edit colors & style of block link
- Clicking the link will bring you to a page style editor, here you can change the entire style of your Mii profile, or a edit a single block. This option is more of a color setting option.

and a Block Content & Options field

Tons of options here such as Avatar editing, Username colors & style, etc.

Here you can choose to display your Username, Avatar, and username Image within this block. Unchecking any of these blocks will disable the option from being displayed.

You can also upload an Image of yourself here as well.

Clicking the Profile link above the word 'Actions' will bring you back to your Mii Profile main page.

2.About Me Block

The next section is very common sense stuff, quite frankly if you don't know what to do after clicking the Tool icon for the 'About Me' block, well you should learn more about yourself.

Click the tool icon, if you have not done so yet.

By now you'll realize that the option of changing the Block title, 'Hide block title?' and color & styles of said block is an option found in every block edit you do.

You'll find a General Information Section containing tons of textbox fields and dropdown boxes, where you can enter in your information. Please note that all these fields are optional and you are not required to fill any or all of them out. Go through them and enter in anything you feel comfortable sharing.

Next is General Location section, after that Job / School. Again all optional fields that you can enter your information in if you feel comfortable doing so.

Now for one of my favorite features of Mii Profile. CUSTOM FIELDS!

Simply awesome feature to have. First off we are going to do just one example, and this example I think everyone should have.

Now before we do the example this is also optional, but it improves the overall quality of your Wiichat experience. Any custom fields you add will be displayed in your 'About Me' block field of your Mii Profile.

Custom Field Example (recommended)

First I should mention if you want more Custom fields, you should click the "Add more Input fields" link before filling out anything, because of a bug any input fields you add after typing something in will be deleted and you need to start over.

1. In the title field type this
Favorite Wii Game Title

2. Now in the Answer field, enter your favorite Wii game! In my case it's Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

3. Your done.

Now check over everything and see if its all correct. Upon completion of your check. Near the bottom hit Save Changes button. You are now brought back to your 'Mii Profile' page All your information you choosed to fill out is displayed here as well as your custom field.


Like I have mentioned eariler, I believe the Mii Profile is still being worked on because of some minor issues with it, such as deleting custom field(s) will take out all your custom fields, so make sure you want it in!

Now should you want to delete any custom fields, just click the tool icon in the About Me block, go find your custom field and delete your information you entered and hit Save Changes again.

Neat eh?

2.My Interests Block

First off, clicking the tool icon for this won't give you much except the standard options of renaming the block, hiding the block title and color & styles editor.

So instead of clicking the Tool Icon, just hit the green + circle on your Mii Profile page and a javascript event will occur (little in screen popup) asking you to enter one of your interests. Enter in for example 'Video Games' and hit ok. Repeat the process over until all your interests have been put in.

Now if you want to remove an interest, just clicking the X icon next to the said interest you want to delete will take it out.

3.Contact Info Block

Well cruising along here, we are now on the Contact Info Block.

Clicking the tool icon in this block, you'll again find the standard options for block editing such as title.

Now here you can enter a huge amount of information, some of them being personal and is not recommended that you put out on the internet. However because of that recommendation there are some features to allow you to control who can see what of your information.

All the major instant messenging clients can be found here, just enter your contact information in the respective fields for your service. You can also add additional instant messaging as well. Awesome!

Now before getting into the Group permissions settings you should be aware of this. Only the additional fields have group permission settings, meaning any group permission settings you make ONLY effect the field that is next to the "Group Permissions" link.

As for anything else, such as any of your Instant message contact information, e-mails, home addresses these are controlled by the BOLD font above the field.

For example in your E-mail field of information, moving your mouse over "Set Email address Group Permissions" you can highlight the appropriate field you want to set permissions on, and the group of people who have access to view that information.

Clicking the Group Permissions link will allow you the user to control what group of people can see this information. Now the groups feature have not been discussed yet in this guide and will be discussed soon. So any information you want to enter but want kept private you can hold off until you learn of how to use the Groups feature of the Mii Profile.

Just like the About Me section, any information you put in is optional and not required, however its recommended that caution be taken on any personal information such as Mailing address that you exercise the use of group permissions.

5.Profile Picture Block

This is a very simple block, just click the tool icon for the Profile Picture block, again all standard options here.

Under the Block Content & Options, you'll find an area called My Photo Album Image. Click the Choose File button and find a picture of yourself that you like! After you select one hit Save Changes.

6.Forum Info Block

This is another block that doesn't have any edit options except for the standard options of block style.

This block displays information such as the day you joined, How many posts you have, and links to finding either posts by you or threads you have started.

7.Quick Comments Block

This is the comments section, it works much like when you read an article online you can comment on the article. Clicking the green + circle icon you can add a comment to a profile for the person who owns the profile.

Please keep all comments appropriate. :)

Again, clicking the tool icon you have the standard block styles options.

Under the Block Content & Options section, you can choose number of comments to display at one time, and an option to display the avatar of the user who posted the comment as well. Any changes should be saved via the Save Changes button.

8.Recent Blog Entries Block

For the bloggers of this forum, we have this function given to us by the creator of Mii Profile. Any blogs you write are displayed here.

The edit options (tool icon) have standard options, and within the Block Content & Options area, you can choose the number of entries to display as well as an option if you only want to display the titles only. Choosing Display titles only will just show the title of the entry and the user will click the title to read the blog.

Any changes done are used with the Save Changes button.

9.My Network Block

Ah, we finally get to the block that controls the Groups, this is the block that you assign your Wiichat friends and people to a group. Using these groups you are given a bunch of uses for it such as controlling who has access to what information on your Mii Profile, that being said this information you will find here, will answer the "Group Permissions" stuff.

Clicking the Tool icon shows all the standard options including.

Number of Members to display, Order members by: Username | last active | random.

Display ONLY the following members check box. Now if you been reading this guide since the beginning a lot of it should be easy to understand what they do.

Any changes are done via the Save Changes button.

Now, back to the Mii Profile page you will see a link under 'My Network' called Add My Network, here you can search for other members of Wiichat, just put in their Username or any other field of information, if any results are returned it will display the result.

Click the username you want, and you will be brought to their Mii Profile, here you can see links above their Username.

One is Network With Username, it will ask what group you want to add them too. Also clicking this will sent a request to the said user and ask for approval for allowing him/her to join your network you have setup. Once they approve it, they will appear in your 'My network' block.

The second is basically a link you click to private message them.

Now another way to add people to your Network is to go to their Mii Profile, and at the top in the same spot mentioned above you'll see the 'Network With Username' link there too

10.Social Actions Block

I'm still a bit confused on the purpose of this one, but whatever it works. If you don't like this block you can just hit the X button for the block itself and it will disappear from your 'Mii Profile'.

Anyways for those who are interested in what it does, it kinda seems like some dating service thing where you can select a face expression and in the textbox below you can type in a message, when your done and hit 'Go' it will Private Message whatever you did to the Mii profile owner.

No edit options other than standard options for the tool icon here.

11.Rate Me Block

Yet another dating service like feature, however instead of using this feature to rate how the person 'looks' I suggest that all Wiichat users use it to rate the person overall as a gamer, and his/her involvement on the forum. Are they a good and helpful poster? Or one of the trolls that roam Wiichat?

The tool icon for 'Rate Me' has no additional options, just standard options.


First off, I want you to click this link. You'll notice my Mii Profile has two additional blocks that I have added in myself. A 'Games I Want' Block as well as a 'Games I own' block. I strongly recommend everyone add these two blocks, they really add to the Mii Profile about you as a gamer. Using my instructions below you can also add any other types to your choosing.

Adding Custom Blocks

1. Move your mouse over the Actions link that is above your Username Block.

2. Highlight 'Add new blocks' and click it.

3. Now move your mouse over the 'Create Custom Content Block' In this Choose the Green + circle icon next to My Profile and click that.

4. We are going to use one of my Mii Profile blocks as an example. In Block title textbox, enter this
Games I Want

Now you notice there is a large field that looks very much like a post field that you use on the forum. Well just type in a game, hit enter to go to the next line. enter another game and continue the process until all your games are entered. If you want to be really indepth, even link each game to a game summary or ratings page somewhere on the net.

When your done, hit Save Changes and it will now appear in you 'Mii profile' as its own Block, and contains the information that you have entered.

Mii Profile Color Change

1. Move your mouse over the Style Setting, which is located next to Actions.

2. Highlight Change current style, and then you can choose a color here.

Changing where blocks are located

Want to reorganize where your blocks are shown?

First off I recommend that leaving some blocks such as username and picture blocks where they are, this will keep all the Mii profiles more uniform. This is all done via the Main Mii profile page of yours

1. Find a block you want to move.

2. Click the boarder of the block and just drag it to its new spot in the Mii Profile that you want it at.

Awesome stuff huh? This feature alone basically extends the abilities of Mii Profile a lot.

Upon writing this guide, I realized that this might just be what replaces the generic Profile that comes with the vBulletin package. I definitely prefer this Profile type over the generic.

Since I spent well close to two hours writing this guide, it will be stopped here for now. I will continue adding to this guide some more features that I have not covered yet.

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Thanks, I put a lot of time into this thread, and I'm going to be updating it even more during the holiday season as I have no classes during that time.

More advanced options and stuff like that will be added to the thread as well, and possibly some better organization of the information as well.

Its actually awesome that i0n brought this feature to Wiichat and he deserves many thanks himself.
hehehe I clicked social action to see what it does and i sent you a smile lol just kinda set mine up although i can't use the Action and the Style Setting drop down menus need help??
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deity_link said:
hehehe I clicked social action to see what it does and i sent you a smile lol just kinda set mine up although i can't use the Action and the Style Setting drop down menus need help??

I have been getting that question over private message, so you aren't alone. Apparently like I stated in the thread, I believe much of Mii Profile is still not complete yet, because there are a few bugs.

It appears that the people who are having issues with this are using Internet Explorer. Now personally I use OmniWeb which is a Mac Web browser, however the best alternative for Windows OS would be Firefox, if you don't have it I highly suggest getting it. It sports much more security than IE does itself, and because of that your risk of getting popups and adware, spyware and other nuisances reduce by a large margin.

If you don't have firefox I recommend it. Get it here at www.getfirefox.com

It have an option to import all your bookmarks and stuff from IE as well so don't worry. give that a try.

P.S I got your smile. ;)

UPDATE: It appears that it was indeed a browser compatibility issue, so if it doesn't work for you, give firefox a try like I mentioned above.
Thank you, a very helpfull thread. I appreciate the time you put into the thread.
I love it all except the Rating system... :) .. because I can't see who downgraded me :mad5: .

But all in all its quite a lovely feature.
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Yeah, like I said in the guide that some features are better suited for different type of forums. Such as the rating system being moreso for some type of dating service

However it could be used like as a rating of the gamer overall
holy moly!

Thanks a bunch for this guide - some great information here!

A lot of the features can be modified and i have the ability to make loads of changes - so if there's any specific changes you'd like to see i can do it.

Maybe a friends code module of some nature? I'll be checking back on this thread :)
i0n said:
holy moly!

Thanks a bunch for this guide - some great information here!

A lot of the features can be modified and i have the ability to make loads of changes - so if there's any specific changes you'd like to see i can do it.

Maybe a friends code module of some nature? I'll be checking back on this thread :)

Hey, is there any way to make that Meebo instant chat thing work? I did everything it said to do and put in the embed code and everything but it wouldn't work. If there was an instant chat feature on this site, I would be willing to make this site my wife.
the_peripheral said:
Hey, is there any way to make that Meebo instant chat thing work? I did everything it said to do and put in the embed code and everything but it wouldn't work. If there was an instant chat feature on this site, I would be willing to make this site my wife.

I thought I was your wife?

Hey man great guide...this is a pretty cool profile set up cool deals ion
but i am having problems making the action drop down work...bummers wanted to add some blocks
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Khool-Ade said:
Hey man great guide...this is a pretty cool profile set up cool deals ion
but i am having problems making the action drop down work...bummers wanted to add some blocks

Are you using Internet Explorer?

If you are get firefox from www.getfirefox.com

There is some browser compatibility issues with IE.

@ottoman, thanks! I wouldn't mind if it was, that way I don't gotta bump it. :)
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