WiiChat Xbox 360 Game Night Ideas


Super Ninjarator
Apr 4, 2007
Wii Online Code
Right, want to try and test this out and see how it goes since we have a few members with 360s. So just reply with your ideas ~

What night/s and what time would be best?

Suggest some games

Any other input?
I never really have a set time for when I'm on. That, and the only game I play is Halo 3.
What night/s and what time would be best? Weeknights for me

Suggest some games Halo 3, Gears 2(?),

Any other input?
It'd be nice if we all have mics.

Yeah, Halo 3 sounds like the right game to play for this.
I think I may still have Gears 2 lying around. Haven't played it in ages though. Oh, and yes I have a mic. :D If anybody wants to play today, hit me with a friend request and I should be on in the next couple of hours. I need to go out now to pre-order Halo 3 ODST.
I don't have time to play today, sorry. Gotta get to work in about 2 hours, and right now my brother is playing the Wii on the TV where my 360 is.

What map packs do you guys have for Halo 3 if you can remember? I have all of them. *hopes we can play a custom match on Blackout*
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I have every Gears 2 map, I'll do default map with you guys if need be. I no longer have Halo 3. May get ODST though.
I don't have time to play today, sorry. Gotta get to work in about 2 hours, and right now my brother is playing the Wii on the TV where my 360 is.

What map packs do you guys have for Halo 3 if you can remember? I have all of them. *hopes we can play a custom match on Blackout*

Yeah I've got them all, blackout ftw (L)

p.s Jam my memory has just told me that you said you hated Halo 3.
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Thought it was ok
I don't have time to play today, sorry. Gotta get to work in about 2 hours, and right now my brother is playing the Wii on the TV where my 360 is.

What map packs do you guys have for Halo 3 if you can remember? I have all of them. *hopes we can play a custom match on Blackout*

I have all of the maps :D
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Everyone up for Gears/Halo night this weekend?
Id say the following
Street fighter 4
King of the Fighters <number>
Duke Nukem 3D

But im not online so you can discount them
But im not online so you can discount them
.. ? :p

I can try my best to do something on the weekend, but my NAT type works up a lot and won't allow me to join parties. Somehow Jam and I were able to bypass that a couple of weeks ago, but it's a rare occasion.

I'd be up for CoD5 or Halo 3 whenever possible. Sounds like Halo 3 is going to be the game of choice!
Just tried my Halo disc, not working :( my Xbox has the tendency to scratch discs.
Any tips on fixing scratched discs without buying one of them repair things?

Toothpaste :D


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