will there be another metroid game?


geoff lapaire is dog.
Apr 28, 2009
Wii Online Code
whats going on with samus, are they making a new game?
i heard a rumor that corruption was the last?
I hope they do because the Metroid Prime Games are World Class AAA titles,

Im absolutely loving Corruption at the moment but im stuck trying to kill that Bounty Hunter who freezes everything,cant kill the bugger :)
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yeah took me 2 trys to get him. good game tho im nearly done haha.
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Well im guessing since your on wii chat, your not a total noob, so at that point in the game you should have all the life upgrades. I cant fully remember that battle but doesnt he keep changing forms?, like into that big thing with wheels haha? Just spam hyper mode, its pretty OP'd. SO when u can shoot him, shoot him in hyper mode, forget anything else. You should get him man.

The hardest battle is like the think its the 3rd (pretty sure its the 3rd) seed battle, omfg took me sooo long like +10 trys.

Well the rumors you heard are true. Corruption was the last game in the Metroid Prime series. However the Metroid brand itself is still up for grabs and I can't wait to see where Nintendo takes the series next. Maybe a good third-person action shooter would be nice. I love the Prim games though and hope to see some spin-offs made (like with Hunters on the DS).
Well the rumors you heard are true. Corruption was the last game in the Metroid Prime series. However the Metroid brand itself is still up for grabs and I can't wait to see where Nintendo takes the series next. Maybe a good third-person action shooter would be nice. I love the Prim games though and hope to see some spin-offs made (like with Hunters on the DS).

*sorry* don't know why this posted twice
Don't forget that they will be re-releasing the first 2 prime games with wii controls, so it's not over just yet
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Don't forget that they will be re-releasing the first 2 prime games with wii controls, so it's not over just yet

Really? Were'd you get this information from. For some reason i cant really see that happening.
It's the New Play Lineup Nintendo has going. I'm actually quite excited.

Pikmin games
Metroid Games
Mario Superstar Tennis
DK Jungle Beat

There's more, but I can't be bothered to find 'em.

Also there's a rumor for a movie. Sci-Fi/Horror


Earlier this week Nintendo up-dated the japanese official Metroid website with news of (what could be) a game that follows the Metroid series but in the Space Pirates point of view! Can't WAIT to hear more. I hope it is a game, but it could be some sort of Japanese TV special or an anime or something. Most likely it will be a game.
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Also there's a rumor for a movie. Sci-Fi/Horror


Earlier this week Nintendo up-dated the japanese official Metroid website with news of (what could be) a game that follows the Metroid series but in the Space Pirates point of view! Can't WAIT to hear more. I hope it is a game, but it could be some sort of Japanese TV special or an anime or something. Most likely it will be a game.

Dear Bodine,
You have made my day.

A game through the eyes of a space pirate would be something pretty cool.
A metroid moive eh? Sounds promising, but some wana be hotshot hollywood directer better not F*!# it.
Whatever it is I'll watch and|or play it. Space Pirate's viewpoint sounds epic.

New Play Control! is Nintendo updating GC games with Wii controls and shipping them for $20. I'm happy, so very happy. Of course this is old news. It's long hit the USA. Old news indeed.
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Yeah space pirate would be unexpected and fun.
As long as they don't make samus look like a evil *****, which they probably will do haha.
She still has to be the busty blond bounty hunter haha (Y)

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