WoW Player Dies and Funeral Is Held Online.

People are ridiculous, and why do half the people online have to be, "internet tough guys" eh? That video wasn't even kinda entertaining, I do understand the reason for the online funeral, but like other people have said, why did the assholes do that? Makes 'em feel tough I guess.
I hate it when something like that happens! The stupid asses who interupt anything to be cool and tough will do anything such as dusturbing an online funeral or something, I have never been to an in-game funeral but I HAVE seen one when I was a runescape player. Shame somebody always has to run and spoil everything.

That really sucks. Whoever involved who sabotaged the funeral really have no ounce of respect whatsoever and should be ashamed of themselves, even more of actually recording the event, as if that's supposed to make themselves feel "awesome" or something. They should be lucky they can still live out their lives among those they love, as we will never know when it's our time to go. This is serious stuff, and what they did was childish and downright inhumane.

*sigh* Oh well. I, for one, will never give the incredibly unregulated nature of internet communities benefit of the doubt. If something can go wrong, it always does.

We should have a WiiChat Members Obituary section. =(

It would be nice, but it will probably get abused. Has WoW not taught you anything?
We should have a WiiChat Members Obituary section. =(

That would be a bit creepy.

As for these players paying respect for a friends, I see nothing wrong with it. As others mentioned, they probably don't have the ability to pay proper respect ie attend the funeral or her grave etc. So, they chose to do an online ceremony.
Shame something in an online game funeral or something important like that HAS to go wrong.