Second Chance: RP Sign up


The one and only
Jan 25, 2009
Reading, UK
Wii Online Code
Hello everybody, how are you doing today. Good? That’s wonderful.

I have decided after a lot of thought and effort to create my own Rp based of one of my favourite games of all time. The World Ends With You (TWEWY for short).
It might be based of TWEWY but I have made many changes to the formulae to make it into a decent RP that every one can participate.
With out further a do, I present to you, My new Rp.

Second Chance

- Story-

Deep in the city, hidden from the view of the world. There is a game. A game wrapped in darkness and fear. It is a game that costs so much to play, With so much to lose. It is called the Reapers Game. A game where you risk what matter to you the most for that slim chance in winning the ultimate prize. A second chance. A second chance at life.

When you die, before you leave this world for ever. If you have any doubts about your death. They come to you. The Reapers. There they offer you a chance to live again. If you win there game. It sounds simple enough. Each game lasts one week. Each day you are set an objective. Complete it and you move on to the next day. Simple. But in reality its far more deadly. Because to enter you must offer up what matters most to you. This could be anything for your memories, your identity to someone who matters to you. If you win the game, you get it back, if you lose. Not only are you erased from existence but so is what you sacrificed.

The game goes on for an eternity, allowing all those with doubt to enter. Only allowing those who’s strength and determination to win. Though out the ages the game continues never ending, never faltering. But in 2009 things change. The stakes are now raised, more that any of the players know. Because one of the players, is not who they appear to be. Because the broke all the boundaries, all the rules. They broke into the game and plan to use it to change the world.

That is the basic premise of the Rp. The story is completely new and is no way related to the story from TWEWY. Now bellow I will explain different parts of how the overall world will work.

-The Reapers Game-

The game itself spans over one week. Each day an objective is set. If the objective is not completed then the player dies. Each day’s objective becomes increasingly harder and often a time limit is set which is shown by the red timer that appears on the palm of the players hand. To complete the game the players must simple survive and complete each objective.

The objective system is actually a great way to allow the Rp’s to move forward. Often RP’s end up going no where because there is not enough direction in the RP’s. By using this premise the story can stay on a straight path while also allowing what people want. The objectives have not been decided so any one can put forward ideas for what the Rp needs like a more fight based objectives than a story driven one.

-The Players-

The players are people who have died and have decided to enter so they can live again. The players can be seen as the good guys. But that might not be the case. Any one with doubt about their life can enter the game and because of this not all the players will be good people. Some could be murders or thives all believing that they have the right to live again.

The game is so difficult that the players will need to ban together to survive. But jus because they work need to work together doesn’t mean they have to trust each other. Many of them could be hiding some very dangerous secrets.

To the help them survive both players and reapers are gifted with special powers which are used thought mediums. These mediums are every day objects such as phones, gameboy's or maybe your mum rolling pin. Here’s an example. A 12 year old boy has a game boy for a medium. His power is summoning a small soldier to fight for him. He controls the soldier though his game boy. Another example could be a glove. The glove turns the user’s entire hand into steel. There so many possibilities that can be used so I hope you guys can be creative.

-The Reapers-

The Reapers are the definitive bad guys. They are the games marshals. There job is to make sure that the Players die. That simple. The reapers command structure is like this.
At the top there is The Composer. He is the most powerful being of all. Not only does he control the game. But he controls the entire city. He is the most powerful being and is something to be feared.
The Conductor is his second command. He is also very powerful. His job is over seeing the game and other small duty’s.
Then there is the Games Master. He chooses what the days objectives will be and how the game will play out. In ever single game it is tradition that on the final day, to proceed they must kill the games master. But it is very rare that any one wins.
Then there is the basic reaper who’s job is the fight and stir up conflict with in the Players. There abilities are more powerful than Players however they are just as vulnerable(In gaming terms they have the same defence and health as the players).
Below even the basic Reapers is Noise. Noise are the basic monsters in the RP. They are no where near as strong as reapers but there are more of them and can pick of players who stick on their own with relative ease. They often take the forms of animals but with more fangs and wings.

-The City-

The game takes place with in the city. The city carries on oblivious to the game. The players can see every one moving around and doing there jobs but the people cannot see them.
As for the city itself. That is up for debate. It can be a real city or a fictional one. However it must have land marks and other features. If someone wants to make up a map for a fictional city that would be brilliant.

Well that’s the long complicated details out of the way. Now I’m goanna quickly post these rules I stole form the alternate plot

1) You must use proper grammar.
2) You agree to make your posts as descriptive as possible.
3) No godmodding, unless you're Alakazam, but even then, don't overdo it. Please.
4) No bunnying, meaning you can't control someone else's character without their permission.
5) No double posting, spamming, etc... all typical internet forum rules apply..
6) You can sign up for up to two characters. You can have a third but you need to send me the sign up first and give me a good reason why this character should be in.

Now on to the last bit.

-Sign Up’s-

The sign up should follow this basic format.

Character Name: (???)
Gender: Male/Female
Age: (???)
Alliance: Reaper/Player
Appearance: (???)
Personality: (???)
Bio: (???)
Medium abilities: (???)

Now you can be as descriptive as you want in you bio or you could say very little. What is important is that you give us a good image an view of this character. If you plan on making a secretive character or one that hides a lot then you can have to bio short. But you must Pm me what plans you have so I know whats going to happen.

The Last bit is on characters.

The conductor will be an NPC because he is so powerful. If you want to use him for something. Let me know what it is.
The Illegal Player is very much a mystery. If you want to reserve him pm his sign up to me. If I like it, you will need to make a new one which hides his identity so know one apart for myself and maybe a chose few will know he is. That way you guys can all have a bit of suspense in trying to work out who he is.

Apart form that all reapers and players are open.

I am new at this so Im happy to listen to advise If you have ideas let me know. That’s me done, I hope you join.

Sign up list


gbj153: Primrose Everdeen
Character Name: Primrose Everdeen (goes by Prim)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Alliance: Player

Appearance: 5.6 Feet tall. long legs, a slight tan. Has long yellow and white hair resembling a primrose and wears a yellow-white primrose pin on her head. She has long side bangs covering her left eye and wheres her hair in a pony-tail. She has light brown eyes and is fairly weak but can outrun most people and can climb anything with ease. She's fairly average in body weight, just a bit thin. (sorry no picture, can't draw for my life x_x)

Personality: Very caring. Prim isn't a very confrontational girl and rather takes insults and blows then fighting, she's a push over. She rarely gets angry and is very intelligent for her age, but she unfortunately she acts from her emotions more than her brains.

Bio: Primrose has always been pushed around by everyone she met. She always tried to find the good in people and always cared for everyone, even the people who would psuh her around. Her mother (Delilah) became pregnant with her when she was 16 and took care of her as a single mom and dropped out of high school and was shunned by her family. Her mother named her Primrose because Prim would always bloom happiness in her heart. Prim and her mom was very poor, barely making the bills. Prim got a job as a fruit harvester ever since she was 10 (apparently no child labor laws). Prim was an excellent student and graduated early and was accepted into an IV league school. Prim's mother sent her to the school even though Prim demanded to stay and take care of her mom. After attending the IV league college for 5 months, she received a news about her mother being murdered by loan sharks for not being able to repay them back. Even with the money prim sent her each month her mom couldn't pay the bills and had to get loans. Hearing this news, Prim just became an empty shell... Her best friends Rosie and Alyssa couldn't bring her spirit back to life. Prim was later kicked out of college and was murdered by teenagers while on her way back to Alyssa's house (where she lived after getting kicked out from college). Not fighting back or calling for help, Prim died being beaten to death. After she died her regrets about leaving her mother to get murdered overwhelmed her and denied the invitation to go into heaven. As a reaper told her about this game, her spirits perked up again. This is my chance to redo my mistake, it my fault mother was murdered, prim told the reaper as she joined the games. She entered the games with one thing in mind, winning. For the first time she stopped caring for other peoples needs.

Her Medium: Her Primrose pin

Medium abilities: Her primrose pin has the power to shoot out yellow or white flower petals. She can control the petals by holding her Primrose pin. example: She moves her hands( holding the pin) to the left, flower petals rush to the left. She pushes her hand out in front of her, the flower petals are sent straight infront of her. If She just taps the pin while it's still in her hair flower petals scatter and makes it difficult to she her due to her skin and hair blending into the flower petals. The flower petals can't be made sharper or harder, it's just flower petals. She has can not control the petals when it rains, all it will do is drop to the ground. Petals are highly flamable >_<. When released petals will float around her, unless it's raining.
Her medium can also change her into any type of flowering plant, but only actual size of the plant, nt some super giant one.

Storm: Filius Lux Lucis
Character Name: Filius Lux Lucis (Father Lucis for short)

Gender: Male

Age: 128

Alliance: Player / Sage

Appearance: Filius stands at 6'3" by measured height, but due to his age, he hunches, and his eyline is at 6'0". He wears the long, flowing robe of a Priest. His face is aged with wisdom, his hair being bleach white. His facial hair, an englishmens wrap around goatee, is tied in two braids 16" from his face. His eyelines are sagged and ancient, with his pupils being colored a deep gree and purple mix. He has a golden cross pendant on his neck that shines as bright as the sun when he taps into its power.

Personality: Filius is a very spiritual man. Being one of the most devout Christians in the world, his beleifs are those of the Bible. He is often overly critical of those who question his beliefs. He is very overly critical, but he has a right to be so. His longevital life span has enabled him with vast quantities of knowledge few can even dream of. His confinement in his Cathedrals led him into solitude, which in turn made his cold heart grow even colder, shutting out all who cared for him. Because of being cut off from civilized society for so long, he has a very hard time understanding why people act the way they do, and kill the way they kill.

Bio: Filius Lux Lucis is a disciple of God, the one and only savior of the christian people. His bloodline traces back to the original Jesus Christ, whom died on the Cross for the world's sins. Filius has always felt he owed Jesus and God a huge debt for the salvation of the Christian people. He has dedicated his life to the study of the Bible, practicing the whole of it, leaving no commandmant nor law unscathed. He has followed every rule in the Bible feircely, and has forced it upon others who either doubt or threaten the Sanctity of the Holy Ghost.

He married at the age of thirty to a venerable christian woman, and together, they had two children, a boy and a girl. They were married fifteen long years, until an Atheist group broke into the Cathedral in which they lived and murdered his family. He was brutally beaten and flung into a river. But, being the eldest and most vitalized person in the family, he survived. He looked at it as an act of God, that it was he who gave him the power to survive, and that it would be God who would give him the strength to endure his tragic loss.

Some time later, roughly 9 years, he remarried to another woman, Christian as usual. They had three children in six years. In his heart, there was no way he would ever lose his family again. When his original family died, his heart had gone cold as ice, and the hearth of it hd become a dragon. The dragon symbolizing his dead family. When he remarried, his heart became warm again, and he let his love flow.

Yet somehow, he could always hear the Dragon speaking... talking to him.... whispering to him the sum of all his fears. It was your fault you know... the Dragon would beckon.... You caused your families loss, and you will be unable to hold onto this one. You cannot live forever, and neither can they. Remember, even stars burn out....

The dragons words sank into him like a venom, coursing throughout his being and filling him with a hidden rage. He came to understand, however, that the dragon was right. His family died in a car crash on the way to the grocery store. A few army-men had mistaken them for a Communist spy party, and opened fire on their vehicle. The flames billowing from the car were nothing compared to the flames of rage billowing around his heart. He wanted to destroy the Dragon, he wanted to crush the dragon, and yet he couldnt. In the end, he doesnt even want to. Because the Dragon accepts him, and tells him just the way things will work out.

He went into solitude, taking efuge in a huge Cathedral located in England. He witnessed the cold war, he saw the Korean conflict, and he was there when the World Trade Center collapsed. He has seen the Iraq war grow to a national conflict, and he no longer blames people for there mistakes. To him, everything that happens is under the will of God. If the Iraqi's are meant to be eradicated by the Americans, then that is how it must be. He does not argue. He has long grown out of attachments, leaving the Dragon that lived in his furnace heart alone to die. As he aged over the years, the dragons icy whisper would haunt him still. You will die too, Filius.... Even stars burn out...

Filius has lived for 128 long years, gathering knowledge. Every day, he regretted the way he had lived his life. He was not ashamed of the way it turned out, but he often wondered how his life would have been if he did not take the way of the Sage. The Dragon always whispered failure to him, and those ever familiar words of stars dying. He began to doubt his own reason for existence, and his role in life. He wondered if his strong religious beleifs had made any impact on the world. He wondered if, maybe, he helped himself too much and wallowed in the anguish of his memories too much to fullfill the legacy of Jesus.

Eventually, as the Dragon had whispered to him, he did die. He died alone, in his Cathedral, sitting on a pew in front of the Lord's cross. His heart gave out, and he passed away. At the moment of his death, before he ascended into the eternal land of immortal Angels in the sky, dark beings approached him. They called themselves "The Reapers," and spoke to him of a game... a game in which he could be given another chance at life. But this second chance would not encompass any memories of his previous life, and the way this intrigued him was incredible.

His thoughts raced, about all the things he could do. To be reborn, to be alive without the burden of being Jesus Christ's disciple, to live without the painful and haunting memories of his past....

To live without the Dragon....

He accepted the Reapers challenge. They transported him to their Dark city. As he surveyed his new surroundings in a place of evil, he realized their was one way for him to win. By using the power of God. The Reapers had said he needed to antie up the thing he cared most for in the world. It was easy for him to know what that was, but hard for him to say it. Eventually of course he did.

His entry fee was his Soul.

Medium abilities: Father Lucis's medium is the cross pendant he wears around his neck. When he grasps it, he can tap into his vast knowledge and enable telempathy. He can levitate a few objects, with bigger ones taking more power and therefore causing him greater strain. He can control atoms in the air to create a "Force" to some extent. He can influence these molecules to release energy, which would cause a forceful blast of energy.

Storm: Vincent Giovanni
Character Name: Vincent Giovanni (Vinni for short)

Gender: Male

Age: 48

Alliance: Player - Italian

Appearance: Vinni stands at 6'5" tall. He is a very stout and strong man, weighing 245 pounds. He always wears a dark black jacket, complete with black dress pants and a dark purple tie. His a dirty blonde/brown mix that is slicked back with gel. He has a traditional mustache, complete with a goatee. His eyes are thin lined and a dark black. His hands are very very big, far bigger than normal hands. He wears many rings across his fingers, each of them having a letter on them. They are solid gold, with the letters being pure diamond. The rings on his right hand spell "MEAT", whil those on his left spell "BOMB."

Personality: Vinni is a critical man. Given his vast height and strength, some would say he has developed a "Superiority Complex." He has always thought himself better than everyone else, and this mindset has gotten him where he has ended up in life. He always sees himself as right, no matter what another may say. You can argue with him forever until you either give up, or he kills you.

Bio: Vincent Castillo Giovanni was an assassin for the Italian mafia in the years 1971-2003. He worked straight out of Sicily. He was enlisted by his Uncle Castillo at the age of 10. At first, he simply worked for the mob as an insurance act, smuggling money from places grown men could not fit into. It was, of course, the family business. He robbed and made his first murder at 13, when the owner of a house caught him in the act and attempted to apprehend him. Vinni grabbed an ice-pick from the mans freezer and shoved in into his throat. The man collapsed on the ground, blood spilling from his neck like a fountain. It appeared that Vinni had peirced his vocal chords, and whatever pleas of mercy the man may have given where strangled within the confinement of his mind. Vinni grasped the pick again, pulling it out, and stuck it back into the back of the mans skull, just above the spine.

It was instant death. Vinni had severed the spinal column.

When Vinni went to court for the murder, the mob bought him out, placing a fall man in his position. It was then Vinni realized that he could do whatever he wanted free of consequence. The mob became his life; his only family. After that, Vincent Giovanni was suspected of more than twenty homicides from Madrid, Spain to Paris, France. However, the bodies were so badly mutilated and decomposed, there was not enough evidence left to hold him in jail. The mob could easily bail him out of anything. He would assassinate whomever the mob told him to, and he was good at it. He got paid for it. It made him happier than anything ever had in the world. Nothing stisfied him like the rush of a kill. Not making love to a woman, not the succulent taste of a delicious meal, nothing. Killing became his life.

However, after a long history of murder and debauchery, Vincent Giovanni was let go. The mob retired him. He was no longer allowed to kill as he pleased, not only because he was decommisioned, but he began lacking the physical strength to continue assassinating. He was decommisioned at 45, and he was found dead at age 48. A bullet wound in his head and a gun in his hand. He had gotten what he always wanted.

He had gotten one more kill.

But he still doubted his life. Why did he lack the strength to go on? He was one of the most skilled assassins in history, he had millions of dollars, houses across the globe, all the pleasurable company of women he could ever dream of, and still....

Nothing gave him the rush of a kill.

He wanted another life. He wanted another chance to start anew. He wanted to kill again, to be able to kill all he wanted. Desecration of human life was his favorite hobby. Shortly after his death and before his departure to hell, he was confronted by Reapers and given the choice to participate in a game for a second chance at life. He had no true bargaining chip.... Nothing he really cared most for.... So he offered the one thing the Reapers could make use of.

His eternal servitude.

Medium abilities: Giovanni's mediums are the rings across his fingers that spell "MEATBOMB". By tapping into them, his medium abilities allow him to not only gain tremendous dexterous abilities, but to become stealthy. His skin will camoflauge with his surroundings, making him near to invisible. As his power grows, he will eventually be able to manipulate heat. He cannot create heat, but with his power, he can literally "sap" the heat from the air around things, creating absolute zero temperatures when at maximum power. His strength grows over time. His power is fueled by the souls of those he has killed over the years.

Bodine: Kain Valentein
Name: Kain Valentein

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Alliance: Contestant

Appearance: Kain is somewhat tall for his age and some would say he's a bit scrawny. He has dark brown hair that somwhat covers his eyes, just a little. His eyes use to be blue in the realm of the living but now have turned purple, from the mixing of his blue eyes and tears of blood upon passing away. His skin is slightly pale and around his eyes are starting to darken, hardly noticable though. He wears a black long-sleeved button-up shirt with the top 4 buttons undone and his collar standing. His pants are a very dark blue denim pair and his shoes are black tennis shoes.

Personality: Kain often keeps to himself and always has an emotionless, depressed look on his face. He usually doesn't speak loudly unless angered. He usually can be seen looking off into the distance thinking of something else. When angered he mostly stays calm stance-wise, but he begins to speak like most would when angry. He also avoids Reapers more-so than most, not that he fears them though, it must be another reason.

Bio: Kain entered the games for the ultimate prize of a second chance at life... but oddly enough the soul-records say his cause of death was... suicide. Why try to compete in the games to earn a second chance when you didn't even want the first? Well, Kain doesn't want to have a second chance, he wants to give a second chance. A second chance for his dearly beloved, recently passed Abigahle. He had to discuss a few things to arrange it so Abighale would recieve the new life instead of he, but he figured it was all worth it.
There is something greatly different about Kaine though. He entered the games immeadiately after leaving the world of the living, yet has the soul strength and control of a spirit that has been passed away for ages. This confuses all who know and definately stirs things up in the spirit world. He's made a lot of enemies because of this, especially in the Reapers. Out of all the contestants, Kain seems to get the worst treatment from them and the Noise. Nobody said it would be easy, espescially for a recently deceased.

Medium: Kains medium is a mystery. He has one, but everyones yet to see it. And his medium powers are almost as strange. He seems to increase speed and strenth for short periods of time, create an explosion of spirit energy around himself, and concentrate spirit energy to form a projectile. His medium is his most kept secret, and cannot afford to let anybody know what it may be.

Shadow: Iki
Name: Iki (jap for Purity)
Gender: Male
Alliance: Player
Appearance: Iki stands at roughly 5'8" and has short, spiked black hair. He has brown eyes and is usually seen with a calm expression on his face. He wears a plain, black T-shirt and regular blue jeans. He wears black, steel-toed combat boots and has a sword tucked into his belt. On his right wrist is a bracelet he doesn't remember ever having. Its colored silver and has a large pearl hooked to it.

Bio: Iki lived a great life: a good job, a nice house, and a beautiful girlfriend. His favorite thing to do in his spare time was collect swords. Sadly this hobby was his downfall. One day in a weird market he found a strange little shop. Inside was a sword Iki felt he just had to have. The owner told him it was cursed by the Reapers, whoever they were. Iki didn't believe in superstitions and bought the sword anyways. When he got home, he unsheathed it so he could get a good look at it. Suddenly the sword glowed and Iki blacked out. The official report claims he suffered a severe stroke. Iki's soul was confronted by Reapers and he was offered to enter a game for a second chance at life. He accepted but then strangly blacked out. When he woke he was at the special city and the Reapers were dead. He doesn't fully understand how it happenend but similar events have happenend since.

Personality: Iki is calm and seemingly carefree. He always does his best to help others, no matter the cost. People can't seem to help but trust this smiling man.

Powers: Iki's medium is ironically the sword that killed him. He didn't just collect swords but also trained with them, so he's quite skilled. By putting energy into the blade he can create deadly slashes through the air. He calls it the Wind Crest though no wind is actually used in the attack. He has another ability but he keeps it a guarded secret.

Bayne: Paul Clark
Character Name: Paul Clark
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Alliance: Player
Appearance: Paul is 6 feet tall. He had short black hair which is well combed. He has blue eye's and he has a face. A face that you swear you have seen before but can't quite place it. He wears white shirt with a black tie and wears black business smart trousers. underneath his shirt hangs a simple locket he is unable to open.

Bio: Paul find himself in the Reapers game with no memories of who he is. He wakes up wearing business clothes and a mysterious locket he finds himself drawn to. He has no idea who is or what position he's in and has no memories of entering the game so he know nothing about it. He is dropped with no memorises at all into a war zone.

Personality: Paul is very inquisitive and desperate. He wants to find out who he is more than surviving. He is also very careful judging almost everyone he meets. Using skills he can't remember learning to profile people and whey up his options. He trusts almost know one and is willing to do what it takes to survive.

Medium abilities: Paul has no idea what mediums are but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have one. His medium is his tie. By grabbing hold of his tie he can change its properties form normal fabric to steel. Any part of the tie can change. He turn the tip in to steel and use his tie into a whip, or he can change it all into steel using in like sword or pole arm. The fabric itself can not be cut and neither can the steel.


Bayne: Zack Sypher
Character Name: Zack Sypher
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Alliance: Reaper
Appearance: Zack stands at roughly 5’11”. He has red hair which he has made messy adding long spikes all over his hair. He wears a pair of ripped jeans and a a white t-shirt with a bright flame design on the front. He is always seen riding around on his own custom made pair of roller blades.
Bio: Zack was born into a middle class neighbourhood. He was lonely child and he was often spoiled. He was one of the smartest in his school but he was often seen as a rebel. He spent most of his time playing games and rollerblading with his skater friends. He lived life to have fun, for the thrill the moment. But then one day he was in a terrible car accident and died.

Zack had doubts in his life, he wanted to continue having fun. So he entered the Reapers game and had the most fun he had ever had. Fighting for the moment, for survival. Not only a battle of strength but a battle of wits. Not only did he find it incredibly fun but he respected the game. He understood why It was created and why only a few made it to the end. He and a few others won the game. It was their that the conductor told them that they had 4 choices. For those who were chosen they could have there second chance. For the others they had the choice of playing the game again, dying or become a Reaper. Zack respected the game and enjoyed it and decided to become a Reaper.

Zack quickly rose to the ranks of a high levelled field Reaper. He was strong and clever. Finding new and clever ways the deal with the players. He has one of the highest records when it comes to erasing players. He has been offered promotion many times but has refused it saying that the field is where he belongs.

Personality: Zack likes to have fun, destroying players is one of the ways he achieves this. He is incredibly smart and often uses his knowledge as reaper to get into the heads of players. He push’s them to the limit breaking many peoples resolve and thus can seem incredibly evil. However he always believes that in his heart he is fulfilling the true roll of the Reapers game, more than anyone else.

Medium abilities: His medium is his roller skates. They can grip to almost any surface and act like chains saws against human flesh. He can detach the rollerblades themselves form his shoes at any time and attach them to his hands. They act as weapons but also serve other purposes.
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I believe we discussed my character bayne. There was a bit of controvesy with him and I don't remember if we settled that. Do you?
I would join this one, but, already being comitted to Bodine's RP along with the other things I must do, sadly, I cannot join. I will read this RP as it goes however, and give any advice you may want/need Bayne.

Good luck. Great idea btw.

EDIT: If things change with my situation, I will inform you and create a SU. Until that point, I fear that I must however remain..... Obsolete....

[/random] T4 wont be good without Arnold Schwarznegger.... [/end random spam]
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Lol... Irony being I've been replaying TWEWY lately, and now I see this. As a few know, I'm retired, but I'm sure I'll get a few kicks out of watching this. Subscribed.
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Thanks for all the complements. I hope this does really well. Storm if you wanna in and want to a big bad guy of some kind like you usaly are you need to be quick about it. Any way let me know if you can.
Lulz. Thanks Bayne. I think though, if I do take a role in this, then I dont wanna be the be demon ude again. Beleive it or not, it does get tiring... being bad.

Ill make an SU now and PM it to you Bayne.
Mind if I call dibs on the composer? I don't have time to make a su now, but I'll be able to do it either later tonight or tomorrow.

Edit: Never mind, i just read that he's gonna be a NPC. I call dibs on the conductor then...
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Ok Bayne, sent you my revised SU. It was too long, so I had to send the other part in another PM. :D
Wow great RP! Definitely in!

Character Name: Primrose Everdeen (goes by Prim)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Alliance: Player

Appearance: 5.6 Feet tall. long legs, a slight tan. Has long yellow and white hair resembling a primrose and wears a yellow-white primrose pin on her head. She has long side bangs covering her left eye and wheres her hair in a pony-tail. She has light brown eyes and is fairly weak but can outrun most people and can climb anything with ease. She's fairly average in body weight, just a bit thin. (sorry no picture, can't draw for my life x_x)

Personality: Very caring. Prim isn't a very confrontational girl and rather takes insults and blows then fighting, she's a push over. She rarely gets angry and is very intelligent for her age, but she unfortunately she acts from her emotions more than her brains.

Bio: Primrose has always been pushed around by everyone she met. She always tried to find the good in people and always cared for everyone, even the people who would psuh her around. Her mother (Delilah) became pregnant with her when she was 16 and took care of her as a single mom and dropped out of high school and was shunned by her family. Her mother named her Primrose because Prim would always bloom happiness in her heart. Prim and her mom was very poor, barely making the bills. Prim got a job as a fruit harvester ever since she was 10 (apparently no child labor laws). Prim was an excellent student and graduated early and was accepted into an IV league school. Prim's mother sent her to the school even though Prim demanded to stay and take care of her mom. After attending the IV league college for 5 months, she received a news about her mother being murdered by loan sharks for not being able to repay them back. Even with the money prim sent her each month her mom couldn't pay the bills and had to get loans. Hearing this news, Prim just became an empty shell... Her best friends Rosie and Alyssa couldn't bring her spirit back to life. Prim was later kicked out of college and was murdered by teenagers while on her way back to Alyssa's house (where she lived after getting kicked out from college). Not fighting back or calling for help, Prim died being beaten to death. After she died her regrets about leaving her mother to get murdered overwhelmed her and denied the invitation to go into heaven. As a reaper told her about this game, her spirits perked up again. This is my chance to redo my mistake, it my fault mother was murdered, prim told the reaper as she joined the games. She entered the games with one thing in mind, winning. For the first time she stopped caring for other peoples needs.

Her Medium: Her Primrose pin

Medium abilities: Her primrose pin has the power to shoot out yellow or white flower petals. She can control the petals by holding her Primrose pin. example: She moves her hands( holding the pin) to the left, flower petals rush to the left. She pushes her hand out in front of her, the flower petals are sent straight infront of her. If She just taps the pin while it's still in her hair flower petals scatter and makes it difficult to she her due to her skin and hair blending into the flower petals. The flower petals can't be made sharper or harder, it's just flower petals. She has can not control the petals when it rains, all it will do is drop to the ground. Petals are highly flamable >_<. When released petals will float around her, unless it's raining.
Her medium can also change her into any type of flowering plant, but only actual size of the plant, not some super giant one. Once in her "flower mode", she can make up to 50 duplicate flowers. The duplicates can realse highly dense pollen that easily gets into people's eyes and nose, making it hard to see and breathe. Once Prim breaks out of her "flower mode", her duplicate flowers will vanish slowly. The clones are flowers, and can only release pollen, and nothing more.

Is this ok? tell me if i missed anything :3
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I like it Gb. Heres mine.

Character Name: Filius Lux Lucis (Father Lucis for short)

Gender: Male

Age: 128

Alliance: Player / Sage

Appearance: Filius stands at 6'3" by measured height, but due to his age, he hunches, and his eyline is at 6'0". He wears the long, flowing robe of a Priest. His face is aged with wisdom, his hair being bleach white. His facial hair, an englishmens wrap around goatee, is tied in two braids 16" from his face. His eyelines are sagged and ancient, with his pupils being colored a deep gree and purple mix. He has a golden cross pendant on his neck that shines as bright as the sun when he taps into its power.

Personality: Filius is a very spiritual man. Being one of the most devout Christians in the world, his beleifs are those of the Bible. He is often overly critical of those who question his beliefs. He is very overly critical, but he has a right to be so. His longevital life span has enabled him with vast quantities of knowledge few can even dream of. His confinement in his Cathedrals led him into solitude, which in turn made his cold heart grow even colder, shutting out all who cared for him. Because of being cut off from civilized society for so long, he has a very hard time understanding why people act the way they do, and kill the way they kill.

Bio: Filius Lux Lucis is a disciple of God, the one and only savior of the christian people. His bloodline traces back to the original Jesus Christ, whom died on the Cross for the world's sins. Filius has always felt he owed Jesus and God a huge debt for the salvation of the Christian people. He has dedicated his life to the study of the Bible, practicing the whole of it, leaving no commandmant nor law unscathed. He has followed every rule in the Bible feircely, and has forced it upon others who either doubt or threaten the Sanctity of the Holy Ghost.

He married at the age of thirty to a venerable christian woman, and together, they had two children, a boy and a girl. They were married fifteen long years, until an Atheist group broke into the Cathedral in which they lived and murdered his family. He was brutally beaten and flung into a river. But, being the eldest and most vitalized person in the family, he survived. He looked at it as an act of God, that it was he who gave him the power to survive, and that it would be God who would give him the strength to endure his tragic loss.

Some time later, roughly 9 years, he remarried to another woman, Christian as usual. They had three children in six years. In his heart, there was no way he would ever lose his family again. When his original family died, his heart had gone cold as ice, and the hearth of it hd become a dragon. The dragon symbolizing his dead family. When he remarried, his heart became warm again, and he let his love flow.

Yet somehow, he could always hear the Dragon speaking... talking to him.... whispering to him the sum of all his fears. It was your fault you know... the Dragon would beckon.... You caused your families loss, and you will be unable to hold onto this one. You cannot live forever, and neither can they. Remember, even stars burn out....

The dragons words sank into him like a venom, coursing throughout his being and filling him with a hidden rage. He came to understand, however, that the dragon was right. His family died in a car crash on the way to the grocery store. A few army-men had mistaken them for a Communist spy party, and opened fire on their vehicle. The flames billowing from the car were nothing compared to the flames of rage billowing around his heart. He wanted to destroy the Dragon, he wanted to crush the dragon, and yet he couldnt. In the end, he doesnt even want to. Because the Dragon accepts him, and tells him just the way things will work out.

He went into solitude, taking efuge in a huge Cathedral located in England. He witnessed the cold war, he saw the Korean conflict, and he was there when the World Trade Center collapsed. He has seen the Iraq war grow to a national conflict, and he no longer blames people for there mistakes. To him, everything that happens is under the will of God. If the Iraqi's are meant to be eradicated by the Americans, then that is how it must be. He does not argue. He has long grown out of attachments, leaving the Dragon that lived in his furnace heart alone to die. As he aged over the years, the dragons icy whisper would haunt him still. You will die too, Filius.... Even stars burn out...

Filius has lived for 128 long years, gathering knowledge. Every day, he regretted the way he had lived his life. He was not ashamed of the way it turned out, but he often wondered how his life would have been if he did not take the way of the Sage. The Dragon always whispered failure to him, and those ever familiar words of stars dying. He began to doubt his own reason for existence, and his role in life. He wondered if his strong religious beleifs had made any impact on the world. He wondered if, maybe, he helped himself too much and wallowed in the anguish of his memories too much to fullfill the legacy of Jesus.

Eventually, as the Dragon had whispered to him, he did die. He died alone, in his Cathedral, sitting on a pew in front of the Lord's cross. His heart gave out, and he passed away. At the moment of his death, before he ascended into the eternal land of immortal Angels in the sky, dark beings approached him. They called themselves "The Reapers," and spoke to him of a game... a game in which he could be given another chance at life. But this second chance would not encompass any memories of his previous life, and the way this intrigued him was incredible.

His thoughts raced, about all the things he could do. To be reborn, to be alive without the burden of being Jesus Christ's disciple, to live without the painful and haunting memories of his past....

To live without the Dragon....

He accepted the Reapers challenge. They transported him to their Dark city. As he surveyed his new surroundings in a place of evil, he realized their was one way for him to win. By using the power of God. The Reapers had said he needed to antie up the thing he cared most for in the world. It was easy for him to know what that was, but hard for him to say it. Eventually of course he did.

His entry fee was his Soul.

Medium abilities: Father Lucis's medium is the cross pendant he wears around his neck. When he grasps it, he can tap into his vast knowledge and enable telempathy. He can levitate a few objects, with bigger ones taking more power and therefore causing him greater strain. He can control atoms in the air to create a "Force" to some extent. He can influence these molecules to release energy, which would cause a forceful blast of energy.

Ok, there it is. Huge and complete. Thoughts?

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