Second Chance: Offical Rp


The one and only
Jan 25, 2009
Reading, UK
Wii Online Code
Here we go the official tread.

Second Chance

- Story-

Deep in the city, hidden from the view of the world. There is a game. A game wrapped in darkness and fear. It is a game that costs so much to play, With so much to lose. It is called the Reapers Game. A game where you risk what matter to you the most for that slim chance in winning the ultimate prize. A second chance. A second chance at life.

When you die, before you leave this world for ever. If you have any doubts about your death. They come to you. The Reapers. There they offer you a chance to live again. If you win there game. It sounds simple enough. Each game lasts one week. Each day you are set an objective. Complete it and you move on to the next day. Simple. But in reality its far more deadly. Because to enter you must offer up what matters most to you. This could be anything for your memories, your identity to someone who matters to you. If you win the game, you get it back, if you lose. Not only are you erased from existence but so is what you sacrificed.

The game goes on for an eternity, allowing all those with doubt to enter. Only allowing those who’s strength and determination to win. Though out the ages the game continues never ending, never faltering. But in 2009 things change. The stakes are now raised, more that any of the players know. Because one of the players, is not who they appear to be. Because the broke all the boundaries, all the rules. They broke into the game and plan to use it to change the world.

That is the basic premise of the Rp. The story is completely new and is no way related to the story from TWEWY. Now bellow I will explain different parts of how the overall world will work.

-The Reapers Game-

The game itself spans over one week. Each day an objective is set. If the objective is not completed then the player dies. Each day’s objective becomes increasingly harder and often a time limit is set which is shown by the red timer that appears on the palm of the players hand. To complete the game the players must simple survive and complete each objective.

The objective system is actually a great way to allow the Rp’s to move forward. Often RP’s end up going no where because there is not enough direction in the RP’s. By using this premise the story can stay on a straight path while also allowing what people want. The objectives have not been decided so any one can put forward ideas for what the Rp needs like a more fight based objectives than a story driven one.

-The Players-

The players are people who have died and have decided to enter so they can live again. The players can be seen as the good guys. But that might not be the case. Any one with doubt about their life can enter the game and because of this not all the players will be good people. Some could be murders or thives all believing that they have the right to live again.

The game is so difficult that the players will need to ban together to survive. But jus because they work need to work together doesn’t mean they have to trust each other. Many of them could be hiding some very dangerous secrets.

To the help them survive both players and reapers are gifted with special powers which are used thought mediums. These mediums are every day objects such as phones, gameboy's or maybe your mum rolling pin. Here’s an example. A 12 year old boy has a game boy for a medium. His power is summoning a small soldier to fight for him. He controls the soldier though his game boy. Another example could be a glove. The glove turns the user’s entire hand into steel. There so many possibilities that can be used so I hope you guys can be creative.

-The Reapers-

The Reapers are the definitive bad guys. They are the games marshals. There job is to make sure that the Players die. That simple. The reapers command structure is like this.
At the top there is The Composer. He is the most powerful being of all. Not only does he control the game. But he controls the entire city. He is the most powerful being and is something to be feared.
The Conductor is his second command. He is also very powerful. His job is over seeing the game and other small duty’s.
Then there is the Games Master. He chooses what the days objectives will be and how the game will play out. In ever single game it is tradition that on the final day, to proceed they must kill the games master. But it is very rare that any one wins.
Then there is the basic reaper who’s job is the fight and stir up conflict with in the Players. There abilities are more powerful than Players however they are just as vulnerable(In gaming terms they have the same defence and health as the players).
Below even the basic Reapers is Noise. Noise are the basic monsters in the RP. They are no where near as strong as reapers but there are more of them and can pick of players who stick on their own with relative ease. They often take the forms of animals but with more fangs and wings.

-The City-

The game takes place with in the city. The city carries on oblivious to the game. The players can see every one moving around and doing there jobs but the people cannot see them.
As for the city itself. That is up for debate. It can be a real city or a fictional one. However it must have land marks and other features. If someone wants to make up a map for a fictional city that would be brilliant.

Well that’s the long complicated details out of the way. Now I’m goanna quickly post these rules I stole form the alternate plot

1) You must use proper grammar.
2) You agree to make your posts as descriptive as possible.
3) No godmodding, unless you're Alakazam, but even then, don't overdo it. Please.
4) No bunnying, meaning you can't control someone else's character without their permission.
5) No double posting, spamming, etc... all typical internet forum rules apply..
6) You can sign up for up to two characters. You can have a third but you need to send me the sign up first and give me a good reason why this character should be in.

Map and sign ups to be added
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Here is the first post. I did a bit of bunying on the objecitves but it has to be easy so i hope you guys don't mind.

My parents are being harsh so this might be my only post tonight. Any way.

What defines a person. What make you what you are. That’s a question I always asked myself. Is it your memories, your experiences in life. Or is it something more. Something deep inside, something which calls you to follow the path. What happens to the person if their memories are taken. What then, will they still be the same person. Or someone completely different. Its not a question I ever thought of asking my self. Yet It turned out that in those few weeks in which I made my journey. That the answer its self was the worlds last hope.

Extract From Chapter 1 of The Journey

Melona City, Docklands.

It was completely silent in the docklands. Except for the sounds of children playing. They played in a small warehouse. They played a game of football, kicking the ball from side to side. Always missing the body in the middle of their pitch.
Stand Paul Clark
The body started to rise form the ground. The ball was still kicked past him. He looked around a surveyed his surroundings.
“Where am I?” He said out loud and then directed it towards the kids who ignored him.

The man flinched, looking confused. He then went into his pocket and pulled out a mobile phone. He checked his inbox to find one message.
Get to Ark tower. You have 60 minutes. Fail and face erasure. From the Reapers.
“Face erasure. What’s erasure? Ark tower. What’s Ark tower? The reapers. Who are they? Where am I?...........”
He stopped mid sentence. Completely silent. He then tapped his head with his finger. Once, then twice.
“Who am i?” He then freaked and ran towards the kids.
“Excuse me hello?........... DO you know how I got here. HELLO”
The kids just ignored him and carrying playing.
“DHAM IT” He turned around and burst out of the building into the sun light. He the looked at his surroundings. He was in and abandoned Dock yard. He could here people in the distance and ran north in a panic.

He tried to make contact with every one he saw. They just ignored him. He kept heading north intill he was in the business district.
“DOES ANY ONE KNOW ME” He screamed. No one answered. Then in a flash there was an explosion. He dived to the ground and looked up to see a man wearing a green hat running for his life. Being chased by rats. But they weren’t normal rats. They had tattoos over their fur, their tails like blades. The green hat ran as one rat sliced at his ankle. He fell and screamed as a rat jumped and impaled it’s tail in his chest. The green hat turned to dust.
“What on earth” Said the man as he lay on the ground watching the attack. The rats then turned to look at him.
“Oh no.” He got up and ran, he ran for his life as the rats followed him, gaining on ever step. He dived down an ally way and swore. It was a dead end. He turned to leave but they were already their.
“Oh no, Oh no HHEEELLLP” He screamed into the skies.

Stop running Paul Clark
Paul froze and looked around.
In this life, trust is of most importance. Without it there is no foundation for emotion. On can no feel with out first trusting. And the one thing you must trust the most. Is yourself.
Paul turned to face the rats.
Trust your instinct.
Paul grabbed hold of his tie and pulled it of his shirt. He then spun it round.
The rats leaped. Paul dashed forward and spun his tie round and slashed at the rats, slicing them all in half. They all disintegrated.
Paul stood their panting.
You are a player, play to win.
“I don’t know who I am, I don’t know what this power is. All I know is, is that I have to win.”
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Nice post Bayne. Ill let others post before me. Subscribing.
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Before the RP completely gets underway... ... ...

SUBSCRIBE! :p I'll no longer post here, ofcourse.
"Heh heh, what pathetic inscects."
From a nearby rooftop a man in a red hooded sweater watched as the Noise killed another player. He had the hood up covering his head and a red metal skull mask covering his face. "What pathetic wimps. It's far too easy to end their worthless lives. He couldn't even beat a couple Noise. I thought he might've been entertaining but I guess I was wrong. For once."
Skull turned and looked around. There wasn't many players or reapers nearby. A few Noise but they knew better than to attack him, he made sure of it. There was a player that did seem interesting, the one who killed the Noise. Skull looked at him for a moment. He memorizes the info of every player and reaper so he can torture them with their own fears and weaknesses. In a minute he remembered the players profile. Paul Clark, the player without memories. His weapon is his tie which can become an ultra sharp, indestructable metal. He knows nothing except he needs to win our game. He should be interesting to play with.
Skull leapt down and balanced himself on a nearby street pole. Then he whistled to get Paul's attention. And finally he gave his trademark greeting, a greeting that few ever live to tell about.

"Name's Skull, and guess what? You're dead." A few Noise appeared and charged at Paul.

OOC: my opening post. what do you all think?
I'm kind of confused on what to post so I'll let others post before me...So, save spot :p

So the mission for the "day" is getting to the ark tower? What if you started out at the ark tower, would you have to go somewhere different? I'm going to post my reaper's RP for now.

Kira's Diary: Day 1, Part 1
*Beep Beep* Kira's wrist watch sent out two faint beeps. She knew very well what that meant, the 2009 Reaper's game has begun. Kira just stared at the watch untill the beeps became no more then a faint echo. " I don't feel like moving at all.....I'll just wait until I see a player come by...." Eyes half open, Kira just sat down on the ground and started fixing up her dolls.

Being placed at the Ark Tower was pure luck for this little reaper. She watched players arrive one by one, but wasn't interested in fighting any of them, they all seemed pretty weak. "-Yawn*-, Ugh, I tought this week's game would actually be interesting...." She knew it was her job as a Reaper to kill the players, but there seemed to be Noise at the tower doing her job for her. "Lets see what some of the other Reapers are doing..." Kira summoned "Turtle", she really didn't feel like walking the whole way, so he just decided to ride her doll.

Turtle and Kira traveled over to the Docklands, scaring some players along the way. Her watched showed her what Reapers and Players were located there so far, suddenly she felt sorry for the Players, Skull was there. "I wouldn't be surprised to see every one of them die there..." When she arrived at her destination, she could see Skull talking to some businessmen. "Poor man....."
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Ooc: Renaming my guy "Atrox". Means Horror in Latin. Not sure if the cities been named yet, but I have it as "Moenia," meaning "grand city" in Latin.


Page 10529,

Chapter 666, "What makes a man?"

What makes a man? Is it the actions that propel us through our lives? Or perhaps it is the tools which we create to do our bidding. Is it the soulless incarnations made by mankind to ease the troubles of life, or perhaps it is the prospect of fullfilling Manifest Destiny... No one truly knows the meaning of life and, I suppose, noone ever will. Perhaps they do not deserve to know. Perhaps the simple act of living life to the fullest, whatever that means, will extend man's reach past the stars which he so desperately clings to for hope. Perhaps doing nothing in life will make one exceptional enough to go past his alien God, the unknown entity which gives man the power to change the world.

Or perhaps destroy it...

Atrox paused for a moment. Ink still dripping from his pen became like that of a heartbeat... The pulse of the universe. He stopped, returning the pen to its holder and closing the book he was writing. The cover read in a bright, bold red, The Atrocities of Man. He ran his brittle fingers over the spine of his book, noticing the slimy residue of rotting bone marrow he left behind as his hand trailed. He held up his bony hand and examined it, as he had done millions of times before while he has lived in Moenia. It was a beatiful city, beautiful to one who had lived their as long as Atrox had. He stood silently from his chair and swiftly made his way out of his chambers. He moved like a ghost, virtually floating down the corridors.

Looking past many viewing chambers, he saw all manner of horrible things; torture, betrayel, murder, condemnation, all the things that made up the key components of the Game. My my my, what a great Game we have created.... He dragged his bony fingertip across the metal walls of the complex, creating a horrible screeching sound that had never been heard before. It intimidated the Players, and distracted them for the moment the creatures they were fighting needed. They all died at once.

How marvelous.... he thought.

He found himself in the viewing chamber, looking down upon a scene between a Player and a few Noise. The scene was set in a riveting local street location. They have no idea of the beauty they are fighting in.... How much work went into it... How much planning and time... Atrox attempted to chuckle as one of the Noise were cut down, but only managed to cough up a few cockaroach. He tried to frown, feeling a bit dissappointed. He counted down in his head, 5.... 4.... 3... 2... 1....

Skull appeared from a nearby street pole.

"It figures...." he croaked, the air propelling peices of flesh from his throat at the viewing dome. He hated that it was simply reduced to Reapers chasing after the Players. They had ruined the basic fundamentals of the game. He was a little relieved to see that Skull was still using the Noise instead of just annihilating the Player.

"Skull," he said into the viewing dome, knowing he could hear him. "Have a little fun with this one, if you will."

He looked over and saw another Reaper, Kira. "Ugh.... disgusting little cretin...."
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With one hand in his pocket and the other just letting go of what is left of the ignorant Reaper, Kain watches as the gates open. Beside the gate doors was another reaper, one who was smart enough not to face him alone. "Alright Valentine, you've made your point..." said the reaper. "Now get in there! The game is already 5 minutes underway." Kain looked to the reaper and gave a look of distaste as he walked through the gates.

Instantly, he was on the edge of a skyscraper rooftop. The wind blew hard but Kains balance remained even. "Courtasy of death I suppose." muttered Kain as he looked down upon the city. "I best hurry if I want to make it there on time, and if I don't want this building swarming with reapers." He said to himself.

There is truth to his statement. The Reapers seem to have a vendetta against Kain. They target him more than the other contestants. They don't even know why, but he does. All they know is that there is something different about him that they don't like. Very unfortunate for Kain, for the Reapers want him to loose so badly. Even the simplest of objectives will be a great hassel, thanks to the Reapers. The Noise feel the same, but they usually don't confront him. The Noise hate him, but whatever it is that makes Kain different has the Noise greatly terrified of him.

"Maybe that's why the Reapers attack me so much." said Kain, thinking aloud. "Because they fear me, and want me gone before I stir things up too much."
Kain began to jump down from the tall skyscraper, but he stopped. He suddenly felt that he wasn't alone. Without turning around he said, "I suggest you forget about it. I'm not in the mood nor do I have the time." One of the ten reapers standing behind him stepped forward and spoke. "That's exactlly what we hoped for. You're not going to make it past game 1."
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Im dead? Okay....... Im dead. Im dead alright that sort of makes sense. But still, im dead, how, why. I can't remmber. Wait all i know is i have to win this game. This guy obviosly is not on my side. The mask initself shows that he has a agrsive personality. That with the blood red hoodie shows that he wants to intimadte. However the mask also shows that he dosn't want to show his face, fear of beign reconisd. Perhaps. Mostlikly is that he see's himself as two people. The mask seperating the people apart. From what i can deduce therefor there is an 80% chance he will attack me. Wait what did i just do.

Paul face now showed confusion and surprise. Did I just profile him, how did i know to do that. Wait what if my memory is gone but the knowledge I had when i was alive is still there. That could explain alot. Okay so i will just have to play this carefully to my insticts.

"Im dead you say." Said Paul showing a thoughfull expression.
"Okay that makes a lot of sense. Thanks you skull, with that knowledge I feel a lot better. Now if you excuse me I need to head to that big tower over there. You know how it goes, no rest for the wicked. Good bye." Paul then started walking past Skull, smiling as he went.

Than the noise charged him.
Paul droped underneath the first rat noise as it went for his head. Im gonna have to learn to use this tie fast. I can turn it into metal by will alone, maybe I can only do that to certain parts of it. Paul spun his tie round and then flicked it like a whip. Only the end of the tie had been turned into steel thus allowing him to move it quicker. He flicked the tie upwards as a noise charged him, slicing it in half. He then used the tie to latch around on noise's tail and then spin that noise round in the air. He then lossend the tie and the noise went flying into a wall, disentergrating.

"Well that was refreshing, any way i got to go now, same time tommrow." Said Paul to skull. He bowed his head slightly and then started walking past him again.
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er sorry benny 10 did you ever sign up in the sign up thread, i don't remmber you doing so. You have to sign up their before you can just join, thanks.
Im dead? Okay....... Im dead. Im dead alright that sort of makes sense. But still, im dead, how, why. I can't remmber. Wait all i know is i have to win this game. This guy obviosly is not on my side. The mask initself shows that he has a agrsive personality. That with the blood red hoodie shows that he wants to intimadte. However the mask also shows that he dosn't want to show his face, fear of beign reconisd. Perhaps. Mostlikly is that he see's himself as two people. The mask seperating the people apart. From what i can deduce therefor there is an 80% chance he will attack me. Wait what did i just do.

Paul face now showed confusion and surprise. Did I just profile him, how did i know to do that. Wait what if my memory is gone but the knowledge I had when i was alive is still there. That could explain alot. Okay so i will just have to play this carefully to my insticts.

"Im dead you say." Said Paul showing a thoughfull expression.
"Okay that makes a lot of sense. Thanks you skull, with that knowledge I feel a lot better. Now if you excuse me I need to head to that big tower over there. You know how it goes, no rest for the wicked. Good bye." Paul then started walking past Skull, smiling as he went.
He's just leaving? JUST LEAVING?! Skull leapt in front of him, blocking his path. "Listen here worthless player. When I said your dead, I wasn't just telling you whats going on. I meant your dead as in I'm going to kill you. And apparently you didn't even bother looking at them." Skull pointed at the Noise growling behind Paul. "They look disappointed. Maybe you should cheer them up. I know! Why don't you let them eat you!" Skull snapped his fingers and jumped back. The Noise leapt at Paul as soon as Skull moved away.[/strike]
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Yes you can, can you edit you post then please intill i have okayed you sign up which is in the sign up thread. and shadow i missed the bit about the noise so i edited my post.

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