Days Passed Away RP preview and sign up thread


Sonic expert
Jan 25, 2009
Wii Online Code
Thought up of an Rp that I think could be awesome. Been thinking up the basics for it for a while now actually. At the time of me writting this I'm training in the field and can only access WiiChat via smart phone so Ill hold up on the RP but I will type up some previews for the RP while out here. After the previews Ill open this up for Sign Ups. Enjoy.

Days Passed Away/Epilogue Part 1: Because I Love You​
Trent pulled the old, beat up, baby blue Ford pick-up to the broken down bar. The sign read "The Waterin' Hole" and was barely hanging on to the building by a few rusty screws.
He was deep in thought while staring emptily at the less-than-classy looking place, but hell, it looked like every other building nowadays.

"I'm not so sure about this place Trent..." Jessie said from the passenger seat. Her voice sort of startled him a bit. He looked to her, surprised to see her awake already. Only and hour or two had passed since she had fallen asleep in that seat. He looked at her, that golden blonde hair, those bright blue eyes, the funny kink in her eyebrow when she second guesses his judgement, she was the only thing nice to look at these days and was still the prettiest thing before then. He gave a fake smile to reassure her and opened the drivers side door. "Don't worry," He said. "It'll be okay. Just sit here and keep an eye out. Ill be back in a second."

With that he grabbed his baseball bat from behind the seat, got out of the truck and shut the door. The sun hit him all the harder as he stood there looking at the bar. A gust of wind blew by and a cloud of the desert sand wooshed by his face to his discomfort. He wiped his nose and looked to the back of the pick-up at the whimpering Golden Retriever sitting in the bed of the truck. He scracthed the dog behind his ear. "Watch after Jessie, okay boy?" He said to the dog. Then he started to slowly walk into the bar, noticing it was "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash that he heard coming from inside. Cautiously he opened the door and stepped inside, immediatly regretting he did.

He looked across the bar, hating himself for what he had walked into and even more for what he feared might happen to Jessie if he couldn't slip away. Looking back at him was a nasty group of tough looking fellas, some seeming to not bother washing a few days old blood from their clothes. The ones not cleaning their arsenal of guns were busy helping themselves to the abandonded bars stock of whiskey, beer, and whatever else they might have. Some were smiling at him with what teeth they had, this troubled Trent the most.

"Howdy there boy." Said one of the bigger, uglier ones. "What's a kid like you doin' way out here in this here shithole?" Trent clenched tightly to his bat and tried to speak, but he was too busy swallowing the lump in his throat. A scrawny one, sharpening his knife, spoke up. "Was that yer truck we heard pull up out thur youngin'?" He said in a squeeky, twangier voice.

Trent took a deep breath and started to calm his heartbeat. He looked at these barbaric men that were looking back at him, a 17 year old kid with nothing but a baseball bat and his back to the door, like they were about to rip him apart and enjoy it, sadly he's probably dead right. Then he thought of Jessie and what horrible, horrendous things they will do if they got a hold of her. He got angry.

"Yeah, yeah it is." He said to them surprisingly confident. Kind of took them by surprise aswell. "So, fellas, I was looking for some supplies. I'm alone out here and trying to make my way to Dallas, but ya know how far that is. I can tell y'all are busy so Ill just get goin'. Appreciate yalls time fellas." He then turned to the door, hoping that he played that off well enough, and started to open the door. Suddenly a hand grabbed his shoulder. "Crap" he muttered under his breath right before he was flung to the middle of the bar, and the middle of the group of bandits. "Face it kid." Said the big one. "Me and you both knew you ain't gettin out of here without givin' us that truck and whatever the hell you got in there."

He sat there on the floor thinking of what to do, but his attention quickly turned to the scrawny one that spoke earlier. He was looking out of the window, spazzing out unable to hold his excitement. Trent suddenly felt nausious knowing what was happening. "Boss!" The scrawny one called in a squeaky twangy voice. "You ain't gonna believe this!" He cried as he darted for the door. Trent swiftly rose to his feet and started to dart for the door aswell. "NOOOO!" He yelled, but was quickly brought to the ground by a punch to the gut, he didn't know who did it, but it hurt. Hurt enough to make him vomit, and his vision grew blurry.

The large bandit bent down to Trents eye level, who was on his knees, swiviling his head trying to stay concious. "Hmmm," the big one said with a smile. "Now what the hell could have gotten Rat so excited out there huh? You got something good out there boy? Something you didn't tell us?" Just then, "Rat" busted through the door, the dog could be heard barking like crazy outside. In Rats arms was Jessie struggling to break his grasp. "Trent!" She cried to him. Trents vision immediatly cleared and his anger burrowed up. "Let her go!" He yelled. "Take the truck, put please leave her alone!" He yelled to the bandits. This earned a laugh from the crowd.

"You must be high off yer ass if you think I'm lettin a piece like this get away from me boy." The big one said. "You know how long its been since these boys've even seen a broad? Let alone touch one?." Trent looked around the group, which was drooling over the sight of Jessie. That was enough for him. He jumped up and sung at the big guy with his bat, connecting to the side of his head. The blow caused the bandit to fall to his knees, but he was right back up, and red with anger. The bandit quickly returned with a punch right to Trents face. The last thing he saw before blacking out was the scrawny bandit dragging the kick, screaming girl to the back room.. She screamed his name and reached her arm to him, and he tried to reach out to her, but his body fell limp and everything went black.

The band was playing louder than usual that Friday night. The crowd roared over and over again, "Let's-go, Ea-gles!" Trent smiled at the group cheering his team on. He stared at them while standing with his team behind the paper banner, looking through the crowd for someone in particular. "Earth to Trent!" He heard. Trent was notorious for getting lost in thought. He looked behind him to see his friend, and the teams first-string running back, Nathan Johnsen, laughing at him. "Dude, we're about to play our rivals in the semifinals and you got booty on the mind." Nathan said with a laugh. Trent blushed and punched Nathan in the shoulder. "I ain't done it!" He exclaimed. Then loojed around and asked, "So... have you seen her?" Which made Nathan laugh again. "You know she ain't comin'. She already told you she don't like going to these games bro." Trent then looked around again, looking rather bummed. "I know, its just that I asked her to this time."

Nathan shook his head. "Man you're hopeless. She might not even be into you dude." Trent then looked back at Nathan quickly. "Nah, I feel it Nate." Nathan shook his head again. "Yeah I bet, and the one before that and the one before that." Trent looked down in dissappointment. "I planned on asking her out after the game today." He then perked up and looked to his left after hearing a familiar voice call his name. There, standing across the gate from the football field was Jessie, smiling at him. "You better do good out there, don't make me come to these stupid games for nothing!" She yelled at him. Seeing her put a big goofy grin on Trents face.

Trent started to come to as he found himself back on the floor of the broken down bar. His head aching, his heart pounding, his mind racing. His senses started to gather quickly and he remembered his situation, which threw him into a panic. He jumped to his feet as his name was called again from the back room. Apperantly he wasn't out near as long as he had feared. He wiped the blood from his face onto the leather sleave of his letterman jacket and looked at his surroundings. It seemed the brutish bandits left their stock of guns unchecked in their excitment. He quickly picked up the only two guns he knew how to handle thanks to hunting trips with his dad, a double barreled shotgun and a long-range hunting rifle. He strapped the rifle to his back and clenched the shotgun tightly in his hand and darted for the door to the back room. 'They should have killed me' he thought to himself. The enraged boy kicked open the door and immediately pointed the gun into the room. "Put you ****ing hands up!" He shouted. The surprised bandits quickly looked behind them with shock and awe apparent on their faces. Looking through the crowd he could see a paniced Jessie. She had been fighting them off seeng as she was tensed up and only one of her shoes had been taken from her.

The surprised faces of the bandits slowly morphed to angry grimaces at the boy, who wasn't concerned with the looks he was receiving, all the while looking utterly livid himself. "We can go about this without any of you sorry sacks of **** dying." He boldly stated. "Oh someones, dyin' alright." Said one of the bandits. Trent looked to Jessie and with his hand signaled for her to come to him. She slowly passed the bandits and made her way to Trent, who immediatly grabbed her and held her tightly, with one arm still pointing the gun at the angered bandits. After a brief time of stillness, he started to back away to the door.

The two sprinted to the truck, struggling to open the doors in their panic. He could hear the bandits grabbing their guns inside and he started mutturing curse words under his breath. He opened the door to the truck, the bandits rushed out of the bar gun blazing. The dog, Rosco, nearly jumped out of the truck to attack the men, but was tied down by his leash. Trent and Jessie jumped in and started the truck, which wasn't given a seconds notice to be put in reverse. He hit the gas and swiped by the bandits onto a dirt road. It only mad a short distance before one of the tires was shot out. He swerved but managed to keep it stable enough to not fip, that didn't save them from the engine being shot out next.

Smoke bellowed from under the trucks hood and waves of heat followed with. Trent jumped out of the truck and cut the leash off Rosco. "I ain't leavin ya buddy." He said as he quickly ran to the front of the truck. He grabbed Jessie by the wrist and sprinted down the road away from the bandits. He had to look back and call for Rosco, who was holding ground and barking at the men closing in on the truck. "Damn it Rosco get over here!" He yelled. Roscos ears perked and he quickly sprinted to Trent. Trent then looked to Jessie. Tears being dried byt the desert sun and sand. The thought of stopping to catch his breath quickly exited his mind after looking at her.

He spotted a tall building up ahead at a fork in the dirt road. He didn't have a plan, he didn't think this building would save them, but by instict he headed for it. Jessie noticed this with worry on her mind. "Trent!" She yelled, "We can't just bust into a building! What if..." She was interuppted by Trent tackling through the door. No time to be cautious. It was time to survive. He quickly spotted a larger dresser in the abandoned building and pushed it in front of the doorway. He grabbed Jessie, called for Rosco, and started running upstairs. Something caught both Trents and Jessies attention while running up the stairs. Something that disturbed both of them deeply.

They made their way up to the roof. After seeing that his girl and his dog were still safe, Trent used the rifile to bard the door by its handles. As he was doing so, Jessie was yelling panicedly at him. "Trent!" She yelled. "I know." He replied. "All the doors in there!" She continued. "I know.." he replied. "They were boarded and.." she started to yell. "I KNOW!!!" Trent yelled after barding the door. He turned his attention to Rosco briefly, who was continuing with his barking. "Rosco shut up!" He yelled.

Trent grabbed Jessie and pulled her with him to the opposite side of the roof. On the other side of the door they could hear the bandits screaming and shooting, along with several disturbing sounds of growling and snarling. Trent looked back to Jessie, clentching his shotgun tight. "Babe, no matter what happens, I'm here for you, you know that right?" He said. She looked at him, tears slowly made their way down both of their faces. "Of coarse, I know." She said sadly. "And you know," he continued, "that I promised you whenever it gets bad, and seems hopeless you don't have to worry right?" Jessie bagan to hold him tightly. "Yes, Trent, I remeber." She said. He gently pushed her off of hime to look her in the eyes. "Cause I told you, no matter what comes at us, I WILL protect you." He said to her while fighting back tears. "And you know why?" He asked. She nodded her head and kissed him.

"Beacause I love you."


Keep track of this thread in the next couple of days for the second preview, Just Following Orders.
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  • #3
Epilogue Part 2: Just Following Orders​

Private First Class Ramirez stormed down the hallway of the abandoned oil refinery facility now being occupied by his pro-humaine military branch Pulse. 4-6 1-37 Bravo Company 1st Platoon was tasked with seizing the area for Pulse control and clear the facility of any hostiles to set up camp for the Pulse scientist. What was so great about this place was not told to Ramirez, it was a pay grade. No matter what military branch you serve, at least in Ramirez's case, if you're a Private then you're pretty much a mushroom, fed **** and kept in the dark.

In hindsight he really wished he knew what he was stepping into this time.

He snuck away from his team leader to do something no Private should feel free to do. He was about to speak his mind. To make matters worse he was going to do it angrily. The worst of it is that he was going to do it angrily to his Platoon Sergent. When he made his way to the end of the hall and opened the door to the facility's control room where he expected his Plt Sgt and PL (Platoon Leader) to be instead he found a room full of Privates and Specialists tasked out with cleaning the place up, including Specialist Williams, someone in which he worked very close with before. Specialist Williams made it obvious that she wasn't happy to see him.

"You son of a *****." She said to him with a disgusted look. Ramirez looked at her in surprise. "Excuse me Specialist?" He said. She went over to him and got in his face. "You and your squad are monsters you know that?" She said angrily. "You and that mad man of a squad leaderslaughtered those innocent people out there today. My god Ramirez, how old could that kid have been that ran at you? Seven? Eight?"

Ramirez started to speak in his defense, but stopped himself seeing as he would be defending the very thing he too was angry about. "I'm not the one to be pissed at, Specialist." Ramirez said firmly. Williams shook her head. "Psh, yeah? I suppose someone grabbed your hand and forced you to pull the trigger huh?" She said in a disgusted manner.

PFC Ramirez didn't know what to say. He knew it was wrong as much as she did but he couldn't verbally explain what he was thinking. Just then the door opened and someone stepped in. "No, but he was following my damn orders, Williams." Said the man who walked in. His face, scared from previous battles, his hair white from past stresses, his gaze firm, still and always confident as anyones would be who had seen all he had seen. He stood tall and sported his IBA bullet proof vest and heavy gear that came with it as if a second skin. Sgt First Class Richard Samson, the Platoon Sgt of Bravo Company 1st Platoon.

Ramirez couldn't help but be angry in his presence. The man was cold and cruel, two things Ramirez didn't believe was a necesity of being a soldier. "What are you doing in here Private?" SFC Samson said to Ramirez. "The rest of the platoon is downstairs sortin' through this ****, leave this place to these HHC pricks." Ramirez breathed heavily out of his nostrils. He went to the position of parade rest, his hands croseed behind his back and his feet slightly spread, a respect-showing position a lower ranking soldier is expected to be in when talking to a higher ranking enlisted soldier, whether they actually respect them or not. "I was looking for you Sergeant." He said. "I have something to dicuss with you."

SFC Samson looked Ramirez up and down. "And so you say forget proceedure and just skip through your chain of command Private?" He asked retorically. "Obviously, Sergeant." Ramirez retorted. "Do I sense an attitude there soldier?" Samson said. Williams then stepped between the to and pointed at SFC Samson. "If there isn't any attitude coming from him you better expect it from me." She said. Samson looked at her angrily. "You better remember your place fast there Specialist and show the proper respect to a higher ranking NCO." He said to her. "F*ck you." She returned. "You and your men ought to be court marshalled for the **** you pulled out there today and I'm not letting this rest until someone pays for it, or did you forget I work directly under Sergeant Major Jones?

"Shut your damn mouth soldier." Samson said. "I'm not going to take threats from a goddamn junior enlisted. My men did what I ordered them to do and if given a second chance I wouldn't have changed anything about the damn outcome so if you don't mind Specialist I would suggest you get that finger out of my face." He stated. Ramirez, angered further by his statement jumped back into the conversation. "Wouldn't change anything?" He asked. "Sergeant, those were innocent civilians we blindly shot up under your orders. We could have saved them!" He yelled. SFC Samson pushed Ramirez back. "And what, Private? Risk the purity of our Haven? Do you know what we risk by taking in unknown outsiders? There could be a goddamn outbreak from inside our own home! I'm not risking the lives of our people to sooth your damn concious. Now the both of you get the hell out of here!"

Ramirez couldn't believe what he was hearing. "We're Pulse damn it! You're talking a damn BioCorp freak!" He yelled. Samson pointed at Ramirez. "This is your last warning soldier..." he said, but was interrupted. The sound of gunfire came from a distant part of the facility, followed by frantic radio chatter over their communicators. Samson quickly grabbed his radio and walked over to a window that looked down onto a majority of the facility. "This is Sergeant First Class Samson, report first platoon, what the hell is going on?" He said into the radio. The voice returned over the staticy radio in bits and pieces. "They're!... lots of!.... heavy arsenal!... being flanked!... returning fire!..."

Ramirez approached the window quickly and looked down. "Enemy gunfire? Is it bandits?" He asked. Samson grabbed his M4 carbine assault rifile and put down the radio. "No." He said. "Bandits wouldn't have gotten danger close with our guards outside. This is a lot worse."

Ramirez grabbed his M4 from the table and loaded a magazine into the magazine well, pulled the cocking lever to the rear and pressed the bolt release, slaming a round into the chamber. "You mean B.C.C.O.?" He asked. Samson continued to stare out of the window, looking for signs of closer disturbance. "Afraid so. Damn sneaky lunatics specialize in stealth operations. My moneys on our guards outside being dead without knowing what the hell happened."

More gunfire could be heard coming from outside. Ramirez looked out the window to see a few Pulse soldiers falling one by one by shots from an unseen enemy. "Damn it!" He said. "They're headed this way!" Samson walked over to the door and stood ready to open it. He looked back to the few dozen soldiers in the control room. "Alright soldiers," he said. "We cant let them take this facility." Ramirez neared the door. "Just whats so special about this place? What does Pulse have the scientist doing here?" He asked Samson. Samson shook his head. "Not even I know, kid. Above my pay-grade. All I was told is that this facility was mission critical. Whatever it is we're here for BioCorp must be wantin' it just as bad. Either way, we got too much goin' on right now to be chit chattin'. Lock and load men!"

Samson opened the door to the hallway and the soldiers followed through. As soon as they came through the doorway they took up defensive positions, taking cover behind whatever they could, waiting for the BioCorp Cover Op soldiers to come their way. Ramirez hunkered down behind a steel crate, all was silent. All he could hear was his heavy breathing. He had never faced the B.C.C.O. before, but from the stories he heard from soldiers who managed to survive an engagement against them, he felt unsure about his odds of survival.

BioCorp Cover Ops soldiers. Hired mercenaries paid by BioCorp for god-knows-what. Though just mercenaries, theyre as professional, effecient, and deadly as the most higly skilled soldiers out there. They might not be completely loyal to BioCorp, but they are loyal to how much BioCorp pays them. They don't see these as missions, but as jobs, and they always see that the job gets done and done right. Their swiftness, frightening. Their ruthlessness, never ceasing. Their cruelty, unfathomable. They are one of the two biggest threats to humanity in the wastelands.

Suddenly the door at the other end of the hallway budged with a thud sound, but didn't open. "****." muttered Ramirez. He knew a breach explosive had just been placed on the other end of the door. A few seconds pause, then the doors burst into the room off their hinges from the small explosion. A cloud of smoke and debris flowed in and emitting from it, a man. He wore an all black uniform, gray IBA battle vest, black kevlar helmet, a small gas mask that covered only his mouth, and menacing goggles that glowed red in the lenses. B.C.C.O.

He ran into the hall, threw a smoke grenade from each hand down the hallway, then immediately took cover behind a steel filing cabnit that had been knocked over. As soon as he was set, two more rushed in spraying the hallway with their P90 machine gun rifiles and sprinted to cover on opposite sides of the hall. The smoke from the smoke grenades filled their end of the hallway, blinding the Pulse soldiers to the other B.C.C.O. soldiers pouring into the hallway.

"Give'em hell!" Shouted Samson as he and the other Pulse soldiers opened fire into the smokey hallway. Ramirez knew they wouldnt last long shooting blindly. B.C.C.O. had far too great an advantage in the smoke. Their goggles allowed them to see through the smokescreen clear as day. He grabbed a grenade from his grenade pouch on his vest and quickly tossed it down the hallway. "Frag out!" He yelled over the sound of the firefight.

The grenade landed somewhere in the smoke. A few muffled voices could be heared yelling, "Fall back!" but in vain. The fragmentation grenade exploded. The force of the explosion knocked a few of the enemy soldiers off their feet, the shrapnel fragments pierced through their bodies but their vitals were protected by their vests. The force also cleared up the smoke a bit, enough for Pulse soldiers to gain a visual.

"Great!" Yelled Samson. "Now light their asses up!" Ramirez unloaded a magazine on a BC soldier bounding forward while his comrades laid down cover fire. He then quickly hunkered back down, ejected the magazine from its well, dropped it in his cargo pocket, grabbed anothe mag from one of the magazine pouches on his vest, slammed it into the mag well, locked and loaded it, and waited for a break in enemy fire.

He looked over to Specialist Williams, who was taking cover almost right next to him. "Ceclia!" He yelled. She looked at him. "What!?" She yelled back. He pointed at a window in the hallway that lead to a room almost as long as the hall itself. "You and your squad cover me! Im going to take Samson and flank them!" He yelled.

"Just the two of you flanking the enemy!?" She asked. "Are you crazy!?" He nodded and looked forward. In front of him was SFC Samson, firing and yelling like a mad man behind concreate rubble. "Cover me!" Ramirez yelled to Williams. She picked up her rate of fire on the enemy to cover Ramirez as he hopped over the steel crate and sprinted behind the rubble where Samson was. "Sergeant!" Ramirez yelled over the gunfire. Samson stopped firing to take cover. "What is it Private!?" He asked.

Ramirez pointed to the window, moving his finger to point to the other end of the hall. "Roger!" Yelled Samson. "Thats the kind of thinking I want to see from my platoon!" Ramirez then signaled back to Williams to raise their rate of fire. The two then sprinted to the window, shooting the glass clear and jumping through it. They rolled into the room, which was being occupied by a B.C.C.O. soldier taking cover inside the room to reload. Samson quickly neutralized him with one shot then stood up.

"No time to waste Private!" He yelled as he started running to the other side of the room. Ramirez followed close behind. They stopped short of the doorway that lead back out to the hallway right where the unsespecting B.C.C.O. troops were taking cover. "Low high Sergeant?" Ramirez asked. "Read my mind Private." Samson answered.

Ramirez took a knee beside the doorway while Samson stood over him. They counted to three and turned the corner. Their weapons firing at the same time at two different elevations. Combined with the fire from Williams and her squad, they unleashed havoc upon the B.C.C.O. soldiers.

The sole survivng B.C.C.O. soldier, wounded, dropped a smoke grenade and broke contact, sprinting out the door he came from. "Damn!" yelled Samson. "Private, Specialist, after him!" He yelled. "Roger!" Said Ramirez and Williams and headed for the door.

They ran down the stairs into the large manufacturing plant area of the facility. Immediatly they froze and looked around at their surroundings. No signs of the surviving enemy, open area, lots of machinery to hide behind. They ran into a hastely put together trap.

"Ramirez..." Williams whispered. "we are a couple of idiots." She continued. "I know." he whispered back. Ramirez then looked over to his left at a door. The door was being pounded on repeatedly, behind it very disturbing noises could be heared. "Cecilia," he said. "I think that traps the least of our worries." She gave him a confused and angry look. "How the hell is this the least of our worries?" He whispered loudly. He pointed to the door. "We've made too much noise here. We attracted way too much attention to this area." She looked at the door, heard the sounds and her eyes widened. "Ssshhhhit!" She said. "How did we screw up this bad?" Ramirez shook his head and sighed.

"We were just following orders."


Check this thread out later for the next preview, A Job To Do.
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This... Looks very good. Very well thought out, and interesting. I will definately be in on this once su's open up.
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  • #6
Epilouge Part 3: A Job To Do​

The B.C.C.O. soldiers were calm and collective even when knowing a squad of theirs was wiped out just seconds earlier by a squad-sized element of Pulse troops. The remaining B.C.C.O. soldiers were stationing themselves in the main lobby at the entrance of the oil refinery facility. Thanks to Pulse, the power was temporaily active here via generators, BioCorp was using this to their advantage.

Teams of BC soldiers were running through the dusty decades old computers in the security office near the lobby searching for access to security camera footage to gain a view of what was going on throught the facility. The door opened from the lobby and all the soldiers temporaily froze. In stepped a soldier. All black equipment and uniform, a large knife holistered next to his shoulder on his vest, the right shoulder of his uniform sported a yellow and black BioCorp Cover Ops patch, his face completely covered by a full gas-mask with dark crimson colored lenses. He was a legend in the B.C.C.O. He was codename Geist.

A female soldier stepped away from a computer and walked towards Geist. "Good." She said with a thick Russian accent. "You must be Geist." Geist nodded at her. "You're Esper." He said in a deep voice, somewhat altered by the mask. "I was told to report to you. You're running into trouble, I'm here to clean the mess."

"That is what I like to hear Geist." Esper said. "Usually our squads are more than capable of handling a situation of this scale, but a certain infamous Samson is here and causing quite a bit of **** to go wrong. This is where you will come into play." She then guided him back out to the lobby.

They walked up to a large map of the facility posted on the wall of the lobby. She pointed to the map at the far left side. "Here we are currently. Over here in the refinery plant a single soldier of ours is being held down. He, ofcoarse, is of no importance and is consider expendable. But he is the last of a recon team. His recording device contains important information that is mission critical for us. If we loose that information, we have lost our cause as a whole completely."

"Successfully retrieve the sensitive information and return it to you." Giest said. "Anything else?" He added. "Yes, the secondary objective to your mission." Esper said. "You must assure the neutrilization of Samson. Preferably his comrades aswell but time is something we dont have much of at the moment. Make sure Samson doesnt make it out of this facility breathing, Operative Giest. Are we clear?" She asked. "Affirmitive." He said.

"Good." said Esper. "Now, you will be taking a five man team with you, the best we have with us at this time. Guide them trough the lower pathway through the basement, that is the quickest route. Your team is waiting for you by the elevator. Good luck out there Geist." Geist gave a nod. "Roger ma'am." He said. He started to walk to the elevator when Esper stopped him. "Oh, and one more thing Geist." She said. Geist turned around to look at her. "That is?" He asked. "Reports of possible reanimated activity of large quanities within the facility have been whispered throughout our troops who have been down in the basement area. Watch your back."

Geist approached the team waiting for him at the elevator. They turned to look at who they're team leader will be for the job. As expected, they were surprised. "Oh ****." one of the soldiers said. "If they called you in, this job is going to be a cluster..." he was then inturrupted by another soldier nudging him in the arm. "Show respect you twit!" He said. "Thats Giest for Christ sake!"

Geist looked the soldiers over and sized them up. "Damn rookies." He muttered to himself loud enough for them to hear. "Listen, I dont care for your names or life stories. We're here to do a job, plain and simple. I'll brief you on the way down. Get in the elevator."

The elevator doors opened up and the soldiers stepped inside. Geist hit the basement-level floor button and the doors closed. "Did you hear?" Said one soldier to another. "What?" The other asked. "That 'Apache Shadow' struck again. They say he offed a ghost level BC this time." He said. The other soldier shook his head in disbelief. "Damn fairytales. That indian was a story made up to keep new B.C.C.O. recruits on their toes at all times. Like we need another reason to stay alert all the damn time."

"You two done?" Giest said to them. They straightened up their stance at the sound of his voice. "Yes, yes sir." One of them said nervously. "Good, take this seriously men. Our mission is to infiltrate the oil facility and retrieve the information from a soldier who previously deployed with the last squad. Pulse soldiers are within the immediate area, expect heavy resistance. Our COE is through the basment sub-level of the complex. It provides a direct route that we are taking. Besides the information we are extracting our target is a Sergeant First Class Samson. He is highly skilled and considered a high-risk target. Do not engage him alone. We have a limited amount of time to complete this job. Any B.C.C.O. troops beyond this point are considered non mission critical and expendable. No mess ups, no faulters. Oh, and rumored reanimated presence in the area, be on high alert. Shoot first, think later."

"Damn I knew it." said one soldier. "Clusterf*ck." He said. "No bitching." Said another soldier. The elevator came to a stop. "Be ready." Said Giest. "Yes sir." Said the soldiers. They readied their weapons. The B.C.C.O. team raised their P90 machine rifile. Geist lifted his M240 B machine gun to the high ready. A weapon not meant to be used as a automatic rifile, but he is able to lift it with relative easy. The doors to the elevator opened and the soldiers cautiosly walked out into the abandoned, quiet basement level. They scanned all areas, pulling 360 degree security as they moved slowly forward.

The first room was a long narrow pathway of concreate floor, walls and cieling. Pillars lined both sides that an enemy could pop out from behind at any moment. They took their steps carefully, making sure to be on the lookout for movement. Once they made it to the far side, Giest who was taking point (the lead) opened the door. A large empty room stood between them and the objective. "Pick up the pace." Giest said to the troops, and sprinted across the room.

After the room they made it through a maze of hallways and finally an elevator that would take them straight to the manufacturing plant. They entered the elevator and checked their equipment. "Esper." Said Geist into his radio communicator. "Kill the lights to manufacturing plant." Espers voice came in through his earpiece inside his mask. "Roger that Giest. The lights will be off, only momentarilly I would expect though. Pulse has control over the back up generators and can override the circut breakers."

"How much time of black out are we looking at?" Giest asked. "Five minutes at the most." She answered. "That'll work." He said, then pulled his pistol from his hollister and shout out the light in the elevator. "Night vision men." He ordered the team. They complied and activated their goggles, which glowed bright red.

The elevator haulted. The teams breathing became heavier, but Giest was calm and ready. The doors opened, unfortunately the elevator let off a 'ping' sound as it did. The team walked into the dark plant silently, scanning their sectors as they moved. At a distance, they could hear whispers between two people. Male and female.

Giest raised his hand in a fist, signaling the team to hault their movement. He pointed to where his ear is under his helmet then pointed forward. The team listened carefully.

"What the hell is going on? What happened to the damn lights?" The female voice asked. "B.C.C.O." the male voice said. Giest and his team started to silently make their way around the source of the voices while they still had black out time left, all the while still listening in. "Radio in Samson." Said the female voice. "Tell him to get someone on those lights and send us reinforcements." The male voice started to shake. "They wont get here fast enough." Said the male voice. Giest switched his aim to the voices after that, but still walked in the same direction. "Why do you say that?" Asked the female voice. "Cause," whispered the male voice. "They're already here, and they know exactly where we are." A few seconds pause. "Why do you say that?" Asked the female voice.

"Cause they're right there!" yelled the male voice, followed by M4 gunfire. The B.C.C.O. team took cover behind machinery. They whispered over their headsets to one another. "How did they see us?" One asked. "They didn't." said Giest. "And they still don't. They heard our steps. Follow me, quietly before the lights cut on." The two Pulse soldiers held their fire. When their barrels flashed when firing they could make out some cover and hid behind it. At the moment they were out of the B.C.C.O. teams line of sight.

"They're not a threat until the lights come back." said Geist. "Charlie-Mike(continue mission) for now, times wasting." The team made their way to a staircase that lead up to the hallway where the previous team were shot up. They could hear Pulse soldiers about to come out of the door to aid the two that fired at them seconds earlier. They started to back away from the stairs to conceal themselves before the door opened, but then they heard a whisper coming from under the stairs. "Over here." Said the voice. Geist looked through the opening between steps and saw the injured B.C.C.O. soldiers sitting under the stairs, signaling them over. The team went around the stairs to speak with him.

"You shot?" Geist asked. "Yeah, they got me in the side." He said. Im bleeding out pretty quick. You here for me too or just the data?" Geist looked up as a group of Pulse soldiers ran down the stairs and sprinted towards the two Pulse soldiers they were evesdropping on earlier. "Just the data." Geist said coldly. "We can extract you too if the situation allows." He added.

"It won't." The wounded soldier said. "They're expecting B.C.C.O. out here, you guys won't get out without a distraction." Giest nodded. "Right. Do you have the data on you?" The soldier handed Giest a compact disk. "Whatever is on this is valuable to BioCorp, I don't have to tell you what will happen to you if you come back without it or with it damaged." said the soldier. Giest put the disc in a pouch on his shoulder. "The lights come on in less than a minute, team take your places. You," he said to the injured soldier. "Can you make your way to a battle position?" The injured soldier slowly got up, still holding his side with one hand, his P90 with his other. "Im not completely usless yet. Get your team out of here quickly. That door over there's been pounding for the past few minutes now and I wouldn't want to be here when it opens."

Giest looked over to the door, continuing to bundge outward repeatidly. "Rumor was right." He said. "You heard him, get ready." They got up and ran to cover. The injured soldier staggered his way to cover near the group of Pulse soldiers. He spoke over the headset to Giest. "It was an honor to meet you Giest, and an honor to help, sir." He posted behind cover that was on the opposite to the exit of the plant to have the Pulse troops engage in the wrong direction.

The lights flased back on in the plant. As soon as they did, the injured soldier opened fire on the Pulse troops. The confused soldiers took casualties before being able to take cover. In the first wave of bullets, the one BC soldier took out four Pulse soldiers. Giest and his team sprinted to the elevator as the Pulse troops were occupied with the one they left behind. The doors closed and a ping sound was made by the elevator. A Pulse soldier noticed. "There's more escaping through the elevator!" He yelled at his comrades. A few started to run to the elevator to catch up to the escaped team.

"No you don't." Said the lone soldier as he tossed a fragmentation grenade in their path to the elevator. It exploded right in front of them, ripping them to shreds with the shrapnel. While doing that he hadn't noticed the Pulse soldier that had bounded up to his position. The BC soldier pulled out his combat knife and swiped at the enemy. The Pulse soldier grabbed his arm, broke it, and used the BC soldiers own knife to stab into his chest right above his IBA vest. The lone soldier started to bleed out, but right before he died he read the name tag on the vest of his killer. "Good... kill... Ramirez..." he said, then fell limp on the ground.

Meanwhle in the basement level of the facility, Giest and his team were sprinting their way through the pillar filled hall. The elevator leading to the lobby was in their sights, but far away. "Esper, we're almost back with the data." Giest said while running. "And Samson?" She asked. "Don't worry, that's going to be handled." Giest replied.

Suddenly, blood sprayed the side of Giests mask. He looked to see one of his team members fall dead. "Cover!" he yelled. Immediatly, without a second thought, each team member turned to a pillar. They saw a large group of Pulse soldiers at the end of the hallway from where that had came. The B.C.C.O. returned fire. Giest tossed down a smoke grenade between them and their enemy. "Elevator! Move!" He yelled. Him and his team made their way to the elevator, the doors already open. The team gathered inside, Giest stood outside the doorway. He handed the disk to one of the soldiers, reached inside the elevator and hit the lobby-level button. "You're not coming with us?" Said the soldier who took the disc. The doors started to close, before they did, Giest spoke.

"I still got a job to do."​

Stick around for the last preview, I'll Change It All.
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I'll try and have the last preview up by tomorrow. Got a lot going on out here for training right now.
Better hurry up Bodine, Storm is pretty damn eager to get the show on the road. He's page refreshing by the minute.

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I'm actually hitting a snag. Bit of an inner-conflict with this next preview. Storm, could I PM you later for some advice?
No problem bud. I'm on now if u have time. Pm away.

Ck... -.- .... How'd u know I've been refreshing the page all day... (/stalked...) lol
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Its best if I do it tomorrow. Ill have the preview done by then and I could show you what I mean, plus its 11:39 here and I just got back from being at a range since 4 this morning shooting and blowing stuff up, desperate for sleep. Tomorrow is just a mantaniance day so Ill have plenty of free time for previews and pms.

Night Wiichat
Fine by me bud. It's 243 where I'm at lol I gotta get some sleep too. Pm me tomorrow bro. Later
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  • #14
Maintenance is done, just let me finish up this preview, talk to Storm, then we can get this road on the show.
HOLY $#!T I just flashed over it remarking over how much you're writing has improved :thumbsup: and just saying that - I have to decline, my life changed that much that I can't fart around with this - cya :sleep:

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