RP sign up- Realms


Not Here
Jan 26, 2009
Another site.
Wii Online Code
A new RP for a new Wiichat is fitting so here it is.
Welcome to Realms

Standard RP rules apply: no bunnying, no god-modding, etc

Realms Overview

*credit to Dal for the revised map*
this is a map of the continent on which Realms takes place. the continent itself is called Renit.
Realms Plot

For hundreds of years the 4 countries have lived in peace with each other. Each country would meet once a year in the Grand Citadel(middle dot) in order to keep peace among the land. However, recently the country of Destry has gotten greedy. It began by raiding merchants that entered their borders, then by looting towns accross them. When confronted at the next peace meaning, the Destry representives didn't show up. Instead they attacked the Citadel and proclaimed war against all 3 countries. The country of Salfir, with its peaceful lands, had no army and was overrun in days. With Salfir under Destry's control, Drosin and Conud have formmed a shaky allience to stop Destry from gaining control of Renit.

Thats the basic premise of Realms. You have the country Destry on one side and the other 3 opposing it.

Realms Country Info:

Drosin: Drosin is the largest country and has the greatest pouplation. It has a monarch style goverment with it being ruled by the King and Queen. While the royalty makes all the desicions it must account for the people in order to prevent civil war. Its greatest strength is its vast resources, allowing it to efficiently last and support a war.

Conud: The second largest country, Conud is a Republic. The desicions are made by its elected officials that rarely can agree on anything. Its greatest strength is its advanced technology. It has poured millions into its Science departments and as such is always a few years ahead with any inventions or improvements.

Destry: The dark country in Realms, Destry is a dictatorship, run by its Grand Military Commander. Its desire for control of Renit is purely to claim its superiority. Its strength is its own goverment. As a dictatorship, the military is always in control, always ready to fight.

Salfir: A peaceful land Salfir is now under Destry control. Its people formmed the country to avoid ancient wars but is now under its stress again. Though its people are against war, small rebellions are being made to reclaim their freedom.

Realms Geography: This will be made up as we go along. Just don't contradict what someone else has said.

Characters: Everyone is allowed 2 characters that must be approved by me. The format is like this:

Character Name: (???)
Country: (???)[alliance{good/evil}]
Appearence: (???)
Bio: (???)
Abilities: (???)

So without further ado, lets get started on this new RP!

Current Members:
The Storm

Character list:
Xenth Tervi (Shadow*91)
Name: Xenth Tervi

Country: Conud (Evil)

Appearence: 6 feet tall with short, spiked black hair. He has a small scar accross his forhead and has blue eyes. He wears a black vest over a dark purple t-shirt. He has black pants with a red skull etched into the right leg of them. He has a sword accross his back and a small pendent chained to his wrist.

Bio: Xenth is 30 years old and while he faithfully served Conud, he really only did so for selfish desires. He was born in Conud and was brought up as a normal child. At 10 it was discovered he had a natural talent for science and an above average IQ. He spent the next 5 years secluded from his family and friends, under orders of the goverment. Most actually forgot he existed before he burst onto the scene again as Head of the Conud Development team.

His work there has been mostly small and tedious until the war started. It was during a Destry attack on the city he lived in that he first discovered the feeling of war. The sensation of killing and the instinct of survival drove him to kill everybody until the enemy retreated. When he was questioned about it, he lied and said he was hiding the whole time.

Shortly after the 'incident' he destroyed his lab, only taking his custom sword and armor. His current location is unknown.

Abilities: Xenth is a genius, with an exceptionally high IQ. He used his IQ to make his special sword and armor. His sword is made from a material that makes it glow with energy whenever he wishes, making it easy to fight in the darkest night. His armor is just as strong as regular armor but flexible and light enough that it feels like he isn't wearing it. his armor is kept hidden within a seal on his left hand.
Jackie Li (bodine)
Name: Jackie Li

Country: Destry Dynasty

Alliance: Good/Neutral

Appearance: Jackie has black hair thats somewhat poofy and bangs that hang to his brow. He has brown, slightly squinted eyes and a strong yet narrow face. He wears the Royal Black Gaurdian Garb of his late father, Chan Li.

Bio: Jackies' father, Chan Li, served as one of the Four Tiger Gaurdians of Emporer Wo-Dang of the country of the Chin-yu Dynasty. After the great war between the Chin-yu Dynasty and the United Soviet Socialist of Destry (U.S.S.D.) ended, the powerful Chin-yu Dynasty fell and was overtaken by Destry, thus becoming the Destry Dynasty. In the war, Chan Li was killed by the Communist ruler of Destry himself. Now that Jackie is of age he seeks after Wo-Dang, the old Emporer rumored to still be alive, and bring him back to the throne to seperate Chin-yu from Destry. And, Jackie must also avenge his fathers death by killing the man who took his fathers life.

Abilities: His skills in the martial arts is surpassed by no-one. His techniques were taught to him by his late father and ranges from Lotus to Tiger, from Crane to Dragon.
Shalka (bodine)
Name: Shalka

Alliance: Good

Country: Salfir

Apperance: Shalka is what we in our world would call African. He is about 17 or 18 but very tall. He has dark brown skin and very very short hair. He only wears a very long liatard of many different colors. Mainly black, yellow, and red, but with a bit of green and blue in it too. He wears no shirt nor does he wear shoes. He wears a necklace made of bone and carries a spear. His wrists and ankles have matching bracelets and anklets with beads that seem to clatter when he moves, but not much.

Bio: Shalka was raised in the Pseudo-Country of Salfir. He was located in a region called Frecana, a place of paries, planes, deserts and heat. He lived in a tribe called the Tuku tribe, consisting of only huts. He has been training to become the tribe's shaman, a witch-doctor who can use magic and also summon spirits.
He was out on a hunt with some of the other hunters one day and returned to find every Tuku hut burnt to the ground and all of his friends and family slain. Shalka thought it was the Konotaka tribe, a tribe that was a rival of Tuku tribe for ages. He ordered the hunters to follow him to the Konotaka tribal grounds for some answers, and possibly vengence.
They arrived near the tribal grounds and hid in the bushes. Soon afterward a small caravan of foreign foot soldiers appeared and killed the villagers and burned the huts.
Realizing that these soldiers from unknown origin are the ones responsible for the deaths of his family, Shalka and the hunters attacked the soldiers. Afterwards all the soldiers have been killed and most of the hunters aswell. only Shalka and two other hunters remained. Shalka blamed himself for the deaths of the other hunters, thinking if they didn't rush into battle like they did they would all survive.
They took one of the bodies of the soldiers to a near by trading market town. They tried to get an answer of who these men were. Finally, a white man from Conud explained that they were Destry soldiers, under the command of Volgus. Shalka heard enough. He knew what to do to stop this madness.

Abilities: Shalka is a skilled hunter, a pro with the spear, both as a close-combat weapon and a throwing spear. He also has shaman powers. He has magical powers like his enfluence over elements like fire, water, wind, etc. He can also summon spirits.
Storm Valentine (The Storm)
Name: Storm Valentine

Alliance: Evil Military Commander of Destry

Appearence: 6'0" even, weighs 243 pounds, and has long blonde hair, ponytailed at the end with dark/dirty look to it. Wears a white scruffy collar, long-sleeve white tux shirt with dark purple vest. The coattails of his vest make a V shape going downwards. He wears black tux pants with Dragonhide boots and Alligator teeth belt buckle with leather fitting and custom vortex belt buckle.

Biography: Storm is from a very prodigious family of wealthy upperclass citizens. Being as such, it was very easy for him to obtain power and control over his subordinates. Master fencer and good with Shotokahn martial arts, he is a worthy opponent for any to face in or outside his 13,000 square foot mansion and gardens.

His immense wealth has enabled him to buy out most of his enemies, and he has become the figure for the new movement to take over the continent. His newly formed Dictatorship has given him the power to manipulate the regions and gain popularity in other realms.

Abilities: Expert Fencer, good with Shotokahn.
Dal (Dal)
Name: Dal (Last name - unknown)

Country/Alliance: Formally Salfir; Neutral.

Appearance: Dal is a tall, slender guy. His height is 6'5", and his weight is 190 pounds. His dark, brown afro is 5 inches in length and width. His eyebrows are the same color as his afro, as are his mustache and goatee that circle his mouth. His eye are pale blue.

He wears a green jacket that's always unzipped. He never wears a shirt, unless it snows. His long, yellow scarf he keeps around his neck is what keeps him warm. It is said, that under the scarf, Dal keeps a secret. He also wears a thick, leather belt around his waist with a golden belt-buckle. His pants are the same color as his jacket and drag behind his ankles. On his feet, he only wears flipflops.

Dal's not buff, but he's also not scrawny. He has average muscles. He keeps his sword hidden on his back under his jacket. Sometimes, however, he'll just carry it sheathed in his hands or stick it behind him on his belt.

Bio: Dal's life has taken many turns. At one point, he was an apprentice. At another, a comman mercanary. Now, a traveler who'll do just about any job if the price is right.

Dal was raised at a house near a village that is located by Salfir's river, which is also its border. The family wasn't poor nor rich. His mother, a kind-hearted soul who always cheered people up. His father, a mercanary who would train Dal to the point of exhaustion. The father was a skilled swordsmen who would be paid to protect the villagers from bandits. He wanted Dal to follow in his footsteps. Dal, however, did not. He just wanted to relax, maybe become a merchant. His father did not like the idea and trained Dal even harder.

One day, while the father was out with a band of other mercanaries, they were ambushed my bandits from Salfir's neighboring country, Destry. He was killed there. When Dal and his mother recieved the news, they were heartbroken. Dal realized that without Father, they'd be vulnerable. He did not want to lose his mother as well. He continued his training and went into a mercanary camp on the east side of Salfir when he was 15 years old.

While at the camp, Dal trained himself beyond his teachers' trainings. He soon became a very skilled swordsmen a was admired by many of his peers. After years of training, Dal left the camp and traveled west to see his mother. But when he got to his old house, he found out that she was no longer there. Curious and worried, he went to the nearby village. Nobody had seen her for 5 years. This got Dal even more worried. He set out to find her, but after a couple more years of searching, he gave up. Then, he realized, he was far from home. Since then, Dal has traveled across each country, doing whatever job he will.

Personality: Dal is a carefree person. He has a cheerful personality and likes to make jokes. He often plays around when battling someone weaker than him. Taunting them is one of Dal's favorite things to do. He does this to see if the enemy is more powerful when angry. Dal sleeps a lot, and does not liked to be woken up.

Abilites: Dal is very quick on his feet; being able to pass around to the other side of the opponent in a flash. He is also very skilled with his sword, holding it with one hand most of the time. He only holds it with two hands if things get dangerous.
Oric Halgern (lbu8)
Name: Oric Halgern

Country: Salfir, Formally of Drosin, good

Appearence: Oric stands about 6 foot, 200 pounds. He is muscular, with blue eyes, shaggy, black hair and a beard. He wears the clothes of a commoner, an off white tunic and long black pants. He wears a necklace bearing the crest of the Halgern family and a pair of brown sandals.

Bio: Oric was born the second son of Rutan Halgern, king of Drosin. His brother, Raman was four years older than Oric and the apple of their fathers eye. As the first born son, Raman was the heir to the throne and was treated like it. Oric was always being compared to Raman, who was perfect. He was tall and strong, smart and wise. Where as Oric was short compared to the rest of his family, and skinny. He was also smart and confident, but Oric was lazy and didn't put full effort into anything.

His father decieded he needed more disipline and heired a man to train Oric and make sure he didn't slack off. Oric got tired of the pressure from his father to change and ran away to Salfir at the age of 16. There he moved to a layed back sea town and set up a local tavern. He was happy with his life, until Destry invaded. Oric and most of the other villagers boarded a ship and set sail before the invaders got to his town, but a few men stayed to fight for their land and were slautered.

Abilities: Oric is a natural leader, and was trained in both military stratagy and combat by the best advisers in Drosin.
Siana Makantes (Gigaidley)
Name: Siana Makantes

Country: Drosin

Alliance: Good

Appearence: "Sia" is 17 years old, 5' 8" and has light blond hair that goes down to her waist in a ponytail. She has fiery red eyes and wears a simple light red robe with light chainmail underneath so she can move fast. The center of her robe bears the symbol of her family- two golden fire serpents entwining each other. She wears a black glove on her right hand with the same emblem, and she channels her magic through this hand.

Bio: Sia was born and raised in Drosin. She is the youngest member of the Makantes family, a famous spellcasting family who has worked hand-in-hand with the warrior family of Drosin, the Zamikios family, to protect the land. Her mother taught her the art of healing magic until age 12, when her mother died. Since then, Sia has practiced both healing and offensive fire magic. When Destry declared war on the other three nations, Sia was not chosen to fight in the army simply because she was a woman. Wanting to help, she and her friend Richand set out for Salfir, hoping to help the resistance.

Personality: Siana is a very friendly and nice person, and is always looking to see if someone needs help. Although she doesn't fight if she doesn't have to, she has a strong sense of justice and will help her friends. She also shares a close bond with Richand, who she thinks of as a brother.

Abilities: Siana has mastery of her two types of preferred magic, which are Healing magic and fire magic. When in combat, Sia surprises her foes with her mix of impressive agility and mid-close range fire blasts. She is also somewhat skilled in hand-to-hand fighting thanks to training from Richand.
Richand Zamikios(GigaRidley)
Name: Richand Zamikios

Country: Drosin

Alliance: Good

Appearence: Richand is 19, 6' 1", and has ice blue eyes and wavy brown hair that goes down to his neck. Richand always wears a chestplate of light, silvery-blue armor with moderate defense along with fingerless gloves. Richand also wears a blue headband tied in the back, a gift from his father when he was little. He wears light, comfortable pants with chainmail underneath and boots. On his back, he carries his Zodiac sword, Stargleam. Although the combined weight of his armor is enough to make an average man fall to his knees, Richand is strong enough to wear it all with only a slight decrease in his agility in combat, which is formidable, to say the least.

Bio: Richand is the second youngest member of the Zamikios family, a warrior family known in all four nations for their unique type of combat known as Zodiac Mastery. Zodiac Mastery allows the wielder to channel the powers of the symbols of the Zodiac into the weapon they wield. Only members of the Zamikios family are able to use more than one Zodiac spirit in combat. Richand's father, Lloyd, was possibly the most famous of all of the Zamikios line, having slain numerous legendary beasts terrorizing the nations. Richand learned all of his combat abilities from his father. Tragically, his father was assasinated the day Richand turned 19 (no one knows who the assasin was or why he killed Lloyd, although Richand has his suspicions that it was the doing of the Destry, who Lloyd often denounced publicly as having sinister intentions). Once Destry declared war on the other nations, Richand's younger brother Nicklas went off to join the Drosin military. Richand, however, agreed to go with his close friend Siana, believing that they might be able to do more good by joining the resistance in Salfir. Richand also believes that he might finally be able to get to the bottom of the mystery behind his father's death.

Personality: Richand is extremely good-natured and kind. Like Siana (or as he refers to her, "Sia") he does not fight unless he has to or his friends are in danger. Richand is also very clever, and often finds ways to defeat opponents far stronger and bigger than he is. Richand has a tight bond with Siana, who is like a little sister to him.

Abilities: Richand has mastery of the legendary sword Stargleam, which was once his fathers' and is known throughout the world. Stargleam is a Zodiac weapon, which allows Richand to channel the might of the symbols of the Zodiac through it. Even without his sword, Richand is an extremely capable fighter in hand-to-hand combat. Richand is moderately strong for his size and is also quite agile, able to do flips and jumps even while in his heavy armor. However, as Richand is not fully used to the power of Zodiac magic, it often tires him out after he uses it for extended periods of time.
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lol noticed something

Drosin = UK
Conud = USA
Destry = Russia
Salfir = Isreal
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eh...i did base things off real things but gave them my own little twist.

and Salfir wasn't based off Isreal. it was based off all the neutral countries of the world.

anyways, All may join. there aren't any restrictions except for only 2 characters per person
^haha very true. I'll be joining this but as far as technology goes, is there guns? Or is it less advanced?
^ok, I was just wonder what you meant by the one country having better technology.
awesome dude. i call the military commander of Russia. lol. ill have my sign up in a minute.
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  • #8
it has better technology but not anything near guns and such. i don't want it to get unfair with 1 country have guns while others don't

EDIT: sweet. and i based it of Russia but please use the names i gave them
Name: Jackie Li

Country: Destry Dynasty

Alliance: Good/Neutral

Appearance: Jackie has black hair thats somewhat poofy and bangs that hang to his brow. He has brown, slightly squinted eyes and a strong yet narrow face. He wears the Royal Black Gaurdian Garb of his late father, Chan Li.

Bio: Jackies' father, Chan Li, served as one of the Four Tiger Gaurdians of Emporer Wo-Dang of the country of the Chin-yu Dynasty. After the great war between the Chin-yu Dynasty and the United Soviet Socialist of Destry (U.S.S.D.) ended, the powerful Chin-yu Dynasty fell and was overtaken by Destry, thus becoming the Destry Dynasty. In the war, Chan Li was killed by the Communist ruler of Destry himself. Now that Jackie is of age he seeks after Wo-Dang, the old Emporer rumored to still be alive, and bring him back to the throne to seperate Chin-yu from Destry. And, Jackie must also avenge his fathers death by killing the man who took his fathers life.

Abilities: His skills in the martial arts is surpassed by no-one. His techniques were taught to him by his late father and ranges from Lotus to Tiger, from Crane to Dragon.
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So... every person in that county is evil?
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  • #12
well...no i guess.

give him a bio and he's allowed

EDIT: i'll make my character later, possibly tomorrow. i'm going to sleep soon
I'll post my character later, but for now, do you wish for me to make a revision of your map? Oh, and you should also probably post more info on the countries. What technology they have, docks, trade routes, etc.

And let's hope this RP doesn't fail.
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  • #15
yeah bodine PMed me on that to. give me a few minutes and i'll tell you what to add

and Bodine. your character is accepted. could you space each part though? it would be easier to read then

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