Realms 2: Rebirth of Evil (Official RP)

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  • #331
"I haven't seen those two since the battle." Seth said as Sela and him walked up, Sela limping to a point because of her foot. We met up with Siana, who is now searching out Richand. With her was a marked boy, demonically marked, and was being manipulated by Chilliam. I stopped the possesion, but only temporarily and Siana refuses to let him be killed. But she said she would watch over him so it is not our problem."
"Do you have any healers that could fix up my leg? Walking with a limp is a pain." Sela cut in. Seth gave a quick glance before turning back to Oric.
"Though rude, she has a point. Where are the healers, if any survived. I need the use of my hands for most of my abilities, abilities I'd wager would be useful right about now."
"You think I care to be nice? King or not we lost this fight and from some soldiers I talked to, this was his and that brats plan. So I place our loss on them." Sela spoke with conviction, she meant every word. Seth glared at her in silence.


Vent was finally alone in the room with Caedus. He sat down in a chair and motioned for Caedus to do the same. "Caedus, during the battle I used a tremendous amount of energy to deal the final blow, winning us this city. As such I cannot fight for some while. When I said one general must remain here to give the appearance of all of us, I normally would assign such a task to General Nero, as his few dark spells would be perfect for it. However, since I am weakend, I couldn't possibly lead a team to retrieve an Orb. That is why I said I would remain here. And I want you to stay here so that I can speak with you about your second test." Vent pointed at the map on the table. "While I recover my strength and we wait for the others to return with the orbs, you shall plan out our next attack. I will give you a target and all the info we have on it, then you will plan out our attack. You will be allowed to direct all our forces, save for myself and the other generals. As well as the small force that will remain to defend the city."
"I haven't seen those two since the battle." Seth said as Sela and him walked up, Sela limping to a point because of her foot. We met up with Siana, who is now searching out Richand. With her was a marked boy, demonically marked, and was being manipulated by Chilliam. I stopped the possesion, but only temporarily and Siana refuses to let him be killed. But she said she would watch over him so it is not our problem."
"Do you have any healers that could fix up my leg? Walking with a limp is a pain." Sela cut in. Seth gave a quick glance before turning back to Oric.
"Though rude, she has a point. Where are the healers, if any survived. I need the use of my hands for most of my abilities, abilities I'd wager would be useful right about now."
"You think I care to be nice? King or not we lost this fight and from some soldiers I talked to, this was his and that brats plan. So I place our loss on them." Sela spoke with conviction, she meant every word. Seth glared at her in silence.


Vent was finally alone in the room with Caedus. He sat down in a chair and motioned for Caedus to do the same. "Caedus, during the battle I used a tremendous amount of energy to deal the final blow, winning us this city. As such I cannot fight for some while. When I said one general must remain here to give the appearance of all of us, I normally would assign such a task to General Nero, as his few dark spells would be perfect for it. However, since I am weakend, I couldn't possibly lead a team to retrieve an Orb. That is why I said I would remain here. And I want you to stay here so that I can speak with you about your second test." Vent pointed at the map on the table. "While I recover my strength and we wait for the others to return with the orbs, you shall plan out our next attack. I will give you a target and all the info we have on it, then you will plan out our attack. You will be allowed to direct all our forces, save for myself and the other generals. As well as the small force that will remain to defend the city."

Turpis gave a slight grin, but cut in a moment.

"My name is Turpis, first of all... That is the name you gave me... That is what I will be called in order to save the face of Caedus Zamikios... What information do we have on the target?"
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  • #333
"You are Turpis Daraku to the rest of the world. When we are alone you are still Caedus Zamikios." Vent gave a small motion to the map, specifically the country of Drosin. I haven't ordered our men to bring the info yet. But your target will be a small town in the country of Drosin. It may not seem hard, but it's a border town, on the boarder of Drosin and Destry. As such it was heavily fortified during the Conflict. Because of the threat we Shadows pose, it's likely been re-fortified. Once we get the info, you are to start planning. However that can wait till tomorrow. I'm hungry, as I suspect you might be as well, so a dinner is in order. Then I plan to rest, you may do as you wish, so long as you remain in the city.
Lucas turned to Nero. "Perfect, the desert would be perfect for my power. How far in the desert are we going though?"

OOC: Sorry i haven't been posting, been really busy.

IC: Nero looked at Alicia and Lucas. "We are going deep into the desert. There is word that there is an underground sanctuary that holds the gem." He turned to Yamato. "Go with Vibro." He then looked at Vibro who was walking away, then turned back to Alicia and Lucus. "Lets get moving."

Nero started to walk out of the room and Yamato followed Vibro.
OOC: Ack!!! My god, I'm sorry, I've been more busy over vacation than I am during a normal school week. I SHALL post later today (probably edit this post to do so) but I gotta go now, we're adopting a new cat :)
Just letting you guys know that I am still alive.


I'm back in action gentlemen (and lady). It's been way too long-- let's get this thing rolling again! (For those of you who were wondering, the cat's name is Sascha. She was a late surprise Christmas gift for my mom, who adores cats. She's a really sweet cat too, and with the addition of her, that means we now have 5 cats in our house. For those of you keeping track at home, that's more cats than people.)

IC: Siana turned off her flame jets as she approached the city, not wanting to be seen. Guards had been posted already, but they didn't seem too attentive. Glancing around, she saw Richand's body collapsed near the main gate. With torn scraps of armor and a few dead bodies still remaining on the battlefield, she suspected the guards had mistaken him for dead. Hurrying up to him, she channeled the cool healing magic stored within her to her fingertips and gently touched his forehead. His eyes fluttered open weakly.
"Ungh... Sia...?"
"Come on, let's get you out of here."
Siana slid under Richand's outstretched arm and helped him to his feet. They began to steadily march back towards the woods.
"Siana... Caedus..."
"You... you can tell me once we're at camp." Siana avoided Richand's eyes. She knew the sad tone in which he spoke too well, but she pushed it out of her mind, drowning out the thought. Caedus wasn't gone, he couldn't be... No. He wasn't!
Siana and Richand had reached the edge of the forest when Richand saw Night. His eyes widened.
Night gazed weakly up at Richand in similar disbelief.
"Richand! I... didn't think I'd see either of you again."
Richand was too weak to continue to talk further, and he sank to his knees. Siana gently rested him down and called towards the camp.
"Seth! Oric! Someone, please help me get these two into the camp!"
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Ooc: Dude do not post in something you are not a part of. I'll let everyone else give you the hell for spaming.
I'll post in a little bit. I'll edit this post when I do.
Turpis did not see much point in venturing around the city. He moved to the corner of what was once Valentine's throne room and leaned against the wall, gazing at the mangled upholstery and withered furniture of the demonic ruler. He let his mind wander for a bit as he centered himself and let himself bask in the ambience of the dark energy still present from the long gone dark lord.
Ooc: I cant believe you guys let this fail... Im still willing to try to revive it, but this is the last time im gonna attempt to do so.
Im not in the RP obviously, but Im running out of places to post.

Wish you luck in reviving it?

Gosh, I miss the Pokemon RP so much...even through I got kicked out. Shoot.

It sure is boring around here.....
Amen to that, Nickattack (or do you prefer neosquid?)
My visits to this site have just been so infrequent lately. There really is nothing I care enough about to post in except the Rise of Nefirus, which is making ridiculously slow progress (I'm working on it guys!!!)
Benen awhile CG. Do me a favor an contact Shadow plz, cuz I cant seem to get a hold of him.

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