Not Here
Idea for sequel came from GigaRidley, The Storm and myself(Shadow*91)
Epic Prologue typed up by The Storm
In the beggining....
There were four countries. Four countries who were filled with peace and harmony.
Drosin, the cultural playground, was under control of a monarchy. Its vast control over land in Northwest Renit was its strength, its people always loyal to a cause. Drosin sported the colors of gold and red, symbolizing the courage and strength of its people. The capitol of Drosin, Negliv, is close to the epicenter of Renit. The King and Queen of Drosin resided here, and controlled their land as such.
Conud, the land of technology. It had amassed small armies of its own, but its true strength was that it was a colony of scientists. The technology of Conud is the most advanced in Renit, sometimes a hundred years or so in front of the other backwater civilizations. It controlled the lands on the Northeast area of Renit, its neighbor to the West being Drosin. The two have always worked well together, Conud's technology fuelling Drosin's vast armies.
Salfir, the merchant's paradise. Salfir was neutral in every meaning of the word. They had no armies, no weapons, and no will to fight. Salfir was a land of trade and gold, sporting vast wealth over the other countries. Salfir was a merchant country, a place of refuge for those who could not make a living, and the holding place of the fallouts in Renit. Salfir controlled the large southern and southeast part of Renit.
Destry, the military complex. The Destrian's were controlled by a dictatorship, under the influence of Storm Valentine. Destry controlled the Southwestern hemisphere of Renit, glaring up at the other countries. Its strength is its own government, being able to mobilize armies in mere days, and having troops trained so harshly they rivaled Drosin's armies neck to neck.
The Grand Citadel in the center of Renit was a place of peace and cultural integrity. Once a year, the four countries would send their leaders to the Citadel to discuss the continuing stability of peace between the lands.. At a particular meeting, the Destrian representative and military dictator, Storm Valentine, declared war upon the other three countries.
Drosin, Conud and Salfir thought this motion ludicrous, and dismissed Valentine's ruse completely, as if leaving a child crying in the sand. Valentine did not take kindly to this. He led his armies into the defenseless lands of Salfir and took control of the entire coutry within days. Slave Labor and Concentration Camps were set up around Salfir, putting the merchants to work. This cut off all trade to the rest of Renit, which in turn angered the opposing countries.
Drosin and Conud formed an alliance. There armies invaded Destry the next day. Within a week, the armies of Destry had pushed the Drosin and Conud armies fully back into their own territories. It seemed that Drosin and Conud had underestimated Destry, and their armies were feeling the force of their strength. A group of Heroes appeared, combatting the terrifying power of the Destry armies.
Richand Zamikios and Siana Makantes were the leaders of this force, with Oric Halgern, a son of the Royal Family of Drosin, being one of the premiere soldiers. They also enlisted the help of Storm Valentine's son, Drake. They were a force to be reckoned with, combatting Destry's every move and beggining to slowly push Destry back into its own territory. Destry bit back, sending out its own military commaners to fight against the heroes.
Sekhmet, Grand Priest of Destry; Satra Morta, Brutal Battalion Commander; Seth Covull, Mastermind of Destry's antics; and Storm Valentine himself.. After a great many battles between the opposing forces, it seemed as though the heroes were going to win. They had vanquished the obliterating power of Sekhmet, and had slashed down the cruel Satra Morta.
In the final battle, it was Storm and Seth against Oric, Richand, Siana, and Drake. Then, at the last moment, Seth betrayed Storm Valentine, joining the Heroes in their conquest. Storm was outraged, and used the full force of his power against them. After finding out that Storm was immortal and could not be killed, Drake, his son, gripped and restrained him.
Richand summoned the strength of his dead father and all the heroes Valentine had killed, and with Seth's help, banished him into the Void of Eternal Torture. Unfortunately, Drake sacrificed himself in draggin his father to his doom, being sealed along with him in the void.
The bertrayer left for solitude, promising the world peace. The Heroes became celebrities and the world sang of their conquest. The country that followed the villanous Valentine was abolished, all traces of its existence removed by the higher council among the three remaining countries. The world entered a lasting peace, just as the traitor, Seth, had promised. The world had returned to peace, Valentine's reign of terror had been extinguished, and the war was over.....
.... Until now....
15 years later, the world has begun recovered valiantly from the wrath of Valentine. The fight against him is now a mere memory, known as the Destrian Conflict. The Heroes have been living in the public eye, being showered with gifts and thanks from all refugees and families of casualties. The countries have vastly expanded since the Destrian Conflict, with Drosin and Conud giving the former land of Destry over to Salfirian control. The Salfir people suffered the greatest from the conflict, and are taking the longest to rebuild. They still do not have much to hold onto, but their hope is the only thing they truly own anymore.
Rebuilding the populous has not been easy, with many full-fledged past followers of Destry attempting to reclaim the land taken from them over the years. They have been put down all to easily, the Drosin military stopping them in their tracks. Drosin and Conud both learned from the Destrian Conflict greatly, and so they have been amassing armies of their own to combat any threat to the peace. Acts of violence and vandalism, or entire legions of troops fighting to regain Destry control, no force is too big or too small for the Drosin military to handle.
And yet, where there is light, there is always a shadow. And darkness is indeed looking to fall over Renit once more. A group of elite soldiers calling themselves the Destrian Shadows has risen within the past year, attacking numerous cities and shipments in the name of their former country and in honor of their sealed leader. They honor him by burning the villages they attack, and draining the blood from those they kill. The Destrian Shadows have been recognized as the largest terrorist threat since the Destrian Conflict itself.
The Drosin armies are being dwindled against this new force, with the latter relying on guerilla tactics, picking off the armies a few soldiers at a time. Infiltration is another of their key ways to attack, taking a Drosin man's uniform and murdering many of whom he was thought to work with. The seem to have no fear, yet they instill it upon the stability that the three countries have rebuilt over the past 15 years. Nothing is more frightening than fear itself. This fear they use seems to originate in their style, forcing all of Renit's wise men and fortune tellers to tell the people of how, "it will be all right," and, "There is no way Destry could return.." These are hollow truths, and if you look closely enough, many of what people hold onto are hollow truths.
Hope itself is a hollow truth.
They only remaining truth the people of Renit actually beleive in are the ones who saved them before. They hope they will save them again. Hope is many things... It can bring about hidden power, but it can also be a hinderance and the signal that their is no chance of winning. Yet they still hold onto hope, as if it were some sort of perpetual force that could save them from their own doom. And so they hold onto hope, they love it, they feed it, and they let it grow until it can do what they meant for it to do. Save them.
And so now the world calls upon the Heroes once more, to save them from this new threat.....
Realms 2: Rebirth of Evil
Epic Prologue typed up by The Storm
In the beggining....
There were four countries. Four countries who were filled with peace and harmony.
Drosin, the cultural playground, was under control of a monarchy. Its vast control over land in Northwest Renit was its strength, its people always loyal to a cause. Drosin sported the colors of gold and red, symbolizing the courage and strength of its people. The capitol of Drosin, Negliv, is close to the epicenter of Renit. The King and Queen of Drosin resided here, and controlled their land as such.
Conud, the land of technology. It had amassed small armies of its own, but its true strength was that it was a colony of scientists. The technology of Conud is the most advanced in Renit, sometimes a hundred years or so in front of the other backwater civilizations. It controlled the lands on the Northeast area of Renit, its neighbor to the West being Drosin. The two have always worked well together, Conud's technology fuelling Drosin's vast armies.
Salfir, the merchant's paradise. Salfir was neutral in every meaning of the word. They had no armies, no weapons, and no will to fight. Salfir was a land of trade and gold, sporting vast wealth over the other countries. Salfir was a merchant country, a place of refuge for those who could not make a living, and the holding place of the fallouts in Renit. Salfir controlled the large southern and southeast part of Renit.
Destry, the military complex. The Destrian's were controlled by a dictatorship, under the influence of Storm Valentine. Destry controlled the Southwestern hemisphere of Renit, glaring up at the other countries. Its strength is its own government, being able to mobilize armies in mere days, and having troops trained so harshly they rivaled Drosin's armies neck to neck.
The Grand Citadel in the center of Renit was a place of peace and cultural integrity. Once a year, the four countries would send their leaders to the Citadel to discuss the continuing stability of peace between the lands.. At a particular meeting, the Destrian representative and military dictator, Storm Valentine, declared war upon the other three countries.
Drosin, Conud and Salfir thought this motion ludicrous, and dismissed Valentine's ruse completely, as if leaving a child crying in the sand. Valentine did not take kindly to this. He led his armies into the defenseless lands of Salfir and took control of the entire coutry within days. Slave Labor and Concentration Camps were set up around Salfir, putting the merchants to work. This cut off all trade to the rest of Renit, which in turn angered the opposing countries.
Drosin and Conud formed an alliance. There armies invaded Destry the next day. Within a week, the armies of Destry had pushed the Drosin and Conud armies fully back into their own territories. It seemed that Drosin and Conud had underestimated Destry, and their armies were feeling the force of their strength. A group of Heroes appeared, combatting the terrifying power of the Destry armies.
Richand Zamikios and Siana Makantes were the leaders of this force, with Oric Halgern, a son of the Royal Family of Drosin, being one of the premiere soldiers. They also enlisted the help of Storm Valentine's son, Drake. They were a force to be reckoned with, combatting Destry's every move and beggining to slowly push Destry back into its own territory. Destry bit back, sending out its own military commaners to fight against the heroes.
Sekhmet, Grand Priest of Destry; Satra Morta, Brutal Battalion Commander; Seth Covull, Mastermind of Destry's antics; and Storm Valentine himself.. After a great many battles between the opposing forces, it seemed as though the heroes were going to win. They had vanquished the obliterating power of Sekhmet, and had slashed down the cruel Satra Morta.
In the final battle, it was Storm and Seth against Oric, Richand, Siana, and Drake. Then, at the last moment, Seth betrayed Storm Valentine, joining the Heroes in their conquest. Storm was outraged, and used the full force of his power against them. After finding out that Storm was immortal and could not be killed, Drake, his son, gripped and restrained him.
Richand summoned the strength of his dead father and all the heroes Valentine had killed, and with Seth's help, banished him into the Void of Eternal Torture. Unfortunately, Drake sacrificed himself in draggin his father to his doom, being sealed along with him in the void.
The bertrayer left for solitude, promising the world peace. The Heroes became celebrities and the world sang of their conquest. The country that followed the villanous Valentine was abolished, all traces of its existence removed by the higher council among the three remaining countries. The world entered a lasting peace, just as the traitor, Seth, had promised. The world had returned to peace, Valentine's reign of terror had been extinguished, and the war was over.....
.... Until now....
15 years later, the world has begun recovered valiantly from the wrath of Valentine. The fight against him is now a mere memory, known as the Destrian Conflict. The Heroes have been living in the public eye, being showered with gifts and thanks from all refugees and families of casualties. The countries have vastly expanded since the Destrian Conflict, with Drosin and Conud giving the former land of Destry over to Salfirian control. The Salfir people suffered the greatest from the conflict, and are taking the longest to rebuild. They still do not have much to hold onto, but their hope is the only thing they truly own anymore.
Rebuilding the populous has not been easy, with many full-fledged past followers of Destry attempting to reclaim the land taken from them over the years. They have been put down all to easily, the Drosin military stopping them in their tracks. Drosin and Conud both learned from the Destrian Conflict greatly, and so they have been amassing armies of their own to combat any threat to the peace. Acts of violence and vandalism, or entire legions of troops fighting to regain Destry control, no force is too big or too small for the Drosin military to handle.
And yet, where there is light, there is always a shadow. And darkness is indeed looking to fall over Renit once more. A group of elite soldiers calling themselves the Destrian Shadows has risen within the past year, attacking numerous cities and shipments in the name of their former country and in honor of their sealed leader. They honor him by burning the villages they attack, and draining the blood from those they kill. The Destrian Shadows have been recognized as the largest terrorist threat since the Destrian Conflict itself.
The Drosin armies are being dwindled against this new force, with the latter relying on guerilla tactics, picking off the armies a few soldiers at a time. Infiltration is another of their key ways to attack, taking a Drosin man's uniform and murdering many of whom he was thought to work with. The seem to have no fear, yet they instill it upon the stability that the three countries have rebuilt over the past 15 years. Nothing is more frightening than fear itself. This fear they use seems to originate in their style, forcing all of Renit's wise men and fortune tellers to tell the people of how, "it will be all right," and, "There is no way Destry could return.." These are hollow truths, and if you look closely enough, many of what people hold onto are hollow truths.
Hope itself is a hollow truth.
They only remaining truth the people of Renit actually beleive in are the ones who saved them before. They hope they will save them again. Hope is many things... It can bring about hidden power, but it can also be a hinderance and the signal that their is no chance of winning. Yet they still hold onto hope, as if it were some sort of perpetual force that could save them from their own doom. And so they hold onto hope, they love it, they feed it, and they let it grow until it can do what they meant for it to do. Save them.
And so now the world calls upon the Heroes once more, to save them from this new threat.....
Realms 2: Rebirth of Evil
sign-ups should look like this=
Alliance: (Drosin, Conud, Salfir are good/ Destry is evil)
Appearance: (a picture is acceptable. otherwise be descriptive)
Bio: (means History. be descriptive)
Role in Realms 1: (if using a returning chacter then breifly summarize what they did. for new characters put N/A)
Theme Song: (optional. put a song you think fits your character)
Any and all are welcome whether you were in Realms 1 or this would be your first RP ever.
1: No bunnying. This means taking control of another persons character without permission. If you have permission place a little note at the beginning of your post. We can't read minds.
2: No God-modding. This means no overpowered characters. There will be some exceptions to this but they will be rare. If I claim it god-mod then it must be edited.
3: Try to use proper grammer and spelling. I know nobodies perfect but try as much as you can. This will ease up a lot of possible confusion.
4: Have Fun!