Xbox or ps3?


Touch My WiiNer ;]
Feb 1, 2009
Wii Online Code
Which one should i get?
Which has better online play?
Better Graphics?
Better Games?
Which one is a better system because im sick of wii and want a system all my other friends have.

Help me out here
Which one should i get?
Which has better online play?
Better Graphics?
Better Games?
Which one is a better system because im sick of wii and want a system all my other friends have.

Help me out here

Don't bother with all them questions, they're completely irrelevant (okay so the games one isn't, but you missed a key word).

Ask yourself this: Which system has more exclusives that you prefer?

That is the one you should get.
Question 1: Topic question

Question 2: Depends on what games you want to play. They are matched evenly in my opinion. 360 has $50 a year online play service with a point system. PS3 has a free network, but I've never played online on mine, and a wallet system that ripped me off of about seven bucks due to in-store taxing added onto the high Canadian taxes when buying a pre-paid card.

Question 3: Irrelevant!!! They both have outstanding capabilities are fairly evenly matched here. Seriously, irrelevant! Next!

Question 4: Okay, think of some game genres you like. Then think of some franchises you like. Then think of particular games you may have tried on either systems. Many games are multi-platform, don't forget that.

Example: Japanese Role-Playing Games, a bunch came OUT on 360, but are getting UPGRADED on the PS3, no joke. So to be on the safe side get a PS3 a Japanese system to play a dominant genre in Japan.

Think of games you like, think of the types of games you want to play.

First Person Shooter games, there are plenty on both. It depends on what YOU want. I'm a guilty Halo geek so I fetched my 360 asap.

Halo, get a 360.
Call of Duty, either.
Disgaea, PS3.

Just an example bud. You know your own tastes, you do your own research. :thumbsup:
really when your used to a wii you cant go wrong with either. lol, but everyones right, just do some of your own research.
Question 1: Topic question

Question 2: Depends on what games you want to play. They are matched evenly in my opinion. 360 has $50 a year online play service with a point system. PS3 has a free network, but I've never played online on mine, and a wallet system that ripped me off of about seven bucks due to in-store taxing added onto the high Canadian taxes when buying a pre-paid card.

Question 3: Irrelevant!!! They both have outstanding capabilities are fairly evenly matched here. Seriously, irrelevant! Next!

Question 4: Okay, think of some game genres you like. Then think of some franchises you like. Then think of particular games you may have tried on either systems. Many games are multi-platform, don't forget that.

Example: Japanese Role-Playing Games, a bunch came OUT on 360, but are getting UPGRADED on the PS3, no joke. So to be on the safe side get a PS3 a Japanese system to play a dominant genre in Japan.

Think of games you like, think of the types of games you want to play.

First Person Shooter games, there are plenty on both. It depends on what YOU want. I'm a guilty Halo geek so I fetched my 360 asap.

Halo, get a 360.
Call of Duty, either.
Disgaea, PS3.

Just an example bud. You know your own tastes, you do your own research. :thumbsup:

i've played online with both. if you have a great connection then the online load speed and framerate is about the same. as for messaging and hooking up with friends though i've gotta say the 360 is better. and the online store is a little better on the PS3 in my opinion, but thats mostly because you only pay for what you want intead of 50$ a year. both have great online, its really just a debate between free or slightly better for 50 a year.

and sadly you are getting ripped off. i buy playstation points cards all the time with no tax.

as for my personal opinion: get the PS3. out of all the exclusives on each system, i wanted more on the PS3. in fact the only 360 exclusive i want is the Halo series
i have a ps3. i DID have a 360 (at the same time as the ps3) but i chose to get rid of it, because they are VERY similar in capabilities...BUT ps3 has a much lower failure rate, and it's quieter and on top of all that it has bluray.

the 360 is really a big gamble in terms of whether it will RROD on you or not. i had to get mine repaired by M$ and it came back and worked good for a while but near the end (after about 6 months) it kept saying the 360 disc was a regular xbox disc and i need to put it in a 360 in order to play it, and the drive tray was having issues...point is, they're both good systems and have their own highs and lows, it's just that PS3 is much more reliable.
i remember when i asked that question.... Lewi T and some other guy "sorry i forgot your name" helped me out...
So what i did was, i got a 360, i had GTA 4 and san andreas with some downloadable games in the harddrive already...but i kind of got bored of it, and i sold it. Bought me a PS3 with games like Madden 09, FNR3, R:Fall Of Man, and Virtua Fighter 5 (i regret buying that fighting so damn complicated) i like my PS3 and i still have it now.. :) but like everyone else said, its your opinion on the games you like (could be exclusives idk) but remember, if you do so happen to get a PS3, just know that DOA is exclusive to the 360, thats the one thing that pissed me off...i love that game!!!
Xbox360 or PS3?

It depends on whether or not you care about blu-ray, if you are willing to pay to play online, and what kind of games you like.

The end.
well monsteroids and bio said it pretty clearly but you made a great choice with the ps3. i personally don't like x box never did, but i do recognize the potential of the system. you should really think about your decision however because you might regret choosing the system you did. one more thing if you wanna play online ask how many of your friends have that system because it's always fun playing with people you know.
if you stick with the ps3 great choice.
Which one should i get?
Which has better online play?
Better Graphics?
Better Games?
Which one is a better system because im sick of wii and want a system all my other friends have.
Help me out here

My first question would be, what do your friends have? I bought a 360, Wii, and PS3 in that order, based on many factors, but buying the 360 first was based purely on the fact that ALL my gaming friends own a 360, one guy owns a 360 and a Wii, and another owns a 360 and a PS3, the rest just the 360... So that's where I went... Right now I am playing the PS3 probably the most, simply because it's my newest toy, I've only had it two weeks. Once the newness wears off (and it's starting to already) I'm pretty sure I'll be playing the 360 far and away the most. I own more games for it obviously since it was my first console, and the new dashboard update is coming shortly, and it has some features I'm sure I'll want to play with and use...

Because more friends owned a 360 and I started with it first, it was the first out this gen, it has the largest library of quality games by far. The Wii likely has the largest library period, but, well you've seen how far that goes... The PS3 looks to have some of the best exclusives... I only have a few games for it so far, but Uncharted 2 looks INCREDIBLE, I need to pick that up SOON! I also have high hopes for God of War 3. As a personal preference I LOVE the 360 controllers, HATE the PS3 controllers... Weird since I really loved my PS1 and PS2... I guess not owning a Sony system for a while, I got used to the 360 controllers, and they just fit my hand like a glove. The PS3 controllers feel kind of small, and the triggers SUCK! But that's just MY personal preference. See what fits YOUR hands better...

So far Home is a joke... Anybody that tells you otherwise is a Sony fanboy IMO... It *could* eventually evolve into something cool, right now, it's NOT...

I'm totally unimpressed with PSN. XBL has spoiled me. True PSN is free... But you really do get what you pay for. I'd rather pay double for XBL than use PSN... But again that's just me... Maybe that too will change with time, as I add more friends to my friend list, and if the cross game chat comes out in a future firmware upgrade as promised. The PSN store is easier to navigate and find things. I think the XMB user interface in the PS3 is faster than the dashboard on the 360, but I find things easier on the 360... But I've had far more experience with that system, so maybe that will change with time as well. Consider your TV or future TV... If you don't own a HDTV and aren't planning to get one soon, the Blu-ray player becomes less of a selling point for the PS3. Although some games will likely be on a single disc on Blu-ray for PS3 as opposed to multiple discs on the 360... There are a lot of games that require installs on the PS3, so consider your hard drive space. Bigger is better almost always. I LOVED how easy it was to swap out the 20 gig drive that came with my PS3 for a new 160 gig drive. The 160 gig drive cost me $25, the 120 gig drive for my 360 was $149.95 Microsoft SCREWS you hard on the hard drives... You really almost have no choice but to get a Microsoft drive... Yeah you *can* go other ways, but they aren't official, and apparently with this new dashboard update, they will no longer work... So it's not wise to mess around... Sony on the other hand makes it easy and cheap to upgrade your HD, a definite plus if you are a file hog like me...

If I could only own ONE system. It would still be the 360. If I could only own two systems, it would be the 360 and the Wii, for the Nintendo exclusives mainly. I'd rather have Nintendo exclusives than Sony exclusives at least at this point... I've been a Nintendo fan since the NES... So it's hard to get away from the frachises you grew up with. This isn't a knock on the PS3, this is just my opinion at this point in time. I can remember saying I'd never own a PS3, I was pissed they removed backwards compatibility. But luckily the slim came out, my buddy wanted one, so he sold me his old backwards compatible PS3 for $200 and threw in 3 games... So far I've picked up more PS2 games than PS3 games... Getting stuff me and the wife missed that we had before we sold off the PS2 and all the stuff with it... Backwards compatibility was key for us.

I'm truly happy I own all 3. I'd rather not part with any of them. I was giving the Wii a lot of love because of all the old VC games I had bought this summer using Pespi/Rockband caps... But since I got GH5/VH and Halo 3 ODST for the 360, and got a PS3, the Wii is collecting dust again... But I'll be dusting it off when New Super Mario Bros. Wii comes out! As for the RRoD on the 360... That's largely been fixed, but *if* it happens, Microsoft has you covered for THREE years... Sony on the other hand... I've been reading more and more about the YLoD for the PS3 and they charge $150 to fix it... This seems to happen most frequently to the 60 gig units from what I've read... The PS3 slim runs cooler and uses less power, so it *should* be less immune to YLoD, but only time will tell... I wouldn't let either issue scare me away from either console personally... For the record... I am on my 3rd 360, and I am the 3rd owner of my current PS3, which was a 20 gig launch model from 2006... Take that how you will... I can say this personally, it sucks when they die, but if it happens you are covered and life goes on... The 360 experience is still worth it for me...

I'd say...

See what your friends have. Try each controller, see what fits your hands the best. Take a long look at the game library for each console. Decide if you are willing to pay $50 a year for XBL. Take all that into consideration, then buy the console that makes the most sense for YOU. :yesnod: I think you will like either one a LOT more than the Wii personally...
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Better Graphics
Free Online
Good Selection of Games
Same Control design as PS Series

xBox 360
Fairly Good Graphics
Pay for Online
Pretty good games (Halo :D)
Same Controller Design as xBox
NOT SURE but no fan in console.
one of my friends was playing for a long time with friends on his 360 so his disk melted and his xbox got messed up
$260 BUT yearly online fee

I'd say PS3 is better because of the better graphics and better games.
xBox 360
Fairly Good Graphics
Pay for Online
Pretty good games (Halo :D)
Same Controller Design as xBox
NOT SURE but no fan in console.
one of my friends was playing for a long time with friends on his 360 so his disk melted and his xbox got messed up
$260 BUT yearly online fee

I'd say PS3 is better because of the better graphics and better games.

Put the crack pipe down and step away from the keyboard.

*Most* games currently developed use the 360 as the lead system, and port the game to the PS3, so the graphics you refer to be better on the PS3... That's on paper, not in the real world on the majority of cross platform titles.

So you pay for online, big deal. It's less than $1 per week. You get what you pay for XBL SMOKES PSN.

Same controller design as Xbox? NOT EVEN CLOSE. Wow have you even used an Xbox or a 360??? The 360 has the most comfortable controller made, and the most logical layour for the left analog stick, I can't stand the PS3 controller in comparison. The PS3 controller does however have the superior D-pad, not that the D-pad is used that much anymore...

No fans? Dude the Wii has a fan, and not even half the horsepower as a 360. Of course it has FANS. If your friends disk MELTED, he's a retard. He must of been sitting his 360 on top of the stove and turning the burners on. You could block every single opening in the case, and the system would error out and shut down before the disc would get damaged from heat. I've played my 360 for up to 20 hours at a time, and NEVER had a problem with heat.

You may want to do some research and actually play each console before offering up advice to somebody else and telling them things you *think* are true based off info you apparently *heard*, *read*, or simply pulled out of your ass.

I own all 3 consoles. I LIVE on my 360 still. I give my PS3 a little gaming love, mostly due to Demon's Souls right now, and my Wii has been collecting dust for months... Playing Moderm Warfare 2 on the 360 at the moment...

On paper the PS3 is the better system hands down. In practice, it's a great Blu-ray player, the 360 is the best gaming console... That's MY own persoanl opinion. I buy everything that is multi platform for the 360, based on the fact the controllers are the best, and the online is the best. I use the PS3 to watch Blu-rays and play Sony exclusives. I use the Wii to play classic VC games and Nintendo exclusives...

Can't wait for New Super Mario Bros. Wii, I'll have to dust of my console this weekend... The PS3 has better games? Maybe this year's exclusives are better, but that's up to debate... Overall the 360 has a vastly larger library and it has a lot more exclusives than Halo. I'm not even going to start listing them, you can look them up.
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Xbox vs PS3?

Why not 360 vs PS3 then its a bit more even

I'd say PS3 is better because of the better graphics and better games.
But there have been a few cross platform comparison shots and the 360 wins most of the time (unless its Ninja Gaiden where they have had more time spent on it)

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