Your take on disabilities

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WiiChat Member
May 21, 2007
hey! I want to know your take on mental and physical disabilities. Any opinions are accepted as long as they are not intentionally hurtful or discriminating. I myself know many disabled people and they can be the nicest people.
My cousin Ben has an autism, he's a pretty good kid...although, kind of selfish..he's spoiled rotten.
They are retarded, so what? Are you asking if we should kill them off or something?

They are fine.
I once had a retarted kid named Billy jump on my back and everybody laughed at me for getting humped by Billy. The next time he did it I threw him over my shoulders and onto the pavement. Didn't hurt him though. True story.
we should reject them from our lives, at least, this is what Disney's Happy Feet, teaches us.
Sovieto said:
why is this (MUST READ)?


I was thinking the same thing what an idiot he just wants people to read his thread. know you made this thread to get some reppies...or maybe this:

GAHH.. I hate all retards. we should go nazi on them. Hitler just missed with the jews..shoulda got the tards first....

</sarcasm> Wow....I know I'm gonna get misquoted on that one

Edit: removed white....
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Brawny said: know you made this thread to get some reppies...or maybe this:

GAHH.. I hate all retards. we should go nazi on them. Hitler just missed with the jews..shoulda got the tards first....

</sarcasm> Wow....I know I'm gonna get misquoted on that one

nope your post couldve been summed up with one word, troll.
Brawny said: know you made this thread to get some reppies...or maybe this:

GAHH.. I hate all retards. we should go nazi on them. Hitler just missed with the jews..shoulda got the tards first....

</sarcasm> Wow....I know I'm gonna get misquoted on that one
I see the white but that still isn't funny at all.
Well what does he expect us to say? Really?

I'm fine with mentally and physically handicapped people. Who really cares? yeah, it's annoying when a certain kid grabs your ass every day in the hall, but you deal. Sorry people. jeez.
Brawny said:
GAHH.. I hate all retards. we should go nazi on them. Hitler just missed with the jews..shoulda got the tards first....

Wow....I know I'm gonna get misquoted on that one

I don't see how... I think you made yourself perfectly clear.... :scared:
Pretty sure Screams SERIOUS post should be more offensive than the point I was trying to make.

You really think there's somebody out there who would post what I said? But mean it? THAT'S what I'm saying.

Ever heard of "A Modest Proposal" you should read it sometime.
I work in special education in a public high school. I have had students with behavior disorders, emotional disturbances, learning disabilities, aspergers, autism, OCD, etc. I work with it all. No problems with people from me at all.

Now, I focus on behavior/emotional problems. Makes my day go by quicker.
Yes, I was in "connections" at my school as well. I liked it a lot.

Those stupid AP classes made me stop though :/
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