Get Your Own Opinion! [A Bandwagon Rant]


An Instant Classic
Apr 4, 2007
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[Sponsored by the Soulja Boy thread]

You know what I'm talking about. The things that are 'cool' to hate, but that many people are misinformed about. And then there's the even larger number of people that hate them simply because everyone else does.

-George W. Bush
-World Wrestling Entertainment
-Rap Music
-the New York Yankees
-Nintendo [Wii]

The list could go on for miles. I'm not taking a stand on any of these issues, I'm just pointing them out.

So please, go inform yourselves on the issues. Form your own opinion. Defend it with your newfound knowledge. Its as simple as that, and until then, don't make an opinion.

You can point out things that you feel similarly about, and you can even feel free to strike up a debate if you know what you're talking about. I personally welcome any and all stereotypical wrassling comments.
i seriously don't like soulja boy.....

but i do agree with you on george bush

"i hate george bush"
"he's stupid"
"uhh idn he just is"

(note-i don't like george bush, but at least i can list some reasons)

another thing is ford

i perfer toyota, but a lot of people say ford's crap.....with no reasoning
LevesqueIsKing said:
You know what I'm talking about. The things that are 'cool' to hate, but that many people are misinformed about. And then there's the even larger number of people that hate them simply because everyone else does. (George is comparable to Forrest in many other ways too.)

-George W. Bush
meh, I don't think people hate on G.Dubya because it's cool, but I do think they pick on him because it's easy to do. Dubya is to pop culture as Forrest Gump was, extremely popular and the punchline to a long series of jokes.

I can't say Dubya is hated, as there seems to be a lot of closet Bush lovers out there, he was elected twice you know. ;) Despite both those wins being a narrow victories, with those kinda odds there just doesn't seem to be enough "haters" to make it the majority, even all the popular rhetoric which seems otherwise.

I understand your point though, and also wish people would stop promoting the masses and start thinking for themselves.

( BTW - Not a Bush fan, just wanted to make sure that was straight. :lol: )
LOL wrestling is so fake omg, y do u like it??!!!1
OMG i h8 bush he's an idiot!!!!!!!
rap is crap

...You win at posting, Tyler =)
Couldn't have said it better. Haha, that's why I once had an avatar here that said "I hated Bush before it was cool". I got so irritated when there was the huge surge of anti-war/anti-Bush-ness 1.5 years after the Iraq war had started.
Chute said:
wrestling is fake though
That's not my point. My point is that's what people use to discredit it as valid entertainment. They immediately go there, because that's the general consensus. It's so old.
That's why I idolize Waluigi.

Obviously he is a completely retarded character, but that's what makes him so awesome!

He was actually rated the most hated character of any Nintendo game, and there was a petition to have him removed :lol:

Any idiot can have Mario or Link as their favorite character, but where is the originality?

Long live His Purple Majesty!
FRuMMaGe said:
That's why I idolize Waluigi.

Obviously he is a completely retarded character, but that's what makes him so awesome!

He was actually rated the most hated character of any Nintendo game, and there was a petition to have him removed :lol:

Any idiot can have Mario or Link as their favorite character, but where is the originality?

Long live His Purple Majesty!

and any idiot can have waluigi as their favourite character

i used to like waluigi, cause he represents me(skinny and lankey) but being a completly retarded character gets annoying after a while

sorta like family guy

mario kicks ass
Bush is working on a 145 billion dollar tax refund, he hasn't learned that his tax refunds are dumb. Most of the candidates are running on working against the refunds and now Bush is making it harder. Seriously, when i get a lot of money back at one time, my parents make me save at least half of it. Even without my parents persuasion i start to feel guilty if i don't save most of it. I'm sure thats what everyone else does too. BTW saving money and keeping it untouched in a bank is VERY bad for the economy. Good for you however, i wonder if i will get any back, (i have a job too.)

I agree with KrisKaos too, it's very easy and funny to make fun of dubya.
Well played Levesque, I agree with a few of them - namely Rap music (by Rap music, I mean Hip-hop). People make assumptions that the likes of Soulja Boy and 50 Cent generalises for the whole of the genre (though I realise they're rap); where the majority of people don't even realise that some Hip-hop is poetry.
And yeah, stuff like wrestling and politics as well. I've even found myself saying OMFGZORS GEORGE BUSH IS A COCKZ, and never really realised why. (though the fact that US and UK are sending soldiers out here and there is blamed on him - tad his fault?).
Wrestling being fake.. of course they're not kicking the shite out of eachother. Keyword : Entertainment.

The end.
napoleon dynamite was an awesome movie. everyone loved it (which is why it became so popular) then a group of people started saying it sucks just to stand out, now everyone thinks it sucks when everyone i knew at the time loved it?! wtf is up with that.
Sovieto said:
napoleon dynamite was an awesome movie. everyone loved it (which is why it became so popular) then a group of people started saying it sucks just to stand out, now everyone thinks it sucks when everyone i knew at the time loved it?! wtf is up with that.

i thought it was funny....but than so many people kept talking about it for like a month straight, and i got really sick of it, i just thought everyone had this experience

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