Abstinence. Your views?


Isn't here as much
Oct 28, 2006
Wii Online Code
I was just browsing the internet forums and I came across a thread.
Then it got me thinking. This part is extremely beside-the-point.

So anyways.

What do you guys think about abstinence?
That is, having sex until you're married.

Internet gamers tend to share the same characteristics, such as a love for metal/rock, a hate for George Bush, and even the same views on abstinence.

The current internet gamer view is they don't support it.

But anyways, there's even a GPA (Goverment's Program on Abstinence) club at my school (in my opinion, half the people don't need to be in there ;O I'm not in it myself, 'cause I don't need a club to tell me what I am and ain't.).

But I myself am abstinent.

You guys?

Be immature and I'll rip your eyes out of their sockets.
Or at least I'll imagine myself doing so.
So before anyone bes immature -- Don't.
I think it is fine for people who have been raised into a religion and are told abstinence is the true path.

However, to the people who are not corrupted by propaganda and lies, I think abstinence is unnatural, unnescesary (can't spell :lol: ) and a waste of one of the best feelings the body can experience.
Wow, don't need a school program for it....but yes, I agree...makes everything so much simpler. You don't have to worry about:

Teen pregnancy (and abortion)
AIDS (yes, it deserves its own point)
Emotional devastation (be it kids, break-ups..w/e)

Edit @ frummage: because itchy genitals is THE best feeling evarrrr111one!!!!1111!11111
Trulen said:
The current internet gamer view is they don't support it.
thats becuase their only gonna get it once and they no it so they take their shot at the only opritunity.................jk
well i just wanted to ask a few questions also... well im on the high school football team and i got a girlfreind right, and all the football guys have been "presurring" me... i think that she is really hot! and i love her personality and laugh and everything ive been goin out with her for like 8 months. i dont want it to be too fast or anything and i don't think i shouldbe doing those acts before i know she is the one... wut do you guys say go for it or wait it out?...
my view on this is that you have to test the car before you buy it. if ya catch my drift :ihih:

but seriously, Abstinence isn't something I think i'll go with. i wont grow up to be a pornstar or anything and be all, "ZOMFG SEXZORZ NAO!SHIFT + 1!!!!1"
Desi_Wii_G said:
well i just wanted to ask a few questions also... well im on the high school football team and i got a girlfreind right, and all the football guys have been "presurring" me... i think that she is really hot! and i love her personality and laugh and everything ive been goin out with her for like 8 months. i dont want it to be too fast or anything and i don't think i shouldbe doing those acts before i know she is the one... wut do you guys say go for it or wait it out?...
wait trust me.....just wait a month or until you have a backup girl just incase she dumps you.....
oxhaker said:
wait trust me.....just wait a month or until you have a backup girl just incase she dumps you.....
well u know i was thinkin of waitin like after mariige... man i feel so dumb talkin about this on a furom but i need answers i guess... sigh... =/
I like girls who are smarter than me, therefore, I shall always be abstinent not only from my choice directly, but my inherent choice indirectly.
I don't believe in the sanctity of marriage, therefore I don't believe in or practice abstinence.
You can be sensible and careful about sex without waiting until you're married. Marriage is falsely sacred and of no importance. Sex is about passion, lust, intimacy, love, procreation...marriage isn't an integral component to ANY of those things, therefore I deem it completely unnecessary for the act.
Brawny said:
I like girls who are smarter than me, therefore, I shall always be abstinent not only from my choice directly, but my inherent choice indirectly.

Didn't follow a word of that.

And Desi, I think you're awesome.
Frogger said:
Didn't follow a word of that.

And Desi, I think you're awesome.
lol thx frogger.i dunno i just feel lost sometimes, and the guy who said who doesnt beleive in marrige i can agree to you... but in some peoples eyes (like me) we think that marrige is a true commitment, it means that you two are attached. mrrige means that you are ready to take any obsticles as a pair not single but other people think that marrige is a fraud and can see where u r comin from but its not like that to me...
Frogger said:
Didn't follow a word of that.

And Desi, I think you're awesome.

First, I like smarter girls...most of them would then agree with me on my point of view...therefore, not only is my own choice keeping me abstinent, but her choice as well :)

And I agree with 2 also..... Eh...I guess it comes down to...is sex "making love" or merely "f*cking".

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