Zelda game data lost, should i do it again?


Computer animator
Oct 22, 2007
Best of England: Suffolk
Why is it lost?
Because my Wii was faulty, i took it back to Asda/Wall mart, and i forgot to put the data on an SD card ToT I personally thought that Twilight was quite boring for the last Zelda game, unlike ocarina of time or Majora's mask ;3
Should i do it again when i get my Wii back for mental health?
Or try to forget about it?
I would do it again.
Redoing the stuff you already have done wouldn't take as long, plus its worth it in the long run. Game gets better as it progresses, but I loved it from the start.
Play it after a while; like when you complete another game, because then you'll probably get more enjoyment out of it if you forgot what you did in it.
RadNad said:
Play it after a while; like when you complete another game, because then you'll probably get more enjoyment out of it if you forgot what you did in it.

I second this.
Wait a while, then play again. I did this when I accidentally deleted my Metroid Prime 2 data. I still use it with my Silent Hill games(and others, but SH2 and 3 get this treatment more often), once every two months, I pick a SH game and I play it in the dark on Hard mode for a week or until I beat it. Works better when school isn't in session but hey, it helps keep the games fresh to me.
Lamar/TBD said:
Why is it lost?
Because my Wii was faulty, i took it back to Asda/Wall mart, and i forgot to put the data on an SD card ToT I personally thought that Twilight was quite boring for the last Zelda game, unlike ocarina of time or Majora's mask ;3
Should i do it again when i get my Wii back for mental health?
Or try to forget about it?
I know how you feel with playing it over again. I got my first wii last Christmas and was playing it all the time, then some time in March the wii just got corrupted and I lost all my memory! It majorly sucked big time, so I started ALL over again when I got my second wii. I got up to the part where you make your sword glow and dealing with those stupid hand thingys, which was a pain in the a**, and what would you know my wii starts freezing like crazy! I didn't really think of it until I get a text at college saying the wii is fried! I was so pissed because I didn't save my Zelda game upto date, i only saved it at the sky temple, so now i have another new wii and the game is sitting there. I love the game, its a lot of fun, but I am just so sick of playing and lossing everything, its my own fault for not saving it on my SD card. I sit here and comtimplate if I should start playing it again or not. Not only did I lose my Zelda stuff but I lost all my other games as well. :scared: So note to everyone, save save save!
Dude, you are not the only one. My Twillight data was erased to. I was really far about the sky tempole. But hey, I did it again and I got 20 hearts, all 9 dongens (It would not let me save), and every thing else, even cave of ordels.
I JUST NEED 3 MORE POLE SOLES!!!! (I have 57 of them).
I acually found new passages and new secrets when I did it again so yes do it.

Need help with cave ordels?
Go to how to defeat cave of ordeals thread.
Tough man. I wouldn't have the patience to go through with it again.

Do it though. Zelda: Twilight Princess is an amazing game. I just started (got my wii Xmas 2007), and I love it.